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My apologies - I did something stupid (I'm not sure what) and deleted
someones reply to my request for information on PC software for
speech output.
Someone kindly sent the URLs of some Web sites that dealt with speech
output on a PC. Could you please re-send your message?
(I tried the logban ftp file archive to get a copy but the message was
too recent. Is recent mail held anywhere before it is archived?)
Anyway - thanks for all the replies. I have tried something similar
to one of the suggestions of "tweaking" the spelling to get the right
sound. Clip-and-talk/Winspeech includes a dictionary lookup table that
lets you enter a "phonetic" spelling for words. But this assumes you
know how they should sound in the first place! It also cannot cope
with the "loCH"/"BaCH" sound.
| Graeme Dunbar |
| School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering |
| The Robert Gordon University |
| Schoolhill Tel. +44 1224 262415 |
| Aberdeen AB10 1FR Fax +44 1224 262444 |
| Scotland U.K. email g.r.a.dunbar@rgu.ac.uk |