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Re: tenses

> I would claim that co'u citka le plise never occurred, but certainly an
> event of eating the apple did start.

I would be very hard pressed to find an event that sa'e has no end. In
the apple case here, na nu mo'u citka, but certainly nu co'u citka. I
can't visualise a person forever eating the same apple. su'a I can't
visualise a person doing anything forever, even past his death, and past
the destruction of the earth some billions of years later, and past the
Gnab Gib itself if that theory proves to be correct... zo'o

co'o mi'e. goran.

GAT/CS/O d?@ H s:-@ !g p1(2)@ !au(0?) a- w+(+++) (!)v-@(+) C++(++++)
UU/H(+) P++>++++ L(>+) !3 E>++ N+ K(+) W--(---) M-- !V(--) -po+ Y(+)
t+@(+++) !5 !j R+@ G-@(J++) tv+(++) b++@ D++ B? e+* u@ h!$ f?(+) r--
!n(+@) y+. GeekCode v2.1, modifications left to reader to puzzle out