Matsunichi MF206 (512mb) v1.3.7
In the root directory there is a file with the attributes hidden, system and read-only. The file is named SETTINGS.DAT and
is 426 bytes in length. The player automatically replaces the attributes on SETTINGS.DAT the next time it's powered up.
If the MF206 is left paused, one would assume the "power saving" option would turn the unit off after the specified amount
minutes. This isn't the case, and unfortunately the MF206 simply sits there using up power. The peeps at Matsunichi might
like to think about that for the next firmware upgrade (hint hint!).
When I bought my MF206 it had 1.3.0 firmware, the upgrade to 1.3.7 is available on the Matsunichi website
I've started work on a utility that will eventually allow the settings to be changed.
Unfortunately just over six months after purchasing my MF206, the backlight no longer works and the data transfer cable
seems to have some issues, only working now and then. The rest of the time causing "a device attached is malfunctioning"
even when the mp3 player isn't plugged into the cable. Do I recommend you buy one after my experience? Probably not. Due
to these problems I doubt I'll ever bother completing this project.
MF206 Utility 0.1
Download (Win9x/XP)
Here are some of the offsets I've discovered so far.
Function: Scrolling
Offset: 315 (013Bh)
Values: 00h-0Ah
Function: Power Saving
Offset: 288 (0120h)
Values: 00h Disable
01h 1 Min
02h 2 Mins
03h 5 Mins
04h 10 Mins
Function: Play Mode
Offset: 279 (0117h)
Values: 00h Normal
01h Repeat1
02h Repeat All
03h Shuffle Repeat
Function: Backlight
Offset: 324 (0144h)
Values: 00h Disable
01h 3 Seconds
02h 5 Seconds
03h 10 Seconds
Function: Current MP3
Offset: 39 (27h)
Function: Contrast
Offset: 420 (01A4h)
Values: 3Ch (default)
Function: Language (Both offsets must be set the same)
Offset: 297 (0129h)
306 (0132h)
Values: 00h English
01h Unsure
02h Unsure
03h Unsure
04h Korean
05h French
06h Spanish
07h German
08h Italian
09h Dutch
0Ah Thai
0Bh Russian
0Ch Portuguese
0Dh Swedish
0Eh Brazilian Portuguese