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Nick, absenting himself

Dear Lojbanists and Klingonists,

this is to let you know that, the vagaries of my rather poor net
connection in Greece and the demands on my time at the moment being such,
I've unsubscribed from Lojban list and Klingon list: it's simply
impractical for me to try to keep up under my current status. (Nor have
I been doing so for a fair while.)

This certainly doesn't mean I'm ceasing and desisting from work on the
two languages. Lojbanists can expect in the months ahead (once I wrest
the tapes off And) detailed discourse transcriptions of the snippets
of lojbo and jbosrana talk I had with the UK Lojbanists. Klingonists
can rest assured that the Hamlet project is now (finally!) back on
track, and Mark will be getting my responses to his criticisms of Act II
Scene 2 in the next couple of days.

I will be resubscribing when I return to Australia, which at the moment
looks like late February. ba'o lenu go'i kei mi rodo rinsa / qaspa'
wanI'vetlh, Hoch SarI'!
Nick Nicholas. Linguistics, University of Melbourne. In Greece until Feb. '96.
            Normally:     nsn@speech.language.unimelb.edu.au
     TEMPORARILY (until end of '95): nnich@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr