sirius: yo in jail yet ?
ncl93dev: .. and other facist countries :)
euclid: yankeez aint no good at squash
talon: you hangin' out wit some truely scraggy bitches
mert: how would you pronounce filet-o-fish?
don duck: how were the greek isles ?
neuron: .. I'm about to hit a chestnut tree
king dan: at least you been active
priest: we miss you!!
vade: nigga's in hats and hoods....
burglar: win95 harder than you thought ?
twl: you and blonde going on lunch ?
blonde: where were you in IR six ?
halflife: #hack is sooooooooo boring
retro: dont work too hard :)
levski: leaf.. erk!
antigen: you can run but you cant hide. :)
squidgualator ][: why do you hate me ? :P
sepultura: it's as if it never happened
redmare: it's been so long..
rilo: learn up them win95 AV techniques
tuir: sorry bout that voting thingy
VOiCE: come kick it wit da rest of us
fury: where's my bat virus ?
omega: Quantum != Metabolis
redh: see you at 0600, sir
bullier: save ferris!
case: offical vlad bug tester
evil avatar: seen you once in the last 6 months
memory lapse: cant remember where you put your assembler ?
garbage heap: I hear 40hex15 out in 2 weeks (or 2 years) ?
lookout man: how was vegas ?
dark angel: what's with this '-' shit ?!?!
redback: bring yo volvo back to .au
billy the kid: we in da diz
mmir: fists out with Unforgiven again ?
Galar: keep yo keen eye on the WWW
dark fiber: are you a mind reader or something ?
kryptik: didnt I see you outside my daughter's school ?
a-o: get yoself an internet connection
RhinceWind: you'll go insane without us.
xalopp: protecting yo rep by not joining #virus ?
cybah: McBacon Deluxe.. mmmmm
Automag: uni keeps you busy I guess
stormbringer: where's your cmp virus ?
pryme: I h8 it when ewe aint around
shadseek: thanx for da warez nigga
ripmax: ozemail still runnin' fast ?
zhuge jin: oink, oink!