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TECH: new cmavo

Here are the cmavo, in cmavo-list format, that have been assigned
since the current (6/13/94) cmavo list as posted at "powered".

 bi'e      BIhE     priority mex operator                     prefixed to 
mex operator to make it high-priority
 ce'e      CEhE     termset joiner                            joins terms 
into afterthought termsets
 ce'u      CEhU     unbound variable                          serves as 
free variable in abstraction bridi
 pe'e      PEhE     termset connective                        prefixed to 
jek to make termset connective
 va'e      MOI      scalar selbri                             convert 
number to scalar selbri; x1 is at (n)th position on scale x2

Here are the remaining unks:

bi'a bo'a bo'e bo'i bo'o bo'u
ja'u ju'e
zi'a zi'i zi'u

"re'u" is still reserved for "ordinal ROI", but I am going to argue
(in another posting) that it isn't correct or necessary.

John Cowan						cowan@ccil.org
			e'osai ko sarji la lojban