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Re: Morphology
On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, Don Wiggins wrote:
> > But it is forbidden to stress a cmavo syllable before a gismu unless you
> > put a compulsory pause after the cmavo, so strong disambiguation is
> > maintained.
> Is that right? In fact, is it stronger in that before gismu or lujvo there
> must be a pause?
Yes, before any brivla there must be a compulsory pause after the cmavo if
you stress the cmavo syllable occurring just before the brivla.
How about cmene?
I don't know if you can put cmavo between 'la' and a cmene, but if you
could, then the cmavo would most definitely require a pause after them
whether or not they were stressed, otherwise they would run straight into
the cmene. :)