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Re: `at least one ' vrs `one or more'

> And Rosta <a.rosta@uclan.ac.uk> writes:
>    Can I suggest that discussions about scope of negation,
>    etc., use some sort of logical notation instead of
>    ordinary English?
> This is fine, but does not help answer the question, which English
> translation of
>     mi na nelci lo mlatu
> is better?
>     I don't like any cats.
> or
>     I don't like some cats.

I have to agree with Jorge--I got it wrong the first time, and
that sentence means the former.  I should have used {na'e}, since
I intended the meaning "I dislike some cats".  The only way that
{mi nelci lo mlatu} can be false is if I dislike /all/ cats.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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