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Parsing tenses and sumti tcita
>Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 13:29:15 -0400
> 1. placed sumti
> 2. FA tagged sumti
> 3. <modhead> sumti
> -------
> 4. <modhead> KU
> 5. NA KU
> where <modhead> is a (tense, BAI etc.) tag
> Now, 1-3 are sumti of one type or another and 4&5 are interpreted
> presently as floating selbri tcita.
> I have never felt quite comfortable with these floating selbri tcita.
> They have been used mainly to shift the emphasis, e.g.
> naku mi klama
> The same result with even more emphasis can be obtained with
> na klama fa mi
> I think the latter structure is much more intuitive and doesn't
> lead to mush at the <term> level.
Maybe so, but my brain reminds me of a situation where one of these
floaters was the most general choice, though I didn't much like it.
Perhaps the grammar needs tweaking to avoid this case:
It was in the ckafybarja discussion; I had mistakenly taken {lo selpinxe
ckafi} to mean {lo ckafi poi ca'a se pinxe}, i.e. "coffee that's sliding
down someone's throat", as opposed to the intended meaning "coffee type-of
beverage". The latter I had thought to translate {na'o selpinxe ckafi} for
"typically-drunk coffee", but alas, this parses to {na'o <selpinxe ckafi>},
with the {na'o} applying to the whole phrase and not just the {selpinxe},
as I intended. {*ke na'o selpinxe ke'e ckafi} isn't grammatical. You can
use {ckafi co na'o selpinxe}, but I don't trust {co}, since it won't get
you out of a jam in all situations. John Cowan (I think) said that the way
to do it, if needed, was {selpinxe be na'o ku ckafi}, with the "floating"
nature of the selbri tcita doing just the Right Thing.
ckafi for thought...