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Re: Events & sisku [was: le/lo]
And Rosta wrote:
> We've been through this before, with me expressing the minority
> view. But I still can't make sense of "nu" or "event" if
> happening isn't a criterial feature of nu/eventhood. I think
> it is beyond dispute that X is an event iff X happens. Therefore
> either nu does not mean "event" or nus do happen.
Well, if it makes you happier, construe "nu" as "potential event of".
That allows sentences like:
lei bropre cu pacna le nu la rasyselmosra cu klamo'u
Jews hope for (the event of) the coming of the Messiah.
to be true independent of whether the Messiah actually arrives.
(Apologies for the ugly lujvo for "Messiah": Grease-Befrictioned-One.)
> My problem with the fix to sisku is that it was made only to
> sisku, whereas all the other gismu with the same problem
> (e.g. nitcu) were left unaltered.
Agreed. *sigh*
John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan cowan@ccil.org
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