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Re: How {lo} works
> One way (not the only way) for {lo} to act is as an operator that
> returns true instances of the class, some number of them, one or
> more. Speaker and listener examine the instances and agree they
> are `true' instances of the class referred to.
The problem with looking at {lo} as a function returning referents
is that {lo} is clearly defined to be non-specific: it /does not/
return any real cats, it only implies that the appropriate number
of real cats exist, and that I am talking about them (but I'm not
telling you which ones they are, nor am I even implying that I know
which ones they are--just that they exist). Functions have to
return specific values; {lo} does not, by definition, and that
definition is fixed.
> Now, consider my statement that:
> .i mi nelci lo mlatu
> This requires two tests. Firstly, whether {lo mlatu} are truly cats
> and, secondly, whether I like them. You can test whether I like
> {lo mlatu} by presenting me with some cats and seeing whether I like them.
No, you can't. To test the proposition "There exist one or more
cats I like", you must present me with /every cat in the world/ until
I say "yes, I like that one". Until then, no matter how many cats
you have presented to me that I dislike, there still might be one
somewhere that I like, so the truth of my statement is undetermined.
Of course, you could just short circuit the test by asking me to name
or otherwise specify a /particular/ cat that I like.
> If you reject this and say, "this cannot be the case", then you are
> forbidding certain procedures associated with {lo}, such as using
> different cats in the second test rather than the same cats.
Yep, that's forbidden. Seems pretty clear from the refgram.
Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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