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Re: Jorge's right re: ni
After re-reading all the postings on this subject, re-reading
the refgram carefully, and brushing up on my philosophy a bit,
I am forced to agree with Jorge as well that {ni} is being used
with two meanings here, and that I will have to give up my
earlier {mi nelci le ni ta ninmu}, which, while grammatical,
does say that I like a pure number in and of itself.
The two meanings of {le ni} that are being used, as I can best
explain it, are (1) a pure number, an amount, such as might fit
into {le se kanli}; and (2) the /proposition/ that some number
applies to some bridi, such as might fit into {se djuno} or
{se krici}. I think he's right that you can't know a number,
you know some propostion involving that number. And one prop-
osition can't be greater than another, only numbers. [Note also
that as Jorge has pointed out, {kanli} now has the quantifier
in x2 rahter than x1, so presumably what used to be {la'u} is
not {sela'u}].
To concretize, let me use an example with sumti that show the
distinction well:
1a {le canko cu kanli sela'u li piso'u}
the door is open in quantity: a tiny bit
or the equivalent rearrangement:
1b {li piso'u cu jai sela'u kanli fai le canko}
a tiny bit is the extent by which is open, the door
Now I want to say something about the extent to which the door
is open. Perhaps I want to compare it to some other amount of
openness, or say that you logically deduced it from a draft.
In the former case, we need a number; in the latter, a proposition
that fits into {se jogji}: a {du'u}.
So how would we say these two things?
2a {[some other quantity] zmadu le jai sela'u kanli fai le canko}
[quantity] exceeds the extent by which is open, the door
2b {mi lojgi le du'u le canko cu kanli sela'u makau}
I deduce [the proposition] to what extent the door is open
So which is {le ni le canko cu kanli}? Does it fit 2a or 2b? I
think the cleanest possible conclusion from the refgram is 2a; {le ni}
is a pure number, and {le se ni} is the scale/standard.
So {ni} is still very useful (because {le jai sela'u broda} is both
awkward and has no place for scale), but we must give up using {le ni}
in places where a {le du'u} is called for. So, my liking the amount
of womanlyness in someone is {mi nelci le du'u ta ninmu sela'u makau},
but Jane's womanlyness exceeding Mary's can still use {ni}: {le ni la
djein. ninmu cu zmadu le ni la meris. ninmu}, and I can say {li rau
ni la meris. ninmu} "Mary is sufficiently womanly", even add a
scale/standard if I like in x2 of the {ni} selbri.
I'm still undecided about how to put real units into there; Jorge
puts {le ka mitre}, etc., in the "scale" place. I'll have to think
about that one some more.
Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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