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Re: do all nu's happen?

> >> Nor is there a requirement that
> >> x2 actually occur, though there has to be an x4 that results if x2 does
> >> occur.
> >
> >Can you give an example?
> >
> >It seems to me that if x2 needn't actually occur, and x4 needn't
> >actually result, then you are necessarily getting into modal
> >matters, and you can't just dismiss the stuff I was saying
> >about possible worlds without some alternative account (from
> >pc, if not from you).
> I think that any time you talk about potential vs actual events, there is
> a modal component, whether identified or not.  In the case of denpa I
> think it embodies a conditional. e.g.  Mankind waits for faster-than-light
> travel before colonizing the stars (Pardon please for my not doing this into
> Lojban - I have guests in for the weekend in numbers approximating LogFest).

I agree. My original point still stands.
