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JBO: CONLANG: Conlang Travelers's Phrasebook

I had a go at translating the Phrasebook to lojban.  Any one have comments or

> 1. Hello
     .i coi.

> 2. How are you? (or similar greeting question)
     .i do mo
        You what-predication?

> 3. My name is...
     .i zo ... cmene mi
        Quote ... names me.  For single word names.

     .i lu ... li'u cmene mi
        Open-quote ... close quote names me.  For two or more word names.

> 4. What is your name?
     .i ma cmene do
        What names you?

> 5. I am lost.
     .i mi na djuno ledu'u mi zvati makau
        I not know the-predicate I at where-not-question.

> 6. Where am I?
     .i mi zvati ma
        I at where?

> 7. Where is...
     .i ... zvati ma
        ... at where?

>       a. the bathroom (WC/toilet/human waste collection center)?
       lo vimku'a
       the excretion-room

>       b. my luggage?
       lo li'urdakli po mi
       the travel-bags possessed by me

>       c. the tourist center?
       lo vi'erdi'u
       the visitor-building

>       d. the embassy?
       lo jasydi'u
       the diplomatic-building

> 8. I'm sorry.
     .i .u'u

> 9. Please
     .i pe'u.

> 10. Thank you!
      .i ki'e.

> 11. Help!
      .i ko sidju
         You-imperative assist!

> 12. I don't speak [language X] very well.
      .i mi na certu lenu tavla folo jbobau
         I not expert the-event-of talking in the Lojbanic-language

> 13. I don't understand.
      .i .uanai

> 14. Speak more slowly please.
      .i e'o do masno tavla
         Request! you slowly talk

> 15. It was my wife's/husband's idea to come here for vacation!
      .i lo fetspe/nakspe be mi stidi lenu vi klama tezu'e le nunsurvi'e
         The female-spouse/male-spouse of mi suggested the-event-of here come
         for purpose of the event-relaxation-visit

> 16. Could you recommend...
      .i e'o do stidi...
         Request! you suggest

>       a. a good restaurant?
       lo xamgu gusta
       a good restaurant

>       b. something good to eat?
       lo xamgu cidja
       a good food

>       c. a good hotel?
       lo xamgu xotli
       a good hotel

>       d. a good doctor?
       lo xamgu mikce
       a good doctor

> 17. That was a lovely meal. What was it?
      .i kukte sanmi .i la'edi'u selpau ma
         [Something] is a delicious meal.  That thing previously referred to
         includes what?

> 18. How much do we owe you...
      .i mi'a dejni ma do...
         We owe what to you for

>       a. for the meal?
       tu'alo sanmi
       something to do with the meal

>       b. for the room?
       tu'alo kumfa
       something to do with the room

>       c. for the things that we broke?
       tu'alo dacti poi porpi gau mi'a
       something to do with the objects that broke by us

> 19. How much did you say it cost again?
      .i ke'o.
         Please repeat.

> 20. You are joking, aren't you?
      .i zo'opei
         Humorously question?

> 21. I am sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.
      .i oiro'adai .u'u
         Complaint-social-empathy! repentance!

> 22. Our customs are very different from yours.
      .i lo tcaci be mi'a lo tcaci be do frica mutce
         The customs of us the customs of you differ much

> 23. I don't know anything about local politics, I'm afraid.
      .i mi na djuno filo diklo jecta .i .u'u
         I not know about the local polities.  Repentance!

> 24. Our guide did not tell us that there was a
> (revolution/war/soccer[football] championship) going on in this country.
      .i lo gidva be mi'a na cusku lesedu'u lenu
          (trubi'o/jamna/tipybolselkei terjvi) ca'a fasnu tu'ilo vi gugde
         The guide of us not express that the-event-of
          (government-change/war/kick-ball-game competition) is-actually
          happening at-site the here country

> 25. Thank you for your hospitality. We enjoyed our visit very much, but
> now we must be going home because we have many important things to do
> there.
      .i fi'idaido'u ki'e .i lenu mi'a vitke cu pluja mi'a .iku'i .ei mi'a
      xruti vo'a .iki'ubo lo vu selzu'e be mi'a vajni jo'u so'imei
         Hospitality-empathy! thanks!  The-event-of we visit is-pleasing to us.
         However, obligation! we return ourselves, because the there
         activities of us important and manifold.

ni'o co'omi'e dn.