Mirror Virus

 Virus Name:  Mirror 
 V Status:    Rare 
 Discovered:  October, 1990 
 Symptoms:    .EXE growth; decrease in available free memory; mirror effect 
              of display on activation 
 Origin:      Unknown 
 Eff Length:  927 Bytes 
 Type Code:   PRhE - Parasitic Resident .EXE Infector 
 Detection Method:  ViruScan, AVTK, F-Prot, Sweep, ChAV, 
                    NAV, IBMAV, NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, 
                    NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, 
                    NAV/N, IBMAV/N 
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files 
 General Comments: 
       The Mirror virus was discovered in October, 1990.  This virus is a 
       memory resident direct action infector of .EXE files. 
       The first time a program infected with the Mirror virus is 
       executed, the virus will install itself memory resident at the top 
       of free available memory.  Free available memory will decrease by 
       928 bytes, and the virus will hook interrupt 21.  At this time, the 
       virus will also infect all other .EXE programs located in the 
       current directory. Infected programs will increase in length by 927 
       to 940 bytes, with the virus being located at the end of the 
       infected file.  Infected programs will also always end with the two 
       text characters "IH". 
       The Mirror virus gets its name from its behavior.  Every once in 
       awhile it will change the system's video display so that a mirror 
       image of what was previously on the display appears. 

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