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Re: sera'aku SNU: ki'e doi skot.
> What I am hearing is that somehow people have the idea that lujvo are
> 2nd class words
They are. They're longer than gismu, don't have their own rafsi, and
can lose their identity in larger lujvo.
> There is also the undercurrent, which is getting me nervous - that all
> words need to be 2 or 3 syllables.
I sense it too. It's interesting. I remember you posting some stats
about preferences for rafsi type, showing how use of CCV and CVV is
much greater than CVC and CV'V - there appears to be some presiding
aesthetic in the community.
> Lojban content words are going to be PREDOMINANTLY 3, 4, 5 or 6
> syllables. ideally Zipf will work to make it possible to have the
> shortest words be the most common ones
What's the mechanism for that? If a long lujvo starts getting used a
lot, how can it be abbreviated?
coo, mie and