The Space Quest series is just chock full of memorable
and humorous quotations. Admit it--you probably have at least a few favorites of your own. Below, you'll find some classic lines from Roger's many galactic misadventures. If you would like to add a quotation of your own to
this list, please feel free to mail them to me along with
who said them, in which game they were said, and the general context of
the quote! In the meantime, enjoy Quoth the Janitor...
Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter
"Not far below you is a large horizontal plane which proves
beneficial in maximizing the exploitation of gravity."
-- Narrator, upon checking out the
ground on Kerona (contributed by Jess) |
"Mommy, how come all the other kids in class get new mops
and I don't?"
-- Roger, hallucinating
from thirst on Kerona
(contributed by Jess) |
"That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must have
been filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way."
-- Narrator, after Rog
sips from the pool on Kerona
(contributed by Diane) |
"It appears that you are up the proverbial estuary without
a means of locomotion."
-- Keronian alien,
assessing Roger's situation
(contributed by Jess) |
"If the robot droid could laugh, which it is not programmed
to do, it would do so. Your pulseray is only effective against living
-- Narrator, after Rog
fires on the droid
(contributed by Jess) |
Sarien Guard: "Hey bud, what's with the helmet indoors?"
Roger: "Ssshh! I'm hiding from the boss."
-- As Roger sneaks around
the Deltaur in disguise
(contributed by Jess) |
Roger: "Gotta light?"
Sarien Guard: "Sorry, don't drink."
-- Aboard the Deltaur
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"The odor coming from your person makes you regret
skipping last month's shower."
Narrator, when Roger smells himself
(contributed by Roland Jones) |
"Better not. You're likely to get a fur ball."
Narrator, when Roger tastes himself
(contributed by Roland Jones) |
"This is Blanche. You had been wanting to get to know her
a bit better. Unfourtunately, seeing her like this is reveals more of
her than you wanted to know."
Narrator, as Roger examines a dead crewmate
(contributed by Roland Jones) |
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge
"Didn't you learn anything in the last game? You can't expose bare human to the harshness of space!"
-- Narrator, as Roger
"exposes himself" aboard XOS 4
(contributed by Jess) |
"I intend to infest your planet with
genetically-engineered, door-to-door insurance salesmen."
-- Sludge Vohaul
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"The guard appears to be less thick than you remember him.
Many of his formerly contained body fluids seem to be at large."
-- Narrator, as Roger
examines Vohaul's goon post-crash (contributed by
Jess) |
"Life sucks... again."
-- Narrator, during introduction (contributed by Christian
Giegerich) |
Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon
AstroChicken, after a successful landing (contributed by Yogi
Nova) |
"Only a dumb moron would fall for that tourist trap! Suddenly,
you feel like a dumb moron."
-- Narrator, on Phleebhut (contributed by
Divalium) |
"You get the ladder and put it in your pocket. Ouch."
-- Narrator,
aboard junk freighter
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
-- Mark Crowe, as the Aluminum Mallard hurtles out of
control (contributed by Jess) |
"Sudden decompression sucks!"
-- Death message, after
attempting to blast out of the garbage freighter without shields
(contributed by Jimbo) |
"My, this is one hot planet! But you don't care; you're
protected with Thermoweave Underwear!"
-- Narrator, when Roger
arrives on Ortega
(contributed by Rebecca) |
"So, how do you like the game so far? Was it worth the
Scott, as Roger and the Two Guys escape Pestulon (contributed by
Rebecca) |
Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
"We rejoin our friend and semi-hero, Roger Wilco..."
-- Narrator, during
introduction (contributed by Divalium) |
"It's you--Roger Wilco: Space Guy."
-- Narrator, as Roger looks at
himself (contributed by Seth Dahlgren) |
"Casually glancing at the status bar, you notice you're
in Space Quest 12..."
-- Narrator, as Roger
first appears in SQ12
(contributed by Jess) |
"This rough area tastes strangely like blood. Oh, that is
blood! You shredded your tongue! Your mother should have warned you about
licking strange areas."
-- Narrator, Xenonian sewers (contributed by Hans
Christian van Nijkerk) |
"Let me go,, witch!"
-- Roger, facing torture
by the Latex Babes
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Thanks for playing Space Quest IV. As usual, you've been a
real pantload!"
-- Narrator, death message
(contributed by Dopefish) |
"It smells like cotton candy, roses, and fresh roasted peanuts.
-- Narrator, Xenonian
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"Sucking on a bottle of ketchup doesn't seem to satisfy
you, no matter what the government says."
-- Narrator, upon tasting
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Oh, this doesn't taste good!"
-- Roger, upon licking
the Skate-O-Rama steps
(contributed by Datadog) |
"I bet you wish you could."
-- Narrator, when Roger
tries to lick himself
(contributed by Sarah J.) |
"Ahh! The aroma of several adventure games emanates from
your person."
-- Narrator, when Roger
sniffs himself
(contributed by Sarah J.) |
"It's a button with a strange symbol on it. Perhaps it means
'self-destruct', or maybe 'change return.'"
-- Narrator, in Time Pod
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"...and finally... FINALLY... nothing much happens.
That must be an invalid code. Try again."
-- Narrator,
as Roger attempts to activate the time pod
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"Better watch your step!
That was a looooong step."
-- Narrator,
as Rog strolls off the edge of Vohaul's compound
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
Monolith Manager: Would you like to apply for a job?
Roger: I can cook.
Manager: Sorry, but no dice, what with you being female and all.
Roger: Why you cheap chauvinist pig!
-- Roger applying
for a job in drag
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Mmm...wild berry!"
-- Roger, after tasting
red building on Xenon
(contributed by Jess) |
"What, ain't monochrome good enough for ya?"
-- Monochrome Brother,
talking with Roger
(contributed by Liam Smith) |
"Scratching your head doesn't make it work any better. It
only loosens unsightly dandruff."
-- Narrator, when Roger's
feeling pensive
(contributed by Diane) |
"I'm sorry, I lost my boots and the legs of my pants in a
deadly fight with a giant seaslug, which I won in the nick of time with
my clever thinking and my, uh... cleverness."
-- Roger, while procuring
pants at the Galleria
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"You'll hit your head and say: 'Boy, how stupid could I have
been. A moron could've figured this out. I must be a real dimwit. A
pathetic nimnal. A wretched idiotic excuse for a human being for not
having figured these simple puzzles out in the first place!'"
-- Narrator, describing the SQ4
hintbook (contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"Augh! You had to taste it! Well, you now know it tastes
more like dead gerbils than cotton candy."
-- Narrator, upon licking
the Arcade
(contributed by Datadog) |
"You sure ask a lot of questions for a janitor!"
-- Roger Jr., noting
Roger's inquisitive nature
(contributed by Diane) |
"You obviously don't resemble a blonde woman. What a surprise."
-- Narrator, as Roger tries
the ATM without his disguise
(contributed by Jess) |
"You never noticed how much adventure game players tend to
smell like potato chips, beer, and money"
-- Narrator, Galaxy Galleria
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"As you change your clothes, you notice you have INCREDIBLE
animal magnetism....or maybe that's just a lack of deoderant?"
-- Narrator, as Rog changes
at the Galaxy Galleria
(contributed by Yogi Nova) |
"I taste like crunchy toejam sauteed in vinegar!"
-- Pickle, in Monolith
Burger Assembly Line
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Ain't you the guy that broke my slot machine?"
-- Keronian Bartender,
recognizing Roger
(contributed by Liam Smith) |
"Take it from someone who knows sick: licking corpses is
going waaay beyond demented."
-- Narrator, after Roger
tastes the deceased Sequel Policeman on Estros
(contributed by Jess) |
Sequel Policeman: Help! A giant
branch has penetrated my vital organs, and I can't get up!
Narrator: Seriously, do you really think this guy
has time to talk to you? He's too busy being dead!
-- Bird's nest on
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"That's your head, Roger. Now, USE IT FOR SOMETHING!"
-- Narrator, upon examining
Rog's cranium
(contributed by Diane) |
"You give the plant a lick. Suddenly your sinuses clear
-- Narrator, when Roger
licks plants in front of Radio Shock
(contributed by Datadog) |
"As much as we'd enjoy watching you get in trouble,
we must advise you that this type of behaviour is universally
considered either rude or amorous, which could end up getting you either
killed or married."
-- Narrator, when Roger
licks Galaxy Galleria customers
(contributed by Datadog) |
"The plants are bolted down because of people like you!"
-- Narrator, when Roger
tries to nick a plant
(contributed by Datadog) |
Roger: Let's boogie, girls!
(Roger dances around)
Roger: I sure know how to bust a move.
-- Roger, clicking on
the far left mannequin in Sacks while in drag
(contributed by Datadog) |
"It smells a little like Pebbles and a little like the
-- Narrator, when Roger
sniffs the rubble in the southwest corner of Xenon
(contributed by Datadog) |
"The Pavement has lost that wonderful wet-tar smell
you loved so much as a kid."
-- Narrator, when Roger
smells the road in the west part of Xenon
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Good thing it's not below freezing, or you'd end up
spending the
whole game with your tongue stuck to the frozen metal."
-- Narrator, when Roger
licks the pillar on Xenon
(contributed by Datadog) |
"It tastes okay, but you generally prefer your rubble extra
-- Narrator, when Roger
eats the rubble on Xenon
(contributed by Datadog) |
"The pipes have the tangy taste of 100% real steel,
basted with slime, and rusted to a delicate crunch."
-- Narrator, as Roger
tastes the sewer pipes
(contributed by Datadog) |
"You look out at the city you were born in decades ago.
You're sure glad you weren't here when this devastation happened.
You might have been hurt. On the bright side, you won't have to pay
those delinquent traffic tickets."
-- Narrator, as Roger
looks out over Xenon from the timepod
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Those are unshielded quark power cables. No telling
what they're doing to your DNA genetic structures right now."
-- Narrator, as Roger
examines the pipes next to him in the timepod
(contributed by Datadog) |
"This is a manual keypad. The voice-activated model won't
be out until SQ14 or so."
-- Narrator, as Roger
tries to talk to the timepod keypad
(contributed by Datadog) |
Roger: What's going on in there?
Guy: The Two Guys from Andromeda are in there signing copies of
latest release!
Roger: What's going on in there?
Guy: I just told you! The Two Guys from Andromeda are in there
copies of their latest release!
Roger: What's going on in there?
Guy: Beat it, jerk!
Roger: What's going on in there?
--There is no reply.
-- Talking to crowd
in front of software store
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Now this is a pain that will linger. All the Ben Gay in
Florida won't relieve that stiffness."
-- Narrator, after the Latex Babes shoot
Roger with their spear guns (contributed by Michael
Etter) |
"The things folks do for fashion..."
-- Roger, checking out Sacks at the Galaxy
Galleria (contributed by Daniel Lagerkvist) |
"That was, without a doubt, one of the finest examples of
bunny snatching I've ever seen!"
-- Narrator, as Roger
snags the bunny
(contributed by Brad) |
"You lick a thick smear of filth off the street, finding the
taste unpleaseant. You quickly swallow it. What a smart person you
-- Narrator, on the
streets of Xenon
(contributed by Brad) |
"Go ahead, take a good ol' lick o'mustard. You'll be
-- Mustard, in Monolith
(contributed by Robert Todd) |
"I've always wanted to see a MAN shave with one of these, but
I guess you'll do..."
-- Madame Thoreen to
Roger, regarding the Epi-Rip
(contributed by Robert Todd) |
"Don't you know smoking is bad for your health?"
-- Narrator, after
Roger is shot by the Sequel Police
(contributed by Robert Todd) |
"You look pretty pathetic hanging underneath a
-- Narrator, as Roger
gets carried away on Estros
(contributed by Robert Todd) |
"Hey, keep your hands off yourself! This is a family
-- Narrator, as Roger
uses the hand icon on himself
(contributed by Natzat) |
"Zap, zap! You're dead."
-- Narrator, after Roger is
killed in the Skate-O-Rama
(contributed by Mike) |
"While enjoying this banquet of fashion, you wonder what
you might look like in one of these cute little frocks. Hey, what kinda
thing is that for a studly guy like YOU to be thinking? Get a hold of
yourself, fella!"
Narrator, when Roger tries to grab a dress in Sacks
(contributed by Wayne Fang) |
"The change machine looks like a time machine more than
a time machine looks like a time machine... for a change."
Narrator, as Roger examines in the change machine in the arcade
(contributed by Wayne Fang) |
"Very well. You give the moving walkway a warm kiss.
Now you both feel special."
Narrator, as Roger tries to smooch the Galleria walkways
(contributed by Wayne Fang) |
Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation
-- Roger, aftering opening
(contributed by Diane) |
"Go and play in the airlock, Wilco."
-- Starcon Classmate,
as Roger issues commands
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
Cliffy: Cap'n, this guy called our ship a garbage scow! I
couldn't sit there and let him get away with it.
Roger: But Cliffy, the Eureka IS a garbage scow!
Cliffy: Well, he doesn't have to go rubbing our noses in it.
-- On starting the brawl
at the Spacebar
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"Stop it, Wilco, or I'll rip you arm off and beat you over
the head with it!"
-- One of Roger's fellow
(contributed by Hans Christian van Nijkerk) |
"Come on and fight like a woman! It's your destiny!"
-- WD40, challenging Roger
(contributed by Diane) |
"It was the chair--honest!"
-- Roger, testing out the Eureka's captain's
chair (contributed by Vincent) |
Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier
"Do you have anything INTELLIGENT to say before we pronounce
-- Admiral Toolman, during
Roger's courtmartial
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"Gee, I hope everything came out with me."
-- Roger, after escaping the
Polysorbate pavement (contributed by Seth
Dahlgren) |
"Wilco! Have you been whiffing cleaning fluid again?"
-- Kielbasa, after Roger receives a
message from Stellar (contributed by Datadog) |
"Don't touch that. We don't know where you've been."
-- Narrator, throughout game
(contributed by James Zeidler) |
"Make me a double Uvula Spritzer, twist of fleck rind, and I
want it hacked and whipped, not like one of those shaken or stirred sissy
-- Roger Wilco,
in the Orion's Belt (contributed by Hans Christian van
Nijkerk) |
"She looks like one of those 'professional' ladies your mom
told you about."
Narrator, upon examining Polysorbate's local color (contributed by
James Zeidler) |
"Frosta la keister, baby!"
-- Roger Wilco, after
freezing Endodroid
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Enough smarm already. Let's funeral!"
-- Narrator, at Stellar's funeral
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"That was before you got busted back down to Janitor
and assigned to this dad-blasted floating heckhole of a
mother-talking spaceship."
-- Narrator, in Roger's
(contributed by Jess) |
"Excellent guess, Kreskin. Wrong, but excellent."
-- Narrator, when Roger
tried to do something he can't
(contributed by Ryan Griffin) |
"Careful! Combining those items might cause a rip in
the space-time continuum, a tear in the very fabric of space itself!
(Or not.)"
-- Narrator, when Roger
tries to combine random inventory items
(contributed by Ryan Griffin) |
Manuel: I am 97.2% certain.
Roger: Why only 97.2%?
Manuel: I only said 97.2% to sound more hip to our audience.
It's better than saying 100%.
Roger: Oh, sorry.
Manuel: Don't apologize to me. It's the folks playing that
you've ruined it for.
-- In the Shuttle
(contributed by Datadog) |
"You go now, and I don't rearrange your organs."
-- Endodroid, threatening
(contributed by Divalium) |
"What's so futuristic and wonderful about shimmery sheets?"
-- Narrator, upon
examining Roger's bed
(contributed by Jess) |
"It's a bottle of morphin, which you actually thought was
morphine! DOI!"
-- Narrator, upon using
the morphin
(contributed by Diane) |
"It appears that vice is more profitable than most business ventures."
-- Narrator, on Polysorbate
(contributed by Divalium) |
"Oh, yeah, real smart. Let's go poking around inside a
pod that's probably carrying a half-dozen miniature face-hugging,
saliva-dripping, face-eating exo-skeletal alien piranha things. And
while we're at it, let's split up so that we're all alone and
defenseless, okay?"
-- Narrator, upon
examining ship in Shuttlebay
(contributed by Jess) |
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you."
-- Kielbasa, thanking the
DS-86 crew
(contributed by Divalium) |
"For a transwarp class starship, this thing sure feels like
it's made from particle board."
-- Roger, aboard the
(contributed by Diane) |
"I'm not going down there! A man has to draw the line
somewhere, and I'm drawing it at the er... colon."
-- Roger, while exploring
Stellar's body
(contributed by Elec) |
"This is the Shuttle cockpit. In the real game, I will sit
here. I will be smart. I will make it go. I will make things work."
-- Roger, in SQ6 demo
(contributed by Jess) |
"We named the game after these. You know, Space Quest Sox."
-- Narrator, upon examining
Rog's laundary
(contributed by Diane) |
"Wow! FREE birdseed! And so conveniently placed
under a huge boulder, too!"
-- Narrator,
exploring the Information Superhighway
(contributed by Metal Man) |
"I guess you expect us to say something corny,
like 'Klingons in Sector 2-8, Captain!'"
-- Narrator,
after clicking on "Sectors" in the Windows parody
(contributed by Metal Man) |
Narrator: You mistake the elevator wallpaper for
lickable wallpaper and give it a lick.
Roger: Hey! The snozzberries taste like
-- In the
(contributed by Metal Man) |
"I'm Roger Wilco and I'll kick your @$$!
I know where you live."
-- Roger,
during the Renegade Credits
(contributed by Metal Man) |
"You seem to recall hearing something about
this contraption, it's called a bike. People actually
used to use bipedal locomotion to get around! What
-- Narrator,
examining bike on Polysorbate LX
(contributed by Metal Man) |
Roger: I command thee to open!
Narrator (imitating Cedric from KQ5): If you're going in there,
Graham, I'm staying out here!
-- In the Elevator on
Delta Burksilon
(contributed by Datadog) |
Roger: I command thee to close!
Narrator (imitating Cedric from KQ5): If you're staying in here,
Graham, I'm going out there!
-- In the Elevator on
Delta Burksilon
(contributed by Datadog) |
"Better look up the word 'churlish' before you do
anything 'stupid.'"
-- Narrator, in Nigel's
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
Djurkwhad: Whatīs your mamma call you?
Roger: A mistake. But my friends call me Roger. Roger Wilco.
-- In the arcade
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"Only time--and money--will tell."
-- Narrator, pondering
the future of the SQ series
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
-- Kielbasa, as Roger steals
the shuttle
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"So you like the worm, huh? You like to ride the worm, huh?
I LET you ride the worm!"
-- Narrator, as Roger
rides the tapeworm again
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"Do you know about the animator who killed himself? Yeah, he
couldnīt draw his own breath!"
-- Roger, during credits
(contributed by Christian Giegerich) |
"These are the credits. We call them credits because we can't
really afford to pay anybody until more people buy the game."
-- Roger, during the end
credits (contributed by RW) |
"Bite me, Commander."
-- Roger, when Kielbasa orders him to return to the Deepship
(contributed by Glenn) |
"Fortunately, the process is reversible. There are some
things that you can't afford to have any smaller."
-- Narrator, after Roger Wilco has been
shrunk by Dr. Beleauxs (contributed by GooseGuy) |
"You missed. Ha!"
-- Narrator, as Roger is modifying the datacorder
(contributed by Joe Cassara) |
"Oh, momma! I'm guessing one too
many burritos for the last guy in here."
-- Narrator, as Roger opens the
porta-toilet in Cyberspace
(contributed by Scott Searcy) |
"Hey, you forgot your
-- Nigel Rancid as Roger
nearly leaves his fish behind
(contributed by Yogi Nova) |
"You drool in that
general direction, but no one notices."
-- Narrator, as Roger tries talking to various inanimate
(contributed by Jason Shearer) |
"Button, button, who's got the button? I crack me up."
-- Roger, talking to Mr.
Soylent unit (contributed by Jason Shearer) |
"Why don't you just say, 'Hey, mister. I've always wanted to
catch a really good look at the inside of my colon. Perhaps you can help
-- Narrator, as
Roger tries to grab a nitro sucker in the Orion's Belt
(contributed by saywhat97)
"Of all the soles I've encountered in my travels, hers
were the most... SCUFF RESISTANT."
-- Roger, reading Stellar's eulogy
(contributed by Ryan Henneboehle) |
"I hope I never get so far gone that I start talking to
myself... like... this."
-- Roger, conversing with himself on Polysorbate
(contributed by Brent) |
"This guy wishes he had a clothes pin right about now."
-- Narrator, describing Orion's Belt patron in line
for restroom
(contributed by Brent) |
"Picking up your clothes? Dammit, Roger! You're a janitor, not
a responsible adult!"
-- Narrator, as Roger tries to straighten up his quarters
(contributed by Brent) |
"Bet you can't fit that thing into your pants. Guess I was
wrong; it does fit. There must be plenty of spare room in there."
-- Narrator, as Roger picks up the board in
(contributed by Brent) |
"Hey buddy get your paws outta' my tips, or I'll liberate your
favorite organ. I'll even let you choose."
-- Waitress-bot as
Roger tries to nab her tips
(contributed by Robert Todd) |
Roger: Is anyone in there?
Narrator: You hear oohs,
aahs, grunts, and growls. Perhaps whoever's in there is just trying to
get a little wookie.
Talking to the Star Wars shuttle in the shuttlebay (contributed by
David Ruddell) |
Narrator: You glance in the mirror. For a moment, you can almost
see a silk-clad brunette overacting in a stone tower.
Roger: Mother! Mother! Come quick!
-- KQ6 parody, when looking at the mirror in
the SQ6 demo (contributed by David Ruddell) |
Admiral Toolman: Do you have anything to say before we pronounce
Roger: Uh...can't you guys take a joke?
-- During Roger's StarCon
hearings (contributed by Mike) |
"That's not recommended. That'll either get you an appendaged
removed, or a date you don't really want."
-- Narrator, when Roger touches
the desk guy at the Dew Beam Inn (contributed by
Catherine) |
"You notice your firm, muscular fingers... the graceful bone
structure... the elegant blood blister under your thumb. These are a
MAN's hands! Grr!"
-- Narrator, when Roger looks at his hand while working with the
Datacorder (contributed by Rebecca) |
"Please to note the location of my hand as I begin the
narcotic chant of cinematic morphine."
-- Ptooie, demonstrating the
Vulgar nerve pinch (contributed by Rebecca) |
"That's right! I'm Roger Wilco, dammit! Man of action!
Savior of the galaxy! A man trapped in the body of a woman! Wait, that,
uh, didn't come out right."
-- Roger, after taking in the view from Stellar's
stomach a few times (contributed by
Rebecca) |
"This looks like Stellars choice-of-men center. It looks a little odd."
-- Roger, observing the brain panels in Stellar's body (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
-- Stooge Fighter arcade game (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"There's got to be a optics problem with that machine. I look, uh,
partially digested!"
-- Roger, after exiting the photo booth (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"She says, 'Scromp off! You little Felchmonger!' "
-- Narrator, when Roger looks at a woman on the streets of Polysorbate (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"I'm not touching that! And YOU can't make me!"
-- Roger, refusing to touch a dead rat (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"Hey, buddy--get your paws outta my tips, or I'll liberate your favorite
organ. I'll even let you choose. OR, you can LEAVE my tips alone, and
you won't have to worry about that decision. It's up to you."
-- Waitron, when Roger tries to steal her tips (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"You bet your palette, you little 32x32 pixel momma!"
-- Roger, speaking to Sis Inny in Cyberspace (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"It's the tank of nitro I drug over here. Weren't you paying attention?"
-- Roger, making sure that the player is up to speed (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"Nyah, nyah, nyah! Cheaters never prosper!"
-- Narrator, when Roger activates the file room Easter egg (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |
"You have nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch."
-- Narrator, when Roger's pockets are empty. (contributed by
AdrianCoyote) |

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Roger Wilco
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