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Re: purple lojban

ever-edudite John Cojban:
> la lojbab. cusku di'e
> > Poet and semi-Lojbanist Michael Helsem created the word zirjbo

Why "semi-Lojbanist"? I believe he's the author of the only published
book written in Lojban.

> > ("purple Lojban") and it's adjectival counterpart jbozi'u
> > ("lojbanically purple") as intentional malglico puns based on
> > the phrase "purple prose".
> Not so malglico.  The phrase appears in Latin; it's used by the
> poet Horace.

Maybe it might get called mabla latmo then. But I don't see why
it's mabla. It's all very well for Lojban to be culturally
neutral (not that it is - it is thoroughly occidental) but I don't
see why its speakers are supposed to be. Being culturally partisan
is a birthright of every European.
