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Re: singular/plural (was: Re: veridicality in English)
> la and la lojbab na'e darno le ka tugni
> >It looks like we're not far from agreeing.
> >
> >We agree that {le pa} and {lei} are scope-insensitive.
> Right.
> >{pa lo} and {loi} are not sensitive to scope relative to other
> >existential quantifiers (I think),
> {[su'o] lo} and {[pisu'o] loi} are not sensitive to scope relative
> to other existentials. But {pa lo} is a different story:
> lo prenu cu prami pa lo prenu
> There is at least one person that loves exactly one person.
> [TRUE]
> pa lo prenu cu se prami lo prenu
> There is exactly one person that is loved by at least one person.
Bugger: I was betrayed by Goatleg.