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lojbanic telephone (fanvyselkei?)

In an attempt to involve more people directly in reading and 
writing lojban (in addition to all those, like me, still plodding 
through the Polish Story :) ) I'm hereby announcing the 
(presumably) first-ever game of lojbanic e-mail telephone.

As many of you might remember from younger days, telephone involves 
a circle of people.  One person thinks of a sentence and whispers 
it the next person, who whispers it to the next.  After completing 
the full circle the garbled sentence is announced along with the 

Lojbanic telephone would be similar.  Anyone interested would 
e-mail me; after arranging everyone (metaphoricly) in a circle, I 
would give each person an initial English sentence and the name and 
address of the player next to them.  After, say, a week, each 
player would translate their sentence to lojban and send it the 
their neighbor (and a copy to me).  The receiver would translate it 
back to English, the next person back to lojban, until it reached 
the the initiator.

If anyone's interested send me a note including your name, e-mail 
address, approximate experience/level (if their are enough people I 
may split it into multiple groups), prefered speed and amount of 
translation (ditto) and any other comments.  I'll need suggestions 
for starting sentences/text too; preferably things that do not lend 
themselves to word-for-word translations, require few or no 
le'avla, and are not _easily_ recognizable quotes or sayings 
(otherwise the original will be guessable).  This is intended as a 
low pressure exercise: if you want to quit or join in in the middle 
let me know and I'll reroute you out or in; if you're too busy one 
week or can't figure something out just pass it along unchanged.

And while I'll post the more insightful and amusing strings here 
(as well as send it all to lojbab if he wants to put any in JL) 
translations in the later catagory will remain anonymous :)

co'omi'e .djek