 Click here for SQ0 information, downloads, hints, and more!
Read the latest Sierra Community News!
Space Quest 7: Would Anybody Care? June 1, 2004 -
Longtime friend of the Broomcloset, Joe Cassara, has written a provocative essay about the viability of a Space Quest sequel in today's gaming market. Why not give it a read and share your thoughts at the Subspace Channel?
Sierra Community News Goes Live
May 29, 2004 -
Thanks to Frans of SpaceQuest.net, the Virtual Broomcloset is proud to offer all the latest Sierra Community News here at the site. Want to know when your favorite Sierra fansites are updated? Want the latest Sierra news? Just click here, and it's all at your fingertips.
Space Quest Timer Bugs Patched
February 17, 2004 -
For years, Space Quest fans have encountered a wide range of timer bugs in the Space Quest games -- surviving
the Keronian desert in SQ1VGA, escaping the Skate-O-Rama in Space Quest 4, rescuing Cliffy in Space Quest 5,
and so forth. Well, it looks like someone going by the name NewRisingSun has gone in and repaired these bugs,
releasing unofficial patches at his website. Also
included are patches for other Sierra games like Conquests of the Longbow, Leisure Suit Larry III, and many
more! If your computer is too fast to play your favorite Sierra classics, give these patches a try!
Previous Updates...

Tips, and Walk-throughs - Information on how to complete
the entire Space Quest series, including point lists, walk-throughs,
and UHS files!
Quest 7 News and Rumors - Check out all the latest news concerning the possible revival of the Space Quest series! Also, read up on the SQ7 project that Sierra canceled in 1998 and take a peek at the game
that might have been!
Quest FAQ - Troels Pleimert's massive compendium remains the
definitive source of Wilco knowledge.
Broomcloset Interviews
- Wanna read exclusive interviews with the creators and characters
behind Space Quest? This is the place!
and Humor - Exclusive original Space Quest articles, surveys,
information, and other humorous features!
Database - Short biographies and images of all the major (and
not-so-major) Space Quest characters!
Quest Universal Aptitude Test - Test your Wilco knowledge
with these challenging multiple choice quizzes!
the Janitor - Laugh along with other fans' favorite quotes
from the Space Quest series or submit your own!
Easter Eggs - Browse through the various Easter eggs hidden in the SQ game--including images!
Space Quest Multimedia - Download
tons of Space Quest music and sounds. Why isn't this section included
under downloads? Who cares?
World O'Downloads - The place to find all sorts of nifty
Space Quest stuff! Download sounds, demos, mini-games, patches to
fix in-game problems, and more!
Quest: The Lost Chapter - The amazing "lost" installment
in the Space Quest saga, programmed in classic AGI with over 150 original
screens, download it NOW!
The Subspace
Channel - Check out the Broomcloset's infamous message forum!
It's the perfect place to ask for hints, discuss the Space Quest
series, or just get to know all the other Space Cadets out there
a little better!
- Can't find what you're looking for here? There are lots more
great Space Quest sites out there on the Web. Check 'em out!
this Site
- Learn more about the Virtual Broomcloset, where's it's been, and
where it's going at the Custodian's Corner!
questions, suggestions... jess@wiw.org
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Roger Wilco
and related materials are © Sierra
Space Quest is a registered trademark of the Children's Museum
of Indianapolis.
This page is © Decaffeinated Jedi, 2003. Design & layout
Frost Byte Interactive, 2003. Optimized for
Internet Explorer at 800 x 600 resolution and greater.