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Re: PLI: Cultural gismu

> >> And that latter point is why I don't feel it is out of line to have skoto
> >> cover both Irish and Scottish culture.  If one decides to permit it to
> >> cover Irish culture, one then makes lujvo to cover not only Irish, but also
> >> the
> >>  other cultures that will contrast with Irish, so as to leave the gismu
> >> likely to be a general term.
> >
> >.i ie .i ku'i mi stidi lenu zoi gi'uste Gaelic/Scottish gi'uste goi ko'a
> >noi ca xe fanva be zo skoto keiku binxo zoi gi'uste Celtic gi'uste
> >.ija'ebo lo'i skoto cu selcmi lai alb. .e lai .eir. .e lai keltiber. .e
> >lai gal. .e loi drata .imu'ibo loi sicko'o noi skotrneire na pe'i me
> >ko'a
> >
> >Yes, but I think we should change the gismu definition from
> >"Gaelic/Scottish" to "Celtic". That would permit {skoto} to include
> >--More--
> >the Scottish and Irish and Celtiberic (?) and Gallic (Gaulic? sp?)
> >and others. Because, Irish is IMHO definitely not Gaelic/Scottish!
> This is explicitly mentione din the gismu list.  We could change the
> "definition", but not the keyword (which as you may recall is not necessarily
> definitional) - the keyword "Scottish" is of course cognate, and the gismu
> list is baselined.

.iecai .i mi stidi lenu le mojvla na.e le xelfanva cu binxo .i mi djuno
ledu'u ro mojvla ca stodi

Of course. I didn't suggest that the keyword be changed, only the
definition. I know that keywords are not subject to change.

> This can be compared to the
> continued discussability of grammar changes because we haven;t so firmly
> closed the door.  The gismu-list stability is what most of the community seems
> to want before they will learn the language.

.i la'ede'u binxo na'eke mutce ja vajni besecau loi gugdrneire .e su'o
drata zo'o .i lenu binxo ca'o lo mentu belire cu cumki .i so'uda zgana

This is a small and fairly irrelevant change except to the Irish and some
others... :) It can be changed in two minutes, and almost nobody would
even notice it.

skoto kot     ko'o Scottish
x1 reflects Scottish/Irish/Gaelic/Celtic culture/nationality/language
in aspect x2
ab   1    [Irish (= sicko'o), Scottish (= sunko'o), Old Celtic (= dzeko'o),
Welsh (= nanko'o), Breton (= fasko'o);
(cf. brito, glico)

.i ta'o di'u se pamei loinu zo le'avla selsku va'o lo gi'uste .i ji'a ra
se pamei loinu ba'e zo fu'ivla selsku va'o lo gi'uste zo'o .i na'e logji

BTW, this is the only place in the gi'uste where the word "le'avla" is
mentioned. This is also the only place in the gi'uste where the word
"fu'ivla" is mentioned. A bit illogical, wouldn't you say?

co'o mi'e. goran.

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!n(+@) y+. GeekCode v2.1, modifications left to reader to puzzle out