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Some tergi'u with features - tentative

As I explained in previous mails, I think each terbri (and
gadri, and sumtcita, and some other cmavo) have a collection
of features, which can be used to determine some sort of
categorical consistency of sentences. Here is my first attempt
at assigning some. I'm sure it will be much modified. It
covers bacru to benji.


Tentative list of features.
Some of these I am sure are useful, others I put in because I
thought they might be, but they may turn out not to be.

Some features imply others (or the absence of others)
Where an implication is specified,
both need not of course be specified explicitly for a terbri,
but sometimes they are both specified in the list below for
I think that +set is incompatible with most other features
(not all), but I think there might be value in allowing '+set
+feature' where the '+feature' applies to members of the set,
so I have put these in sometimes, in parenthesis. Only
practice will tell whether this works.

abstract        - abstraction (-> -concrete)
activity        - (-> +event)
animal          - (-> +bio)
bio             - biological
concept         - concept (-> +abstract)
concrete        - concrete (-> -abstract)
emot            - (capable of) emotion
event           - (-> +abstract)
kind            - species or sort (-> +abs)
location        -
mass            - is (treated as) a mass. Is consistent with most other
                        features, which may be inherited from its components.
pers            - personal (not nec. human)
plant           - plant (-> bio)
property        - (-> abstract)
proposition     - (-> abstract)
purpose         - (-> abstract)
set             - is a set
shape           -
standard        - (not nec +abstract)
state           - (-> +abstract)
substance       - (-> concrete)
text            - text (not nec written) (-> +abstract)
vol             - volitional

^: unspecified (sometimes mentioned for emphasis)
?: I'm not sure whether this feature is there, usually because
I'm not quite sure of the meaning.

bacru           utter                   -set +pers +vol
se bacru        uttered                 -set +text
badna           banana                  -set +concrete +plant +shape
se badna        banana species          -set +concept +plant +kind
badri           sad                     -set +pers +emot
se badri        object of sadness       +abstract +concept
bajra           run                     -set +concrete +vol
se bajra        running surface         -set +concrete +location
te bajra        running limb            -set +concrete
ve bajra        running gait            -set +abstract +concept
bakfu           bundle                  -set +concrete +shape
se bakfu        contents of bundle      -set +concrete
te bakfu        wrapping of bundle      -set +concrete
bakni           bovine                  -set +concrete +animal
se bakni        bovine species          -set +concept +animal +kind
bakri           chalk                   -set +substance
se bakri        source of chalk         -set
te bakri        form of chalk           -set +shape
baktu           bucket                  -set +shape +concrete +container
se baktu        contents of bucket      -set +concrete
te baktu        material of bucket      -set +substance
balji           bulb                    -set +plant +concrete +shape
se balji        plant with bulb         -set +plant (^concrete ^kind)
balni           balcony                 -set +concrete +shape
se balni        balconied               -set +concrete
balre           blade                   -set +concrete +shape
se balre        bladed                  -set +concrete
balvi           future                  -set +event
se balvi        has in its future       -set +event
bancu           beyond
se bancu        bound beyond which
te bancu        reference for beyond
ve bancu        beyondness property     -set +abstract
bandu           defend                  -set +event
se bandu        defended
te bandu        defended against        -set +event
banfi           amphibian               -set +animal +concrete
se banfi        amphibian species       -set +animal +kind +abstract
bangu           language                -set +concept
se bangu        people with language    +vol +pers
banli           great
se banli        greatness property      -set +property
te banli        greatness standard      -set +standard
banro           grow                    -set
se banro        grown                   -set                                    te banro        grown from
banxa           bank                    -set ?concrete ?location
se banxa        banker                  -set
te banxa        function of bank        -set +activity
banzu           suffice                 -set +concrete
se banzu        purpose sufficed        -set +purpose
te banzu        sufficiency conditions  +state
bapli           force                   -set +property
se bapli        force                   -set +event
barda           big
se barda        bigness dimension       -set +property
te barda        bigness standard        +standard
bargu           arch                    -set +concrete +shape
se bargu        arched over             -set +concrete
te bargu        material of arch        -set +substance
barja           bar                     -set +concrete +location
se barja        served in bar           -set +concrete
te barja        customer of bar         -set +concrete +pers +vol
barna           mark                    -set +concrete
se barna        marked                  -set +concrete
te barna        material of mark        -set +substance
bartu           out
se bartu        has outside
basna           emphasize               -set +vol
se basna        emphasized
te basna        emphasis                -set +activity
basti           replace
se basti        replaced
te basti        replacement conditions  +state
batci           bite                    -set +concrete
se batci        bitten                  -set +concrete
te batci        locus of bite           -set +location
batke           button                  -set +concrete
se batke        has button              -set +concrete
te batke        purpose of button       -set +purpose
ve batke        material of button      -set +substance
bavmi           barley                  -set +concrete +plant
se bavmi        barley species          -set +plant +kind
baxso           Malay-Indonesian        -set
se baxso        Malay-Ind aspect        -set +abstract +property?
bebna           foolish                 -set +vol? +pers?
se bebna        foolishness             -set +property
bemro           North American          -set
se bemro        North American aspect   -set +abstract +property?
bende           crew                    +mass -set +concrete
se bende        members of crew         +set (+pers)
te bende        lead crew               -set +pers +vol
ve bende        purpose of crew         +purpose
bengo           Bengali                 -set
se bengo        Bengali aspect          -set +abstract +property?
benji           transfer                -set +vol
se benji        transfered
te benji        receive transfer        -set +concrete
ve benji        transmitter             -set +concrete
xe benji        means of transfer       -set