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Official Typo Correction Set #2

Here is Official Typo Correction Set #2:

Chapter 1: reworded acknowledgement sentence to Ivan, corrected
translation of Example 7.7

Chapter 3: using HTML entity in the word "Feánor" rather than
Latin-1 character

Chapter 18: changed "Sections 8-12" to "Sections 8-12".

HTML changes: use <dl>...</dl> around indented material
that is not examples or tables,
make Chapter 1 Examples 7.x link to pictures, 
create links for plural references to

Revised HTML pages are now on the FTP site at
ftp://ftp.access.digex.net/pub/access/lojbab/reference-grammar .

John Cowan						cowan@ccil.org
			e'osai ko sarji la lojban