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Re: knowledge, lojban and English
>I agree with the idea that Lojban words need to be more than handles for
>English words,
I agree with that too.
In the case of {djuno}, if it is to mean something drastically different
from "know" then the definition should be more explicit. For instance,
if the presupposition of truth were to be removed, we should know
what difference would remain between {djuno} and {jinvi}. Would they
become near synonyms?
>otherwise we end up facing the same philosophical disputes
>that attatch to the English equivalents.
I doubt that can be avoided. It would seem that such disputes
are an intrinsic part of language use.
>On this subject, I just found a
>nice quote from Leo Bloomfield:
>"A good deal of what passes for 'logic' or 'metaphysics' is merely an
>incompetent restating of the chief categories of the philosopher's
>language." (1933:270)
>which is what, I presume, we are trying to avoid with Lojban!
How successfully? :)
co'o mi'e xorxes