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Re: ambiguity?

la paulos. cusku di'e

> Consider these two phrases:
> 1. la noi melbi kris.
> 2. la noiMELbikris.
> Note that "noiMELbikris." is a simple cmene in 2.
> I claim it is impossible to distinguish between them in
> spoken language.  Could anybody provide a refutation?
> (If not, relative clauses after selma'o LA introduce an
> ambiguity in Lojban and should be revised).

Your Example 1 is not valid, and needs to read

1a)	la noi melbi .kris.

Every name-word must be preceded by "la", "lai", "la'i",
"doi", or pause; the last case used to be thought rare
before new constructs and the recognition of older cases
like "la ba'e .djan." and "la .ui .djan.".

John Cowan						cowan@ccil.org
			e'osai ko sarji la lojban