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Re: old mail response

la lojbab cusku di'e
> If you can find the erroneous/misleading lesson usage of "ti", please
> let me know so we get it fixed.

>From the minilesson:

>>> mi tavla zo'e tu ti     means   I talk to someone about that thing yonder
>>>                                 in this language.

Also, I was confused by:

>>>    mi tavla do ti         I talk to you about this.

In the above English expression, I would say that "this" is often, if not
usually, an abstract topic, rather than a pointable object. I did not
interpret it as the referent of any previous sentence, but rather as
the topic at hand, the same as in the case of the language. I thought that
the "pointing" was more figurative than literal.

> There is no cmavo anaphora for "the whole situation", but something like
> levi tcini might do.  "levi" "leva" often work as substitutes for "this"
> and "that" in English.

So "vi" does not refer to space only? Also, I don't understand what "tcini"
means. What would be the x2 of "tcini" in the situation I was describing,
which was that I wanted to refer to Spanish-speaking Americans, and not to
American fragrances, as my mistaken rafsi suggested.

> >A question:  I used djica to say what I "wanted" to say, but actually I
> >wanted to say that I "intended" to say something, not "desired".  Is
> >there a better gismu for this?
> If no one answered: "platu" might work.

The answers I got suggested the use of ".ai", but this often doesn't work,
especially when refering to someone else's intentions. I don't think "platu"
does it. I was not planning or plotting to say anything, I was just saying
it without any premeditation, just an intended meaning, which turned out
not to be the one I actually got. Later on, when chatting with And, I noticed
that he used the x3 of "zukte" for this meaning, and this is the best I've
seen so far, so I used it as well.

co'o mi'e xorxes