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Re: <djuno> & howabout <krici>? (Was Knowledge & Belief)
>At 04:23 PM 12/31/97 -0600, Steven Belknap wrote:
>>I suggested the change in thread name because we are being distracted by
>>the semantics of natlangs, when what is at issue is the semantics of
>Did you intend perhaps, to draw a comparison between "know" <djuno> and
>"believe" <krici>? I thought <xusra> means "x1 asserts that x2 is true".
No, my choice of <xusra> is intentional. I am suggesting that <xusra> is
the appropriate gismu for
<la stivn xusra le du'u la xorxes djuno le du'u la lojbab renro le bolci
kei fo da>
One of the nicest properties of lojban is this "one word - one definition"
idea. There is just the right blend of flexibility (tanru, for example) and
rigor (lujvo, for example) in the language. This was a very clever idea, I
believe by James Cooke Browne.
Steven Belknap, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria