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TECH: nunsucta sidbo
Some thoughts in response to Ian:
1) Re: Desperately seeing properties
Distinction between predicate and function:
I started out from quantifiable properties and
the need to separate predication and function.
I took me a while to get things straightened out
but now I think we can pair "ni" and "jei" together
the same way we pair "ka" and "du'u":
quality quantity
predicate du'u jei
function ka ni
Example pairs:
du'u/ka mi djuno le du'u ko'a ctuca
ko'a ckaji le ka [ko'a] ctuca
jei/ni mi djuno le jei ko'a slabu
I know the extent to which he is old
NOTE: not necessarily merely whether he
is old or not (cf. JC)
ko'a zenba le ni slabu
2) Identifying focus points
There we certainly seem to have problems. I think, however,
that we can solve a number of them by separating quantization
from quantification:
mi djuno le du'u do citka xokau plise
I know how many apples you eat.
mi zmadu do le ka [dakau] citka tu'o plise
I exceed you in the quality of eating a number of apples
I don't think the latter example exhibits a more illegitimate
use of "ka" than any other one of the comparison examples.
The focus isn't so much on the quantity of eating as on the
number of apples. This is quite different from
mi zmadu do le ni [dakau] bajra le klaji
I exceed you in the quantity of running on the streets
Well, actually I think "ka" would do there, too (or else all
the other examples ought to have "ni" - exceeding implies
quantification, after all.)
If we do not want to focus on the number of the apples, we just
mi zmadu do le ka citka le plise
The real problem is separating
I know B exceeds C in being loved
I know in loving whom B exceeds C
There are two possibilities if we don't want to introduce new
A) leave the 1st case unmarked:
mi djuno le du'u by cmadu cy le ka prami da
This presents a problem if "da" is in use already.
B) use a marked "ma" in the 2nd one:
mi djuno le du'u by cmadu cy le ka prami makau
This might be OK - especially if question cmavo were
always used in indirect questions.
co'o mi'e veion
.i mi du la'o sy. Veijo Vilva sy.