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Re: Some how-do-you-says
coidoi lobypli
la xorxes. spuda mi di'e
> > Because I'm only a beginner, my suggestions
> > may be less than reliable, but I have a
> > suggestion regarding 2a ... & that is to use
> > {vrici}:
> >
> > 2a le vrici mamta be la xorxes. je la .and.
> > ...
> > If my suggestion is incorrect or suboptimal,
> > I hope someone will say so.
> I don't think that works. In 2a you're describing
> each of the things as being vrici mamta of both
> Jorge and And.
Okay, but what is responsible for this unintended
result? I assume that {vrici}, altho perhaps
unhelpful, is not the problem. I assume that {le}
should be {lei} or {loi}. What else needs to be
changed in order to produce the intended result?
Should I have used a conjunction other than {je}?
If so, which one?
co'omi'e markl