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Re: TEXT: Real Life
Exciting attempt, Rob, and delving into a difficult area.
>As can be seen, my grammar needs work
I have commented on your text, and given literal translations as best as
I can. I have tried to give my own version. The computer terms you want
are generally not yet defined: I have often rejected yours as being
malglico, ie translations of the English words, rather than the meanings.
However, I am not claiming that mine are ideal.
>le pareze moi lerfu cu jimte minde ciske le skama se minde ci'e la mysydos
>127 characters is the limit of the command line (writing) within the
>computer command interpreter (command taker) of MS-DOS.
Syntax: Valid
Words: correct ciske to ciska and skama to skami.
Has the structure you want. However, it means:
}"The 127th letter ([limit commander] writes) the [computer commanded-thing]
}in system named MSDOS"
Furthermore, 'ciska' means 'write text x2 on surface x3', so the skami se minde
is the text physically written or scratched. Also, 'ci'e' is attached to the mai
selbri, ciska.
I suggest
]li pareze cu nizlerfu jimte lo selsku co minde be le samselminde po'u la mysydo
]"The-number 127 is an amount-of-characters limit to the [form-of-expression
]which-is commander to the computer-commanded-thing which is the-named MSDOS'
(selsku co minde is the same as minde selsku 'commander expression', except
that it lets me stick sumti on the minde)
>.i mi na galfi le lo''u "PATH" le'u skama seminde cenba vamji le clani .au
>I cannot modify the PATH computer environment variable (computer command-taker
>varying value) to be as long as I would like.
Syntax: lo'u - le'u must surround lojban words (though they needn't be grammatic
lojban). Use zoi or la'o for foreign words.
seminde is illegal - either two words se minde or a lujvo selminde
'le lo'u PATH le'u skami selminde' means 'le skami selminde pe lo'u PATH le'u' -
I'm not clear whether you meant that or not.
Grammar: .au sets an attitude, it doesn't predicate about the thing that I want
it. It's
not settled whether it is capable of changing "This is so and I want it" into
"I want it to be so" - I would say not.
Words: vamji is about being valuable.
}I do not modify the PATH's [(computer commanded-thing) varying] value into the
].i mi na ka'e galfi le samselminde datnyvasru po'u la'o gy. PATH gy. le clani c
o mansi be tu'a mi
] I not can modify the computer-commanded-thing data-vessel which-is the-named
] PATH (into) the long-thing which satisfies me
"tu'a" because it is not 'mi' which is the satisfier, but 'my wanting'
(le ni mi djica or something)
'be' is needed to link the "tu'a mi" into the 'le clani co mansi'.
>.i mi ja'e finti tutci samruc le danfu be le nabmi
>I therefore create a utility (tool) program to resolve the problem.
Morphology: samruc ends with a consonant and so is a cmene (name).
To make a lujvo, choose a vowel-final rafsi: samru'e or sampruce
Syntax: valid
}I resultingly am a ((creator-tool) computer-process) (with input) the answer
}to the question
Words: ja'e (result) is not really appropriate - your creation is only a result
in a very specialised, motivational sense.
x2 of pruce is the input to the process, but even if you used the x3 (output)
'befi le danfu' it's not the process that produces the answer but your
creation of it.
].i mi semu'i finti le tutci samru'e lenu danfu le nabmi
] I with-motivation create the tool computer-process (for purpose)
] the event (something) answer the problem
.i ra goi pilno le minde ciske le jmina be le lo'u "PATH" le'u
It (the tool program, which I then attempt to assign to 'da') Uses the command
line to add to the PATH.
Syntax: goi must link two sumti. In your terms you mean 'ra goi da', but
da is not assignable in this way, so 'ra goi ko'a' is better.
le lo'u PATH le'u - as before, but the quote is already a sumti, and you
can't use 'le' before it like that. (You got away with it before because
it was in the construction "le <sumti> <selbri>"
}It (the process, which I'll call ?) uses the commander-writer (for purpose)
}the adder of the PATH's ...? (to ?)
You need an abstract for the adding.
].i ra goi ko'a pilno le minde selsku lenu jmina befi la'e la'o gy PATH gy
] It (which I'll call ko'a) uses the commander-expression (for) the event
](something) adds (something) to the-referent-of the-named PATH
>.i da pilno le na skicu ca'i la .maikrosoft skama pruce dicra
>It uses a Microsoft undocumented (undescribed) processor interrupt
Syntax: the ca'i phrase attaches to the main selbri (pilno) so there's
nowhere the following brivla can go. It's ungrammatical. You can
attach sumti into a selbri inside a tanru like that, but you need
the linker 'be'.
Words: skicu is 'describes', so you've got it the wrong way round. On
the other hand you don't need "ca'i" (it's not wrong), because skicu
has a 'describer' place.
}Something uses the not describer, with-authority Microsoft ... (is a) computer
}process interruptor
].i ko'a pilno le na se skicu bela mAIkrosoft. ke samru'e dicrytadji
] it-1 uses the (not described by Microsoft (computer-process
>.i le morji judri be leI seminde cenba vamji jalge le dicra
>The memory address of the environment (command interpreter's variables) is
>returned by the iNterrupt.
Syntax: valid, but it's just a sequence of two sumti with no selbri
}The rememberer address of the-mass-of ((commanded varying) valuable)
}results; the interrupter
].i le datnyvaugunma judri be lei datnyvau po le selminde cu te pruce le dicryta
] The data-container-mass address of the-mass-of data-container belonging-to t
] commanded is result-of-process the interruptor-method
>.ije da galfi le morji seva'u le cenba vamji
>And the program can modify the memory containing the variables.
Syntax: valid
Words: va'u is a BAI from vamji, meaning 'for the benefit of'!
}And something modifies the rememberer for the benefit of the altering valuable
].ije ko'a ka'e galfi le ra se datnyvau
] And it-1 can modify the it's data-contained
Well worth doing - keep it up!
There are no extraordinary people. | Colin Fine
Whoever tells you otherwise is | Dept of Computing
lying to you. | University of Bradford
There are only ever ordinary people,| Bradford, W. Yorks, England
Who do what they do - | BD7 1DP
The extraordinary thing is the | Tel: 0274 733680 (h), 383915 (w)
extraordinary things that they do!| c.j.fine@bradford.ac.uk
| (cfine@cix.compulink.co.uk;
.e'o ko sarji la lojban. | cjfine@gn.apc.org)
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