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Opacity and "sisku"
There seems to have been some sort of confusion about the place
structure I proposed for "sisku", with a property in x2. This
did not mean that "sisku" was a search for properties, but rather
a structure of the form:
x1 searches for a thing/things with property x2 from field (set)
mi sisku le ka ce'u gerku
I search-for-something-with the property-of being-a-dog.
mi sisku le ka xunre
I search-for-something-with the property-of being-red.
mi sisku tu'a le sisku
I search for a searcher.
The actual place is transparent, because it's always a property
abstraction, and the miniature abstraction context created by "tu'a"
works here as with event abstractions to give us what we need with
one extra cmavo. By quantifying in, we get the minimal pair:
da poi bloti zo'u mi sisku le ka me da
There exists a boat X such that I search for something with
the property of being X.
mi sisku le ka [ce'u zo'u] ce'u bloti
I search-for-something-with the property-that {x : x is-a-boat}.
John Cowan cowan@ccil.org
e'osai ko sarji la lojban