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Re: sera'aku SNU: ki'e doi skot.
>> Lojban content words are going to be PREDOMINANTLY 3, 4, 5 or 6
>> syllables. ideally Zipf will work to make it possible to have the
>> shortest words be the most common ones
>What's the mechanism for that? If a long lujvo starts getting used a
>lot, how can it be abbreviated?
1. Most likely, people will use a less specific word with fewer terms.
2. People will leave out se/nu/ke terms in lujvo making
3. ultimately, people could ask for a gismu to be assigned to the word or to
a major component of it that is used in many lujvo. (or in spontaneous use, of
course, they just start using a gismu).
These are in order of preference. I really doubtthat many long lujvo will
be so overused as to get a gismu assigned. There will probably be some
objective criteria to meet before I would accept such a word, say by comparing
frequency of word use to average frequency of gismu and 2 term lujvo. But
this in particular is one thing I could see being considered after the 5 year
baseline ends - consideration to adding to gismu to shorten some high
frequency long words (the long words needn't go away, they will just have a
short synonym).