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>Date:         Thu, 6 Feb 1992 12:18:41 -0800
>From: David Cortesi <cortesi%INFORMIX.COM@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu>

One good nit-pick deserves another.

>.i mi ckire do zu'o do ciksi le piro rafsi zo du
>.i ra'unai mi bacru le mi secmene ta'i lu la deiv. korteizis. li'u

The first sentence is ungrammatical.  You have two selbri.  it should be
{mi ckire do lezu'o do ciksi ...li'osa'a}.  You need the "le" to make it a
sumti.  I'm also not sure of the semantics of {le piro rafsi zo du}, but I
*do* know that it has to be something like {ro rafsi *be* zo du}--you mean
the rafsi of "du", as you have it, he explains all the rafsi _to_ the word

Second sentence also has trouble:  {le se cmene} is the _thing named_, not
the name.  The name is {le cmene}.  And maybe drop the {la} inside the
quotes, since you're saying the name, not "that called...".  I guess you
can argue for keeping the {se cmene} as well as the {la}, but that seems
hopelessly confusing semantically.

co'omi'e mi     ((tm) Nick)