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Re: purple lojban
> Poet and semi-Lojbanist Michael Helsem created the word zirjbo
> ("purple Lojban") and it's adjectival counterpart jbozi'u
> ("lojbanically purple") as intentional malglico puns based on
> the phrase "purple prose".
> Not so malglico. The phrase appears in Latin; it's used by the
> poet Horace.
> Michael also did a lot of work with rhyming dictionaries and the like.
> He considered that reaaranged letters might be another substitute for
> rhyme: stani/tsani/tansi.
Similar alliterations also appear in Latin. Look at the following
verses by Virgil (Eclogue III, 109-111):
> et uitula tu dignus, et hic, et quisquis *amores*
> aut metuet dulcis, aut experietur *amaros*.
> Claudite *iam riuos*, pueri; sat prata biberunt.
Paulo S. L. M. Barreto -- Software Analyst -- Unisys Brazil
Standard disclaimer applies ("I do not speak for Unisys", etc.)
e'osai ko sarji la lojban.