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Re: any? (response to Desmond)
> > "lo nanmu cu klama co jibni lo ninmu .i le nanmu cu cpedu le ninmu lenu
> > kansa klama le dansu nunsalci"
> >
> > "A man goes near a woman. And the man asks the woman to
> > accompanyingly-go to the dance-celebration."
> Colin has always argued that this is a misuse of "lo", and that "le" should
> be used from the beginning.
I think "misuse" is too strong. Lojbab's version is merely not what
is usually meant by "a man goes near a woman"; his version means
"there exists x, a man, and y, y a woman, such that x goes near y",
whereas the English probably means "a certain man goes near a certain
woman". I'm pretty sure that Colin would agree with this.